Good morning, and a Happy Monday all around!
Just a quick little note to kick off the week with some really good reading material about embroidery – a beautiful and valuable resource, worth reading and bookmarking as a reference.

On the website of the Victoria & Albert Museum (the V&A), you’ll find this excellent illustrated guide to embroidery styles.
You’ll be able to read all about different styles of embroidery, when they were popular historically, what they were used for, and so forth.
This is such a nice resource for putting embroidery into context, historically. It’s definitely worth reading – and there are some fantastic images, too, that aren’t to be missed!
At the end of the guide, there’s a link to explore the V&A embroidery collections online – use it! The search feature works wonderfully. If you have a favorite type of embroidery you want to see extant examples of, just type in key words. I think my favorite keyword search on the V&A for embroidery is “whitework.” Such exquisite examples!
I hope you enjoy the resource! I’ll be back on Wednesday, when we will move on to the next lesson on the Daisies project.
Hope your week’s off to a great start!
Thank you so much for this link. So many kinds of needle work – a lot of which I’ve never seen before. I saved it so I can reference it again.
Dear Mary
Thank for this V&A resource I shall have to explore this later, it would be interesting to read all about different styles of embroidery and when they were used and the popularity of them. Thank you for sharing with us the V&A resource and for the link to the site.
Regards Anita Simmance
What an amazing resource, the examples are stunning!
Thank you so much for sharing Mary!