
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Kit Re-Runs: Leafy Tree, Stockings, & You?


Amazon Books

Well, well – a Glorious Wednesday to you! Things have been hopping here in the studio this week. I keep thinking the pace is bound to slow down, but it doesn’t.

Among various other tasks, I’ve been pulling out my ordering lists to re-run kits that I’ve already produced, that you might be interested in.

I’ve had a couple requests for the Leafy Tree kit and the Mini Sampler Stockings kits. I’d like to get the opinion of a wider audience, so I thought I’d ask you!

Embroidered Tree with Large Leaves

Is the Leafy Tree a kit you would like to have available again? Is it a kit you would be interested in purchasing?

There would be a few alterations in the kit: the ground fabric originally used is no longer available, so I would substitute a new linen. In fact, one of the beautiful white linens from my white linen sampler pack is perfect for this design!

I’d also be kitting different embroidery threads.

And finally, the transfer method for the design would also be slightly different, as I’ve changed to a different process in that regard since the last time I ran the kit.

Embroidered Tree with Large Leaves

If you want to weigh in on this question, please do comment below!

In the meantime, if you’re not interested in the kit itself or if you are an international reader, but you are interested in the project, it’s available as an e-book here.

Mini Sampler Christmas Stocking Ornaments from Needle 'n Thread

The second kit I’m thinking about as a re-run is the Mini Sampler Christmas Stockings kit from last year.

What think you?

Mini Sampler Christmas Stockings

I have to admit, these are possibly my favorite kits so far! They’re a little time consuming to put together, but wow. They’re so fun!

The projects themselves don’t take too long to make, because they’re small, and they have the lovely advantage of being sampler-esque, so you get to try all kinds of different stitches and combinations. And then, of course, there’s the Bling. Beads! Charms! Metallics!

If you have thoughts on this one, chime in below, too.

I’m debating about both, and if I’m going to do them, I’ve got to get on it now. It takes a while to order and get supplies in, and then to prepare the supplies and whatnot.

I need the collective brain of all of you to help me make a decision.


And Other News

Yesterday, I contacted all the advanced notice lists for a couple products that have been restocked and that are in the shop right now, so today, it’s open season on those!

Home Sweet Home: 10th Anniversary Edition

Home Sweet Home is back in stock – and likely to be the last stock I can carry. There’s apparently no more stock for wholesale purchase in the US. Popular book, this!

White Linen Sampler Pack for Embroidery

The white linen sampler pack is also available, for those who want the opportunity to try out four exquisite white hand embroidery linens.

You can read about both of these – the book and the white linen sampler pack – here, if you want to see what they’re all about.

And you’ll find them both available right now in my shop. They ship today, if purchased before noon central time.

The natural linen sampler pack was in stock until just a few minutes ago this morning – the last one just sold. I will restock the natural, so if you want a heads-up, contact me via email or this contact form. I’m more likely to restock a larger quantity, if I know people are waiting for it.

The Square-Round embroidery hoop

For those who are on the advanced notice list for this “sqround” hoop that I love the guts out of, do not despair! They are coming! I have a good sized order in, and I’m hoping they will be here in the beginning of June. As soon as I know a more precise date, you’ll get an email!

A Note on Stocking Supplies & Kits

Oh golly, how I wish I could stock infinite quantities at my fingertips to send to you as soon as you want something.

Alas, it can’t work that way for my itsy-bitsy-teeny-tiny business. I don’t have space and I don’t have the financial wherewithal to stock large-large quantities of things.

I try to gauge how popular a possible kit or embroidery item will be, and then I order what I can, within my budget, with storage space in mind. Even if most of it sells out quickly, it has to go somewhere when it arrives! I’d like to expand to a larger space, but I’m limited to what’s available in my small town.

So, while I know it is frustrating to find things sold out, please know that I will do my best to restock the things you want!

I keep email lists so that I can contact you when items are back in stock, so if something you want is out of stock, just drop me a line and I’ll put you on the advanced notice list for that thing.

For example, if you want a Leafy Tree kit or you want a Mini Sampler Stockings kit, drop me a line now! That way, I can contact you once they’re available later this year (if I do them). You can do that with any tangible product in my shop.

