
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Hoops and Linens and Towels – Oh My!


Amazon Books

Happy Monday, my friends!

It’s hard to believe that June has slipped away once more and we’re facing High Summer here on the Plains. Why is it always a surprise when July arrives?

Especially for those wise embroiderers who like to stitch ahead for the seasons, I have some exciting news for you! I’ve been really busy stocking those new utility shelves that went up a couple weeks ago, so I thought I’d send out a quick announcement to let you know what’s available and to tell you what’s coming!

Embroidery Supplies in stock, June 2021

Last week, I sent out advanced notices on the “Sqrounds” – that is, the square round hoops – that have finally arrived!

I reviewed these square-round hoops several months ago, and they proved to be high in demand, so I brought in as many as I could. After all, a good embroidery hoop is a tool that will last for a long, long time, and I want you to have the same feeling of comfortable reliability and pleasure that I have every time I use this thing!

These hoops don’t fall into the category of the square or rectangle hoops available today – and which I don’t generally love, as they never seem to hold at the corners.

And they don’t fall into the category of round or oval hoops.

They are, in short, square-round. An oxymoron, for sure, but nevertheless, it describes them pretty well!

I think their secrets to success can be found in the double hardware – a unique aspect to the hoop – and in the fact that they are a perfect size. They give you the comfortable holding size of a smaller round hoop, with more scope, width-wise. They fit perfectly on the “How to Embroider (Blank)” series motifs that we’ve been working through. I like them for most medium sized projects.

I really love them for the ready-to-stitch towel sets. They give me more hoop room, without taking up the edge room of a round hoop.

So those are in the shop now, if you’re interested in investing in a hoop that will serve you well.

Linen Sample Packs

If you’ve been dying to try out different types of beautiful linen for fine hand embroidery, the linen sample packs in white are available again. They include the white I used as a ground fabric on the mini sampler stockings, as well as several bright white linens suitable for various types of hand embroidery. You can read more about them in the product description in the shop and in this article.

The natural sold out this weekend, but I will re-stock those as soon as we can get more linen in and prepare it. If you want to grab the whites, now’s a good time!

Christmas in July

Well, it isn’t quite July, but almost! And if you like the prepare Christmas embroidery well in advance – maybe make some gifts or something for your own home – all the ready-to-stitch Christmas themed towels sets are back in stock right now.

This includes Christmas Cheer, Let it Snow, Holly & Evergreen, and the folk-styled cross stitch design sets Folky Flakes and Vinterfolk.

I’ve also got the autumn-themed towels in stock, if you’re eager to stitch for autumn, and pretty much all the spring and summer floral designs in stock as well.

Whew! That was a lot of preparation! If you’ve been waiting for them, now’s a good opportunity to stock up on ready-to-stitch towel sets!

You will find all of these available here in my shop today.

Are You in Canada?

Right now, I can ship the square-round hoops and the linen fabric sample packs to Canada, for those who have asked. If you are purchasing one hoop and the linen sampler packs, I can add up to two towel sets for the same cost of priority shipping.

If you want to combine those, go ahead and order your hoop or linen samples (or both) and then drop me an email about any towel sets you would like to add, if you want.

I can’t ship books for the same price, but I can add up to two ready-to-stitch towel sets with one hoop and one or two linen packs. If you’re ordering more than one hoop, I can probably only add one towel set. Just drop me a line if you’re interested in adding towel sets and we can work it out.

The Kits

For those who have inquired, yes, the mini-sampler stocking kits will be in stock, and hopefully before the summer is over. I am waiting on some of the threads. The supply lines are still a little slow, so we do what we can. Everything else is ready to go, so once the threads are in, I will certainly let you know.

So that’s where we are at this point for the summer! We’ve been super busy getting all this prepared, but once we ship today and tomorrow, we’ll be back to some serious stitchery before we return to preparing stock again.

And speaking of stitching, we’re starting on grapes this Wednesday. I can’t wait!

See you then!


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(6) Comments

  1. Hi Mary! I am hoping you can help me with what I am doing wrong. This is the second time I asked to be notified when the natural linen sample packs became available and never received a notice 🙁 The first I heard that they had been available is in today’s post saying they were sold out. Can you help me with this situation? I know you have lots of followers and will do your best to provide one for everyone who wants to buy one. Thanks for any help you can give me and for ALL you do for the stitching world. You’re the best! Lauranne

    1. Hi, Lauranne – If you emailed me to be placed on the advanced notice list, I sent you an advanced notice email. Some email service providers filter emails like this to spam, so you might have to check your spam filter, or they block the email altogether. You’ll need to make sure my email address is in your approved contacts list. If you left your requests for advanced notice on the website or any other way, I can’t really send an advanced notice email that way. You’ll need to email me and request to be put on the advanced notice list for whichever product you’re interested in. Hope that helps!

  2. Hi Mary, It’s actually snowing here in NZ at the moment. High Summer for you equates to Depths of Winter here for us in the Southern Hemisphere. The snowflakes are totally appropriate. I do so love reading your posts, but it is sad when you are advertising such yummy stuff and it is out of reach of us that would need International Postage. But I guess that is a small quibble compared to the enjoyment I get from the rest of your site.

  3. Hi Mary,
    I am not sure if I am on the list to get the advance notice for the little stocking kits. If not please include me- they are so darn cute!

    1. Hi, Barb – to be placed on the advanced notice lists, I need to receive an email from you mentioning the product you’d like advanced notice about. Thanks!

  4. Dear Mary

    The sqrounds hoops look great and I bet they are a good quality hoop, it’s a shame we can’t purchase them here in the UK I would love to own one. It’s very hard to buy good quality hoops here. Are you able to send the linen packs internationally, as I would love to receive the pack. Thank you for sharing with us the items in your shop and for the review on the hoops.

    Regards Anita Simmance

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