
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Restoring & Conserving Embroidery & Other Textiles


Amazon Books

Today’s article is more of a Public Service Announcement than anything else – but it may also provide you with a weekend rabbit hole for further exploration of all kinds of topics.

I can’t tell you how many people have reached out to me over the years to ask how to clean, repair, restore, fix, or conserve a precious piece of embroidery that they’ve usually inherited from someone they love. When time, use, or environment have wrought havoc on an important textile that you want to keep because it has special meaning to you, what do you do?

Earlier this week, an article from Piecework caught my eye. It answers similar questions from the expert’s point of view, with helpful suggestions and resources.

piecework magazine online

Piecework’s website features a wide array of textile-related topics that focus on all kinds of needlework, from embroidery to lace making to knitting and crochet… and much more! It’s a widely varied lot of good stuff to read, if you have an interest in textiles.

This week, they offer a really good article on When and Where to Find a Textile Conservator, by Isabella Rossi. Her blog is Spinster Conservation, and even though I’m neither a spinner nor a conservator, I find it fascinating to read.

The article on the Piecework website talks about what you can do if your precious textiles are deteriorating and where you can take them to get help – to clean, restore, and prevent further deterioration. She provides resources in the US, the UK, and Australia.

If you’ve been musing over a beloved and valuable (either monetarily or sentimentally) textile that’s seen better days, take a look at the article. It’ll give you a starting point to explore options for reviving or conserving the piece.

But There’s More!

There’s so much to read on the Piecework website! This week’s offerings include an article on the history and development of huck embroidery, and a tutorial for two-sided Italian cross-stitch (Assisi work, anyone?).

If you like Piecework, they have a variety of subscription options for the magazine, and for various levels of access to their websites and online content. But even if you aren’t a subscriber, their website offers a plethora of good needlework information, and it’s just fun to explore.

I hope you have an opportunity to take a look at it. It makes for a great weekend meander!

(There’s no affiliation here. I just enjoy the content they offer on their website!)

Coming Up

It’s really hard to believe that September is waning so quickly. Good grief!

This week we’ve been trying to get some goldwork done, while also preparing kits, organizing threads, photographing and sorting new items for the online shop, working on embroidery designs for an upcoming publication, and putting plans in place for moving. So there are many, many things coming up.

Truth is, I had to tell you what I’m supposed to do next, I couldn’t. I don’t even know where I put The List.

Oh, thank goodness for Friday, right?


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(3) Comments

  1. I own a piece of textile art, a wall hanging of a mother and child composed of several types of fabric, thread and floss, sequins, and beads (some wooden) plus a long hank of human hair, probably from one of my maternal relatives.

    The thought of doing more then the most careful spot cleaning is daunting.

  2. Piecework has been a treasure from Day One. It’s definitely not a project magazine, but love it for the history of needlework. I’m so glad they haven’t changed focus over the years. Sadly the last issue has had only a fast look through so far, I hope to remedy that on the next too-rainy to weed day.
    Thank you for the link to Ms Rossi’s blog, I’ll be reading it often.
    Even though I’m retired, Friday is still looked forward to.

  3. I have subscribed to Piecework since 1994; I read every article in every magazine. The articles tend to be about crafts in different countries with a cultural and/or historical perspective. It is a great publication if you are into any type of hand work. It also offers projects that reflect the different types of needlework. It is simply a wonderful publication.

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