
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Happy Thanksgiving!


Amazon Books

Well, it’s Turkey Day here in the States – that is, Thanksgiving Day – the day we celebrate all the things that we’re thankful for.

You, my friends, are right up there at the top of my List! I am so grateful for you – your inspiration, your encouragement, your interest in needle arts, and the general camaraderie that you’ve helped build around our little online community of Needle ‘n Thread.

You are what makes Needle ‘n Thread special, because without you, Needle ‘n Thread wouldn’t happen. It’s that simple.

Happy Thanksgiving, 2024

And it doesn’t matter where you are – whether you’re here in the States celebrating Thanksgiving (or not celebrating it), whether you’re 10,000 miles away going about a regular Thursday with no inclination to face a turkey dinner or watch a game of football or rake leaves – you’re still part of Thanksgiving! It’s a universal thing, gratitude, and I don’t think it’s relegated to any one holiday in any one country.

Thank you for being such an important part of my life!

Part of our family tradition here in Kansas is dinner together as a family. We normally do this at my sister’s house, and this year is no exception. Man Alive, am I ever thankful for her and her family! They are like a well-oiled Kitchen Machine when it comes to holiday preparations. My contribution is positively minimal. This year, it’s a charcuterie board and a dessert. I just show up and sort of melt in to the crowd of 30+…

But we are jogging a bit off the Conventional Path this year. Oh yes! We’re doing something incredibly different!

I don’t even know if we’ll live to tell the tale, so I better tell you now.

Yes. It’s true. We’ve having chicken for dinner instead of turkey.


Before all the fun of the day begins, I’m at the studio putting the finishing touches on our space for tomorrow’s Open House! I’m so excited! I can’t wait to share photos with you of our “new” studio set-up and our new windows and front door!

Needle ‘n Thread, located at 501 Bertrand Avenue in St. Marys, Kansas (right across from the Christmas tree lot on the main street through town) will be open from 1:00 – 6:00 PM on Friday, November 29 and Saturday, November 30th. We will also be open next weekend on Friday and Saturday, from 1:00 – 6:00.

If you’re in NE Kansas and Surrounds (or even further abroad) and want to make a little trip out to see us, we would love to meet you in person! You can read more details about the event here, as well as other holiday going-on in the area.

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! I will see you on Monday!


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(9) Comments

  1. We are switching it up even further this year so not to worry. With just a couple of us didn’t want the hassle of a turkey. We decided on a Spiral Ham! No matter the food , enjoy time together with loved ones.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving all!!

    I am so thankful that I finally got to order some Needle’n’Thread beeswax petites, I’ve been ogling those since their first limited-time offering! (But I suppressed my greedy instincts and only ordered one box, leaving more for others. šŸ™‚ )

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you Mary, and to everybody else. In my neck of the woods (upstate New York) we’re not raking leaves – we’re shoveling snow! Our first of the year, and it’s a doozy – 7-8 inches of heavy, wet stuff that came down fast and furious. So praying for safe travel for all those who are going to mooch turkey from someone else!

    Don’t know what to say to Mary’s family doing chicken. Are you stuffing the little things? You have to have stuffing!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Mary!
    Iā€™m grateful for the many years of kindness and cheer you have given me as part of this community.

  5. Dearest Mary,

    Happy Holidays and thanks to you for the Christmas stocking kit!! I am on stocking number 5 and learning a great deal. Unfortunately, for the last 2 days I have been unable to play your videos. They just keep buffering… I suspect the problem is on your end as all videos on my other sites are playing as requested. I don’t know how I could survive without your help. Thank you so much for what you do.

    1. Hi, Earlene – thanks for your note! I’m sorry I didn’t see this comment sooner. The videos are operational on this end, so hopefully whatever difficulty you were running into yesterday has been rectified. Thanks again!

  6. Hi Mary, I have written you twice (with different topics), but maybe you haven’t read it yet? Please let me know your response!

    1. Hi, Laura – I hope this response comes through to you. When I search my inbox, I have no recent email from you. The most recent email from you that I have in my inbox is from six years ago (2018)!! Yikes! I’m not sure how to remedy that – you’re not in my spam filter, either. :-/

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