
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Sea to Stitch – Project Index


Amazon Books

It’s Organization Time!

In an attempt to keep things a bit organized, and to help folks who are looking to find the whole collection of articles on the Sea to Stitch monogram that I began embroidering at the end of last year, here’s an index for all the articles in this project.

A quick update on the project: I had hoped to show you the finish at the end of last week. That was the article planned for Friday which never appeared. Many obstacles collided at the same time, and I didn’t get the stitching finished. So it’s still languishing out there, somewhere seaward!

I’ve also run into a little problem on it that I hope to solve this week. I will tell you about it once I work through some possible solution.

Sea to Stitch monogram M - embroidered seashell

The photo above is the final seashell on the monogram. That’s a fun one! We will talk more about it soon, too.

Sea to Stitch Index of Articles

Below, you’ll find all the articles related to this project, in chronological order as the appeared on the website. You can go back through them and follow along, if you’re stitching your own version or if you’re just wondering about the development of the project and other details.

A Sea to Stitch – by Elisabetta Sforza – this is my review of the book that this project comes from. You can read what the book is all about and see details of the projects within.

Gathering Materials – what threads and other materials I worked with on my interpretation of the monogram

First stitching update – wherein I made the foolhardy exclamation that I planned to be finished with it by the end of January. We also talk about size.

Changing Colors – mixing up my color decisions and experimenting with options. Also some talk about stitch choices, weight of threads and stitching, and so forth.

She Sews Seashells – the embroidered seashells begin.

Stitching a Striped Shell – several times over! This shell has given me a little grief. I may (or may not) eventually re-work it.

Stitching a Crusty Starfish – building up some padding and French knots. Lots of knots!

Sea to Stitch monogram M - embroidered seashell

I’ll add the rest of the articles for this project to the index as I finish working through the project and share developments with you.

My plan is also to chat about the finish into a final display piece, so I’ll take you on that journey, too.

I’m not going to be rash and promise a deadline again. Too many lobsters in the pot right now, and they’re all vying for my attention!

This index will be listed under “Tips & Techniques” in the main menu on Needle ‘n Thread, under Hand Embroidery Lessons & Step-by-Step Projects.” Any time you want to revisit the project, you’ll find it there. You’ll also find numerous embroidery lessons and projects that I’ve written about over the years. If you’re new to Needle ‘n Thread, have a browse!


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(4) Comments

  1. Mary, I was thrilled when I saw this post this morning!!! I decided to go ahead and work one of these beautiful letters. I have to admit the book was a wee bit confusing to me and ran right to your website for guidance. Not seeing a completed project I assumed you were still working on it. Yet, reading the articles that you have posted already. After reading the book I thought I had better break down and get a better embroidery stand. Thank you for this update on A Sea to Stitch and very much looking forward to seeing your completed project. I appreciate you always working the kinks out for us as we dive into these projects. Enjoy your day !

  2. I am really interested in this book…could you put me on a list to let me know when you have more available? fascinating stitching…

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