
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Floss Trucking & Visitors!


Amazon Books

It was the perfect end to the holiday season.

Come Monday morning, I knew that the time had come to take down the hastily-prepared and seldom-enjoyed Christmas decorations, but I didn’t want to. This year, the Christmas season didn’t seem very holiday-ish. Everything went by in a blur. So, early that morning, I found myself thinking that I don’t really want to end Christmas just yet. “We need to do something to mark the season here at work,” I said to myself. Something aside from slapping up some last-minute decor and then squishing it all away into a box, forgotten until next year.

I didn’t know what to do, so I put on some light Christmas jazz and started the day, Christmas lights twinkling in the window and the world madly rushing by once more according the expected rhythm of life.

The sun rose and the morning commute traffic slowed down. The Christmas lights turned off. I turned down the music. Anna arrived for work. We turned our attention to making a gazillion twists of thread while planning the next few months.

The clock ticked towards noon.

And then it happened! A First in the history of Needle ‘n Thread! And when I think about it, the perfect end to the holiday season!

What happened, you ask?

Why, the Floss Truck arrived!

Floss Truck

Just before noon, we heard a knock on the shipping door (which happens to be the only door that’s unlocked during the day – long story for another time!).

And in walked Patricia and her husband Ed, from North Carolina! Our very first visitors to our new studio (or our old one, for that matter), outside of my own family members and a local friend or two.

Not being used to out of town visitors that I’ve only “met” online, I am sorely kicking myself for not taking pictures! It was a landmark event, after all! First Visitors!

Patricia and Ed are a lovely and vivacious couple from North Carolina who have family in the Kansas City area and were traveling between KC and Wilson Lake in north central Kansas.

Floss Truck

Patricia makes these fabulous little Floss Trucks for her stitching friends. They are cleverly conceived tractor-trailers of wood.

Floss Truck

The cargo is precious to any stitcher! A cargo of floss, wound onto the wooden bobbins that fit the trailer perfectly.

Floss Truck

Wind your current project’s colors onto the bobbins, fill up the trailer, prop the trailer on your work station, and you have a handy and unique storage system for your threads while you stitch!

It’s inventive and really, really cute!

I can’t wait to set up my next project’s threads on here and put the Floss Truck to good use.

Floss Truck

Of course, it’s front and center on my cubby wall in the meantime!

Anna and I had a great visit with Patricia and Ed! We found out that they – and many of Patricia’s stitching friends (knitters and quilters) – live in the same vicinity as my own sister in North Carolina, and that they frequent the same knitting and quilting shops. Small world! We also found out some rather intriguing things we didn’t know about Kansas. For example, Wilson Lake (a reservoir about 2.5 hours west of us) is worth a visit. But better yet, we found out that Lucas, Kansas, just north of Wilson, has some rather uncommon and humorously delightful restroom facilities. Definitely the stuff of road trip destinations. Who knew?!

Thank you so much, Patricia, for the Floss Truck, but even more, for the personal delivery! It was so much fun to meet you and Ed!

My friends, you might think I’m strangely enthusiastic about this meeting. The truth is, we haven’t had much of a chance to meet folks involved in the Needle ‘n Thread community face-to-face over the years.

I am now even more motivated to move along our studio plans so that we can have regular times where people can drop in by appointment. Even if it’s just for a short chat, it’s a great way to meet people and put faces to names! It’s so important to connect to people face to face, I think. It’s not always possible, true. But interaction between real people with common interests is part of what it means to be human – and it’s a very healthy thing!

Our visitors were the perfect end to the holiday season and the perfect beginning of a New Year!


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(19) Comments

  1. Oh, how lovely. What a lovely post, what a lovely little floss truck, what a lovely beginning to a new year! Thanks so much for the smile. I so much would like to meet you some day if we ever get to your neck of the woods. (We had a trip to Kansas planned before all the covid stuff. ). I agree, an actual meeting of folks with the same loves is so good for the heart and soul…
    God bless, and Happy New Year to you and Anna!

  2. Hi Mary,
    Best wishes for a Happy New Year! Your new Floss Truck is very cute! I am also intrigued by the wooden carousel behind it on the shelf you pictured–that looks like a handy piece and one of which I could make good use. Any story behind it and/or where I might find one?
    Thanks–you’re the best!

    1. Hi, Susan, That’s a thread carousel – that’s what I call it, anyway – for holding spools. I picked it up from someone selling it through Facebook marketplace or somewhere like that. It’s not new, but it’s not an antique, either. The rods lift out so you can put spools on them and reinsert them, and then you just pull the thread off the spool as you need it. It’s handy if you do a lot of work with spooled threads.

  3. So does Patricia offer her darling trucks for sale? Seems like now you’ve shown yours and talked about this wonderful woman who makes them — and given us pictures . . .

  4. A Floss Truck – How delightful!! Are you going to post a link where we can order one? Or perhaps carry them in your online shop?

  5. What a fun visit! You must get out and explore Kansas. There is a great guide that has been put out by the Kansas Sampler Foundation. We have the 1st and second guide book. Full of places to see, visit, eat and explore. Dare to do dirt!

  6. What a wonderful blessing! Our Heavenly Father knows when we need a special visit from friends or an unexpected treat which reminds us that He cares about our concerns.
    The floss truck is so clever. You have given so much to others. What a useful reminder that others appreciate what you and your friend do.
    Happy New Year!

  7. What a terrific little truck with floss to sit nearby why you are creating a stitching! Absolutely a delightful!

  8. Is it possible to order the floss trucks? New grandson, whose mom is stitching, could use it til he’s big enough to play with it.

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