
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Happy Easter! With a Puzzle & Game for Spring


Amazon Books

Good evening (here in Kansas, anyway!) and Happy Easter tomorrow!

I’m sending my Easter greetings out a little early, because I’ll be off tomorrow and Monday, celebrating Easter with my family here in Kansas.

From my house to yours, I wish you and yours the glory and joy of a beautiful Easter!

Just in case you’re looking for something Really Exciting to do this weekend, you’ll find this year’s Spring Eye Spy game and accompanying jigsaw included below. I hope you enjoy it!

Spring 2021 Eye-Spy Puzzle from Needle 'n Thread

If you click on the photo above, you will be taken to a much, much larger image so you can search to your heart’s content.

I suspect most everything is fairly easy to find. I didn’t get tricky. If you’ve been reading Needle ‘n Thread for a while, you’re probably familiar with many of the items on the board.

Here’s the list in a little ditty:

Bees, bunnies, butterflies
Scattered all around,
Along with other critters
Just waiting to be found.

Hedgehogs two and also sheep,
Sixteen chicks that cry
Peep! Peep!
A snail that slowly creeps along,
Twelve butterflies and an inchworm long.

Bunnies eight and six buzzy bees,
Ladybugs that travel only in threes.
Seven eggs that needles hold,
Nine scissors, a few of which are gold.

Thirteen spools, six hearts, eight clips
And 37 pins with sharp, shiny tips.
Five lace bobbins and cakes of wax,
Two hoops and…


seven laying tools.



Nope. It’s not coming.

We’ll call that last one a wash.

Moving on!


For those of you who love jigsaws, here’s my Spring 2021 Eye-Spy jigsaw puzzle just for you!

Want More Puzzles?

If you need something to do while you’re digesting all those chocolate bunnies, you can find more of these puzzles scattered about on Needle ‘n Thread. I’ve been putting them out for the couple years on holidays.

Here’s a list of them in chronological order, from oldest to newest. The photography gets better as they go along, thanks to my dear darling brother, who has the Big Camera and likes to photograph things for fun.

Thanksgiving 2019 Eye-Spy

Christmas 2019 Eye-Spy

Easter 2020 Eye-Spy

Thanksgiving, 2020 Eye Spy

Christmas, 2020 Eye Spy


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(8) Comments

  1. Thank you so much for doing these on the holidays. It’s a such a good distraction for those of us who are alone.

  2. Dear Mary

    A very Happy Blessed Easter to you and your family I do hope you have a lovely time sharing time with them and eating those delicious Easter Eggs. Thank you for the puzzle and see you soon. Have a good rest.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  3. You know, a few more holiday I Spy’s in here, and you would have a fine coffee table book perfect for gifting to stitchers for birthdays, Christmas, Mother’s Day/Father’s Day, etc… Maybe contact Chronicle books or Search Press, Mary and see if they’d be willing to do a print run for you. If you do one using some of your English Paper Piecing hexxie and quilting supplies, you’d have some crossover appeal to quilters! 🙂

    1. 🙂 Oh, Sheila, you’re a gal after my own heart! I was just mentioning doing one featuring the hexies – and hexagon “stuff” – as we were setting this one up! A book would be fun! But if I fizzle out on rhyming, that could be problematic. :-/

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