Shipping Internationally

My dear international friends, I am ever-so-sorry that I don’t generally ship internationally. I’m not able to sell tangible goods to the UK or EU at this moment. There are new tax laws already in effect for the UK and soon to be for the EU, and I don’t have the wherewithal to contend with those at the moment.

Perhaps in the future – but with the cost of international shipping climbing ever higher, and my international customer base subsequently very low, it is a dilemma. Financially, it doesn’t make sense to invest in all the requirements for selling internationally, as well as the accounting involved when it comes to filing taxes with the different countries.

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only small business in this situation. If I find a solution, you’ll be the first to know! And if you know of a solution that is legal and above-board, feel free to let me know!

And that is it. I needed to get these thoughts out to you, and hopefully get your feedback on what you would like. If you have some feedback you want to share, join the conversation by leaving a comment here on the website or drop me a line!

As always, thank you! Your insight is so appreciated!


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(198) Comments

  1. I was disappointed to miss out on these kits last time. I would definitely be interested in ordering from Australia.

    1. Hi, Anne – I had to leave a sad, sad message at the end of today’s post about international shipping. It’s a problem, that’s for sure!

  2. Hi Mary,
    I would be interested in ordering the Leafy Tree kit, so please add me to the list.
    Best to you,
    Harriet Alonso

    1. Hi, Harriet – If you want to be on an advanced notice list, you’ll have to contact me via email. It’s an email list, and I need your email to reply to. Thanks!

  3. Commented too soon! The sampler stockings are so cute. I would love to see these available, too.

  4. Yes, I’d love to see those two kits again! I have the tree but would love to get the stockings!

  5. I would jump at the opportunity to buy your leafy tree kit! Please include me if that ever becomes a reality. Your work inspires me to both do more embroidery and to do higher quality embroidery. Thank you for all that you do.

  6. Please Please Please do the stockings again. It’s really hard for me to hit when they go on sale as I own a store and they often go on sale on Saturday morning. Last year I missed out. I really want to make these. I think it will be a great5 way to try out new threads. Thanks!

  7. Will you ship to Canada I would love to get some of your items look forward to your e mails each week and thanks for sharing such beautiful items for us to make.


  8. I would be interested in the Leafy tree kit and an SGround hoop.

    I am enjoying your Stitch Fun ideas!


  9. Mary,

    I would definitely be interested in purchasing the Leafy Tree Kit if it was available once again.


  10. I love the look of the Leafy Tree – but, it’s a lot of stitching in a very small area.

    That said, I think it would be fun to do all 4 seasons so they could be displayed throughout the year. That might necessitate a different color linen for winter to accommodate snow on the branches and of course different threads for each season.

  11. Hi Mary. Just want to note that I am never troubled by your waiting list system when you need to order more of things. I have used it a number of times and the process has always run smoothly. Sure, I am excited to get the products in hand, but probably like most embroiderers I am never at a loss of things to do or to work with. I truly appreciate your small, accessible, friendly business!

  12. I missed the stocking kits before and even though I bought the ebook I’d love the bundle so will be trying to watch and respond promptly ❤️

  13. Hi Mary,
    Please add me to your Leafy Tree Kit list. I would love to purchase one when you have them back in stock.
    Thank you.

    1. Can you drop me a line, Eileen, or reply to this comment when it lands in your inbox, so I can add you to the advanced notice list? I can’t add blog comments, only emails to the list. Thanks!

  14. So sad you are unable to post to the UK, I used to have a friend who would buy the odd item for me then post on but sadly she is no longer with us. Hope you will be able to in the future

  15. Hi Mary,
    I really don’t embroider. I have done some [very simple] in the past, but now I’m primarily a quilter and cross-stitcher. If there was ever a kit that I would love to try, it’s The Leafy Tree! It’s STUNNING!! I was sorry I didn’t pull the trigger & order it when you had it in stock before. This time I won’t hesitate! Yes, please offer this kit again!!

