
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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A Pretty Little Embroidered Band


Amazon Books

Howdy ho and Happy Wednesday! I’m just popping in today with another little sneak peek – a pretty little embroidered band that coordinates with the bullion bits we looked at on Monday.

I can’t wait to show you how these will all come together!

Guilloche Stitch band - embroidery

This decorative band stitch is called Guilloche stitch. It’s a composite stitch, which means it’s made up of several different stitches combined to make one decorative band. It’s called “Guilloche Stitch,” but it’s made up of several stitches, as you can see.

Guilloche stitch is composed of stacks of running stitch foundations, behind which a thread is laced in both directions to form opposing waves that result in a series of almost-circular elements. Stem stitch lines are stitched on each side of the laced band, and French knots are worked inside each laced circle.

You can find a tutorial for Guilloche Stitch here.

In that tutorial, I used perle cotton for all the elements. In today’s version, I’m using stranded cotton (DMC floss). Any thread will work!

And, of course, the band lends itself well to expansion. In the photo above, the original band is edged on each side by chain stitch that’s been whipped on the outer edge.

There’s still a little work to do with this band, but you’ll have to wait to see the final version!

Beads and Charms, Purples and Greens

We’ve also been playing with beads and charms and pretty sparkly things.

I do so love the combination of purple and green. And I love sparkly things. Needless to say, this photo of sparkly purple and green things sets my little heart a-patter!

The First Interruptions of 2024

Studio Life has already hit its first snag for 2024. We’ve had a bit of a weather interruption this week, coupled with the sore throat slog. Anna and I were both out for yesterday’s snow day – everything around here was shut down – and today, I’m staying home, babying a sore throat and head cold.

I’m sure we’ll catch up, but if I duck out for a bit, it’s just to finish getting over this cold. I really don’t want to go out and share with anyone. Gaaaah! Timing! Ah well. This too shall pass, as my mother always said! And she was right – it will. One way or another!

I have my mittens to work on… and if my head can emerge from this cloudy slog of congested bliss, I’ll manage some computer work and email catch-up.

Stay warm, my friends!


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(6) Comments

  1. Hi Mary! I wish you a speedy recovery–I too was sick with a cold all through Christmas, start to end I would say it took about 10 days, so rest up and take some time to recover. By the way….there’s another part to “this too shall pass” that my friend told me: “This too shall pass; it might pass like a kidney stone, but it WILL pass.”

  2. Hope you feel better soon! The green and purple combination is lovely and I’ll be looking forward to reading more about the project.

  3. I’m sorry to hear that you are under the weather and I hope that you feel better soon!

    The mittens are looking fabulous and I can’t wait to see the final project!

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