Ready-to-Stitch Sets are Back … and a book!


Amazon Books

Now that we’ve gotten into the hang of working in our new space, we’ve been able to turn our attention to getting some ready-to-stitch goods back in stock.

For those who aren’t familiar with our ready-to-stitch towel sets, we offer flour sack towels in sets of three, with coordinating designs already printed on them so that, when you get them, they’re ready for stitching. Some of the sets have the same design on all three towels, and some have variations of the design, or of a theme, on each of the tree towels.

Ready to Stitch Garden Party towel set

We started producing these towel sets several years ago as an option for folks who want something relaxing to stitch, that allows them to play around with their own stitch and color preferences. The ready-to-stitch sets are accessible, fun, beginner-and-beyond friendly, usable, giftable – and all without the effort of choosing or drawing designs, transferring, and so forth.

These aren’t complete kits. They don’t come with thread or with specific stitching instructions. For most of the designs, I have highlighted stitched examples of them on the blog and offered color and stitching ideas.

For example, the design above is from my Garden Party set, which I wrote about here. In the article, I listed the colors I used to stitch the set and talked a bit about choosing stitches.

You can find the articles relating to the ready-to-stitch towel sets in this list of articles here.

Floral Corners Ready to Stitch Towels

With some of the designs, I have downloadable instructional PDFs available – specifically, Floral Corners and Festive Fall.

These e-books are offered as a guide for stitching this type of pre-finished project, using the specific projects as the examples. The concepts that they cover can applied to any similar projects, with details about the basics of stitching pre-finished goods (like towels) and achieving good results.

Besides learning what stitches and what colors to use on the specific projects, you’ll learn how to keep the back neat, how to carry threads, how to start and end threads in the least visible ways, how to combine colors, and so forth.

Glad Tidings ready to stick towel set

We had hoped to have a variety of the towel sets available for you before this past Christmas, but you know how things go! We were in such a mess with moving and everything that all production of extras got put on hold.

But glory be! Now we have more pace for storage and room to work!

Ready to Stitch Towel Sets: Autumn Variety

While we haven’t yet re-stocked every ready to stitch set, we are moving towards getting them all back in stock, and we’ll be adding available sets as we finish each batch.

If you love the ready-to-stitch sets and you’ve been waiting for them, then, keep an eye out on this section of the shop.

There are some sets available there now. Our plan is to stock them as we can, according to a production schedule, and hopefully, this way we can keep them in stock for you throughout the year.

(And we might even have some other designs in the works – but shhhhh! That would be telling!)

Flowers for Elizabeth

Flowers for Elizabeth

Susan O’Connor’s book Flowers for Elizabeth also happens to be in stock now. Yay!! I’m so excited for this book to be out again, and all new and shiny!

You may remember the original Embroidered Flowers for Elizabeth published in 2010 (I reviewed it here). The new edition features more designs, more projects, finishing instructions, all new photography, materials lists, patterns, and a thorough stitch glossary. It’s gorgeous!

If you’ve been as eagerly awaiting it as I have, you’ll be happy to know it’s available now, too!

So many good things going on in the embroidery world. It makes me happy!

I hope you have a lovely weekend!


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(4) Comments

  1. The flour sack towels look wonderful!

    I wanted to say thank you for publishing some designs electronically for your international fans. I recently finished the tulips and tweets design that you made available to patreons and it’s so bright and cheery! My neighbour has been having health issues that have made it challenging to leave the house this winter so I gifted it to her. She loves it and has placed it where she can see it every day! You are spreading happiness and reminders that spring is coming all over, even places where today’s temperature is -40 with windchill.

    PS I think instead of “Now we have more pace for storage and room to work” you meant Now we have more _s_pace for storage and room to work.

  2. Dear Mary

    It’s great that ready to stitch kits are back in stock. They look lovely and such pretty designs.
    Flowers for Elizabeth book looks interesting and the photos you have showed of the projects are beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing with us the ready stitch kits and for reviewing Susan O’Connor books Flowers for Elizabeth.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  3. Hi Mary,
    I’m wondering how many threads you used on the flour sack towels pictured above.

    Also, PLEASE bring back the kit for The Leafy Tree!!

    I enjoy your blog!!

    1. The Leafy Tree kit will be available this year. 🙂 Just have to do some polishing.

      On the towels, for bolder lines, I use 3 strands, and for most everything else, I use two. Occasionally – and it’s pretty rare, but for small details – I’ll use one. So, on Glide Tidings, I used one strand for the angel faces, for example. On Garden Party, I think I used one strand for the lady antennae. But usually, on larger elements with bolder lines, it’s 3 and on pretty much everything else, it’s 2.

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