  16. Love the tree and would purchase the kit. In a perfect world, I would purchase your finished tree. 🙂

  17. I controlled myself on the first round, Mary, but I would buy the stocking kit if you offered it again!

    All the best,


  18. A tree using a broad spectrum of bright colors — turning it into a rainbow tree — would be of interest to me and perhaps to others.

  19. Hi Ms.Corbet,
    I’m new to embroidering and heard about you from my aunt. I read your articles but have yet to purchase anything. I have done a few needlepoint ornaments and cross stitch pillows but am interested to expand my embroidery skills.
    I’m interested in your tree kit (above) and Christmas sampler ornament (also above). Do your kits come with the pattern already on the fabric with all of the necessary floss and needles?
    How much are the kits?
    Also, do you have cross stitch kits as well?

    1. Hi, Linda – it depends on the design. The stockings don’t really require a design (just the pattern shape), but the Leafy Tree, yes, the pattern is pre-transferred. You can check out my shop for the types of kits I offer. You’ll also find the pricing, etc., even on the out-of-stock kits, to get an idea of price and kit contents: https://shop.needlenthread.com/products

  20. Please offer the mini Christmas stockings again!
    If you do, please email me when the kits and instructions are available:

    Your work is inspirational.

    Kathy Fielder
    Denton, Texas

    1. Hi, Kathy – if you could drop me a line or reply to this when it lands in your inbox, I can put you directly on the advanced notice list. I can’t put blog comments on the advanced notice list – they have to come via email. Thanks!

  21. Its difficult to think of planning for Christmas projects and decorating in the nearly middle of summer and 80+ degrees outside (here in Florida), but I would love to purchase a stocking kit to work on between other projects and have it completed by December. Sadly, I missed out on them last year.

    1. I get where you’re coming from, Tamara (having lived in Florida through my high school years). Whew. Too hot to think about Christmas!

  22. A little trivia – Just sent you a message about a hoop – my mother was a Mary Corbet before she married my dad – so I always remember your name!

  23. I would love to see the Leafy Tree kit reissued. Would it still have silk threads in the kit. Interested in the cost of the new kit too?

    Thank You


  24. Just wanted to add my name to your list for making “The Leafy Tree” kit available again. I would love to see this entire kit in your shop again! Thanks for considering it!

    1. If you drop me a line with a request to be on the advanced notice list, I’ll let you know at that time how things are for shipping to Canada.

  25. Hi Mary
    I am one of your Canadian patreons and I understand shipping & custom costs are horrendous. Would the Christmas Stocking patterns or any of your kit patterns be sold as a download for the pattern only and then we could use our stash to complete them? The stockings are adorable and would be great gifts.
    Best Regards Betty Kingsnorth

    1. Hi, Betty – All the designs that I’ve put out as kits are available right now as e-books in my shop. They include the pattern, materials lists, and all the stitching instructions. 🙂

  26. I left a comment on the kit post instead of here. (Oops!) It’s a beautiful design and I would love to make it, if it were big enough for a pillow. I realize that’s not what you’re asking, but I thought I would mentioned it since you are looking for feedback. Thank you for all the inspiration!

    1. I have actually thought of doing a version for a pillow-sized piece, on natural colored linen, using wool. It would require me to re-work the whole design from start to finish, but it could be kind of fun! We shall see!

  27. Hello,

    I would like to have a mini stocking kit. Please advise me when it is available.

    I so love your site. Wish I had more time to devote to my beginning practice. You are so positive. I feel as though I can do it all.

    Gratefully, Bonnie

  28. Morning Mary
    I believe the leafy tree kit is a great learning experience for different stitches, the combining of threads, shading from one color to another across the tree but I always seem to miss out on their availability and having the e-book for those who are overseas is a great idea if you’re able to source the kit contents. So this one definitely gets my vote. One of these days, I’ll be lucky enough to have some mad money and the kit will be available at the same time. If that doesn’t seem to be happening I can go the e-book route.
    Thanks for the opportunity to vote.
    Happy stitching, Brenda
    p.s. you have provided so very many beautiful kits over the years that it would be really difficult to narrow it down to chosen few.

  29. Yes, yes, yes! Can’t wait for the Leafy Tree kit to become available again. I feel very confident in my ability to enjoy this and look forward to the day it goes on sale! I’m also very patiently waiting on the lovely sqround hoop! Yay!
    Thank you so much Mary!

  30. YES, I would love to purchase the Leafy Tree kit from you!! I have been looking at that pattern for a long time! Thanks!

  31. Yes! I would like to see the leafy tree kit available! With the options of the differences you mentioned – learn is good for the brain!!

  32. Dear Mary,

    I live in UK and I saw that you are not shipping to UK. Is it not possible to have a digital file of the kit? Of course without the threads and lovely linen of yours.
    Have a great evening and looking forward to hearing from you.
    Best regards,

  33. I would buy the tree kit. I already bought the e-book, but can’t seem to get around to transferring the design. I would be very happy to have it done already! I would definitely buy the kit. I love the design.

  34. PS I would buy the Christmas Stockings, too. What a great way to practice new stitches and end up with Christmas presents.

  35. I was sorry to miss out on the mini stockings before–they are so cute! (As well as being do-able.)

  36. Hi Mary,

    So glad you are considering stocking these kits again. I really, am enjoying the Leafy Tree Kit and the various stitches. I’m sure many others would love the chance together their hands on it. As for me I am looking forward to the Stocking sample kits! They are so cute & pretty. I missed them the first time around. I Love how you are so detailed in your kits and directions. Wonderful how your ebooks have hyperlinks to video tutorials and photo tutorials. Thank you so much!


    1. Joan, the strawberry scissor keep is from the book, Home Sweet Home, by Carolyn Pearce, that is/was available in Mary’s shop. It is not one of the kits that Mary offers.

  37. I love the tree kit. I like the idea of learning stitches on a pre-traced design. At some point, I will want to learn more transfer techniques, but this definitely skips a step.

  38. Do you deliver to Canada? I live in Ontario. Also I love your tree – would this be for a beginner or someone with a skills set that is above me.
    Susan Bird

  39. I am interested in the mini stocking sampler kit. When would thwy be available? How much? Love your website and tutorials

    1. Hi, Judy – I haven’t gotten to that point yet. I’m just polling the audience right now, to see where the interest lies. I would hopefully have both kits available by September, but we shall see! It takes a while to get supplies in these days!

  40. Please, please do restock the Leafy Tree kit. It is absolutely stunning and I would buy it in a heartbeat.

  41. I’d love to see a re-stock of the leafy tree kit! (I have the stockings already or I’d be interested in it too. 😀 )

  42. I am definitely interested in the mini stocking kit. I will be happy to prepay it in order to reserve one. Thanks

    1. Thanks, Kay! 🙂 Unfortunately, I don’t do pre-payments. I only sell what I have on hand, ready to ship. I’ve seen too many Big Mistakes in the needlework world, where designers have pre-sold before the product is ready to ship, and then they’ve experienced shortages in the supply line, causing very long wait times. It’s too risky. It creates an atmosphere of distrust and frustration for many people. So my shop policy is that I only sell what I have right here, ready to go. Thanks for understanding!

  43. Hi Mary,
    I would love to purchase a Leafy Tree kit from you. I live in Canada. Is that possible?
    Thanks so much.

    1. I am hoping they will be available for shipping to Canada. I can always ship to Canada on a case-by-case basis, once they’re released.

  44. Hi, I would love to make the Christmas Stockings, however I live in New Zealand and the cost of postage/courier make them very expensive, Are they avaliable as a PDF. Thanks Judith

  45. So hard to choose as both kits are awesome! But as I just love trees I think a re-print of the trees would be wonderful. Any chance it could be made into a bigger size? That would be cool, too! Either way, the tree is the winner for me 🙂

  46. Hi Mary
    Re international shipping. If I order something again and use NZ Post’s Oregon address is that still ok? Our government gets its taxes from me. Thnx

    1. If you have a forwarder in the States, that’s between you and the forwarder and your tax collector. As long as the tangible goods I ship go to a US address, then it doesn’t involve me in filing taxes internationally. I don’t know how it works on the recipient’s end – that is something you’d take care of.

  47. Hi Mary, Just had a look at your ebook page. Oh my goodness. I have a new toy, a tablet, which I haven’t used much as yet. I hope I can use it for your ebooks, only I have to massage my credit card a bit, then decide which to order first! I totally agree about International Shipping. Many times I have looked at things on line, thought that looks nice then found the ‘shipping’ was going to cost twice or three times the original item price.

  48. Please. Please! Make the Leafy Tree available again. I want to try it…I started embroidery during the pandemic and I love it!

  49. I am interested in the leafy kit and the blue stocking kit. Buying a kit would leave me without excuses for not starting a project.

    Any thread or other kit changes are okay.

  50. Hi Mary thank you for all your hard work in creating such a wonderful informative website. I too would buy from your site but you don’t send to Australia

  51. Would you consider reissuing the holly and evergreen towel kits? Also, I would love to see the designs from the scrolls and holly and evergreens separate from the towels, it would be nice to apply them to things like napkins or linen guest towels.

    1. Hi, Laura – I do release those several times throughout the year. I’ll probably be preparing more of the Christmas design towels before mid-summer, for those who like to get a head start.

      The evergreen designs are available on the website already.

  52. If I had a solution for a simple France shipping solution, I would have chosen Mini sampler stockings kit for sure ! Lovely things. Thank you to help us dream. Have a nice day Mary

  53. I would love a complete kit of the tree but I live in Australia.I had been waiting to see when a kit would be available.Alas、that is not going to happen. Now I will consider the e- book.
    I really enjoy your posts.
    Thank you.
    Lorna Buining Canberra Australia

  54. Hello Mary,
    I would be very much interested in the Leafy Tree Kit. and I am sorry to read that you don’t ship internationally. However I can buy the Madeira floss in Germany and it would be a great help if I could find the yarn numbers in the material list included in the e-book.

    Looking forward to hearing from you
    Marielouise from Vienna, Austria

  55. The Leafy Tree kit is terrific. I stitched up the tree for my wife for Christmas 2020. I now have a relative who has claimed the framed tree when we die!

    It’s a winner.

  56. Mary I would love to see the mini stockings offered again. My friend would like to do a stitch in together!


  57. Yes I would LOVE to order a Leafy Tree kit, I’ve been keen on doing it for quite some time. The only thing is that it would have to be sent to Johannesburg, South Africa, by courier as our postal system has ceased to function.

    Judith Roberts

  58. Is there any reason that we N&T readers couldn’t have an informal “swap list” for international exchanges?

    If I order a kit from Mary then as far as I know there’s no legal reason I can’t just send it on to somebody in Australia, for example, who happens to be sending me something else that’s available in Australia but not here. Any imbalance in shipping cost could be rectified with a transfer through PayPal, say.

    1. Well, that sounds like an interesting idea, Kim, but it’s not something that I would coordinate or get in the middle of, or use “Needle ‘n Thread” as a part of. You’d have to have your own contacts and friends who would do that for you, or perhaps build a group. I don’t have the time or wherewithal to manage it, and I couldn’t accept the liability if things went amuck between people.

  59. I am VERY interested in purchasing the leafy tree kit.

    How feasible would it be for you to ship to Ecuador?
    I will be visiting Florida in July and could have this kit shipped to my daughter’s house. I would not be returning to Florida for another year so if you can ship to Ecuador in the future, please let me know.

    1. Hi, Mary Jean – I doubt it will be out by July, but it might. You’ll have to keep an eye on the website for the announcement. I don’t ship to Ecuador, I’m afraid.

      If you want to be on the advanced notice list, please email! Thanks!

    1. Hi, Phyllis – Can you please email me for that request? It’s an email advanced notice list, so I can’t use blog comments for it. Thanks!

  60. Yes please
    I loved both these projects when you first presented them. So , yes re kit them no matter the changes. You’re an inspiration.

  61. I love the mini stockings and the leaf/tree kit. I would probably only purchase the stockings because I have so many things I have going now. I would have a better chance of finishing them.
    Thank you,
    Kathryn Potter

  62. Yes, I would like to order the mini stocking kit please. They are adorable. Thank you in offering them again.

  63. Definitely interested in the Leafy Tree kit or design and whatever that might include – linen, thread, etc
    Thank you

  64. Yes to the Leafy Tree embroidery kit & ebook bundle. Ready to purchase Aug 1, 2021.
    Yes to the Mini Christmas Stocking kit, if you decide to re-run it.
    Also would like to purchase a sample pack of natural-colored linen. Hopefully you will have re-stocked in time to combine these three items.

    I’m committed to purchase all the above whenever you can conveniently package them up for shipment.

    1. Hi, Delores – If you drop me an email for advanced notice of the kits your interested in, I’ll be able to send you an email as soon as they are stocked. Thanks!

  65. I am interested in both the Leafy Tree Kit and the Mini Stocking Sampler.
    Thank you, Tricia Linden

  66. I would like to see the Leafy Tree Kit made available again. Please restock. I am interested in ordering.

  67. I’m a beginner, an adult trying to learn hand embroidery. I’d love to purchase a kit – perhaps a sampler – with several stitches and good directions, so I could learn.

  68. Yes, yes, yes! Please make kits available for the tree sampler and the Christmas stockings. I love the chance to try so many stitches in such beautiful designs.

    1. Hi, Vicky – thanks for your comment and your interest in the square-round hoop and the stockings kit! You’ll need to email me directly for placement on the advanced notice lists, since the lists are email lists that I use a directly reply system for. Thanks!

  69. I would like to buy The Leafy Tree embroidery kit & e-book bundle.
    However, I’m really not fond of the orange and rust. Could you make the new version all with gradations of green and yellow or a change to fall reds?

    1. 🙂 That’s a tall order! It takes months – sometimes much longer (this project was over a year in development) – to design, sample stitch, photograph instructional content, and write up an embroidery project for a kit. You can always purchase the e-book and substitute your own color scheme, using the design and stitch guide but picking out your own favorite colors.

  70. I would absolutely love to have the Leafy Tree kit to stitch. I very sad to miss out on it the first time.

  71. I’d like to have just patterns available. I have gobs of floss and ground fabrics, so …. I love the tree.

  72. I just love your stuff and wish I could buy from you but I live in the UK if you ever find a way to sell to the UK I will probably be bankrupt buying off you. Yours Stephanie

    1. Hi, Barbara-Ann –

      If you’d like to be on the advanced notice list for the mini stockings (which is an email list), please drop me an email. I can’t add to the list from the comment section on the blog. Thanks!

    1. I ship kits to Canada. My shipping policies are here: https://needlenthread.wpengine.com/shipping-return-policies

      It’s not really my “ban” on international shipping. There are several factors that prohibit me from shipping internationally (aside from Canada) at this time: The cost of international shipping from the US, insured and tracked, is exorbitant (sometimes as much as or more than the item being shipped), which prohibits buyers from purchasing, which, in turn, affects the income I make from international sales. It is not enough income to offset the cost of filing international destination taxes in the various countries (EU, UK, etc.) that require this. Finally, with the exorbitant shipping rates, should a package go astray (which has become more and more likely with international shipping – my last kit venture which involved international (other than Canada) shipping resulted in 1/3 of the international packages I mailed never arriving), I end up losing twice my cost of whatever I ship, should I have to replace it. I’m too small of a business to be able to afford that.

      So for now, I don’t ship tangible goods internationally, but at this time, I will ship kits to Canada using USPS Priority Mail. And I am always happy to combine a kit with any other items you might want from my shop, to help make the cost of the postage worthwhile. To do that, you’d purchase the kit you want, leave a message on your order that you want to add to it, and then email me. I’ll put together the most sensible package at the least expensive price and invoice you for the rest of the items in the order. It’s a complicated process, but it’s the only way that assures you’re not spending even more than you need to on the cost of postage.

  73. I would be very interested in purchasing the tree kit. I’ve been looking for a tree but none measure up to this kit.

    1. Thanks, Barbara! We are only awaiting two colors of thread from the distributor, and once they are in, we’ll be producing more of the kits. Just keep an eye on the website! I’ll announce it when they’re back in stock!

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