
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Let’s Go Chat on Stitchery Stories! and Other News…


Amazon Books

Early this week, I had a really fun, fun chat with Sue Weeks over on Stitchery Stories!

Stitchery Stories is a podcast that focuses on embroidery and textile arts, and Susan does a fabulous job interviewing and chatting with her guests. I liken her podcast to sitting down with friends to a cup of tea and good conversation.

The two of us have been trying to get together for eons, it seems, and we finally did it! We had a grand old slog through all kinds of embroidery and embroidery-blogging topics.

Stitchery Stories Podcast

So, if you would like to discover some odds and ends you might not know about Needle ‘n Thread, or hear what’s coming up and what’s got me excited this year, or just follow along with whatever musings we wandered into, here’s the podcast:

For newsletter subscribers, you can visit this article on Needle ‘n Thread to listen, or you can jump over to Stitchery Stories, or you can find Stitchery stories in your favorite podcasting app. If you subscribe to the podcast, you’ll get a notification when there’s a new episode.

What’s a Podcast?

If you don’t know what a podcast is or how they work, this article on What is a Podcast? will help you understand what a podcast is, and this article on How to Listen to a Podcast will get you started. You’ll also find an article in that series on how to subscribe to a podcast, if you’re stuck!

Podcasts are funny things. I know people who spend their entire listening lives stuck into their favorite podcasts. And I know people who won’t listen to podcasts at all.

I’m a moderate podcast listener. I find podcasts are a great way to mix up my listening routine. I don’t “binge listen” to them like I might do with a favorite audiobook. Instead, I tap into an episode here and there, maybe one or two a day, while I’m working. They usually provide lively chatter that makes me feel a little more connected with other people, or they give me something thought-provoking to chew on, or they make me laugh. I enjoy them!

The two textile related podcasts I listen to regularly are Stitchery Stories and FiberTalk. I’ve been on FiberTalk a few times, too, and have really enjoyed the experience of chatting with Gary.

I hope you enjoy this episode of Stitchery Stories and that you explore Sue’s podcast further – she’s got some fabulous guests on there! And you’ll get a wonderfully broad view of the whole “tapestry” of the needlework world, with different approaches, different sources of inspiration, different backgrounds. It’s fun!

Thanks for the chat, Sue! Hope to do it again some time!

If you’re looking for more information about listening while stitching, audiobooks, and needlework podcasts, you might enjoy this article.

More News

I really meant to send this out to you yesterday, but two things delayed me: 1. I wanted to wait until I could share the podcast with you; and 2. It snowed and I actually had to shovel out. Then, when I was shoveling, I decided to fill all my bird feeders. By the time I finished outside, I was so far behind my regular daily schedule, and my fingers were frozen, and the only thing for it was a long cup hot tea (or two!) … Ah, snow days! I love them!

In a Wheat Field by Elisabetta Sforza

I’m happy to announce that Elisabetta’s beautiful book In a Wheat Field is back in stock! Yay! I already contacted the advanced notice list. If you want it, now’s the time to get it!

You can read a review of this book here, with thorough details on what’s inside. One of my all time favorites, absolutely!

For those of you waiting for A Fine Tradition, I’m working on getting those back in stock. There are more logistics involved in that one. But it’s coming. If you’d like to be on the advanced notice list for it, drop me a line and let me know. I’ll send you an email as soon as they arrive and are ready to ship.

How to Embroider Wheat Five Ways

Tomorrow here on Needle ‘n Thread, we’ll be starting a short tutorial series on how to embroider wheat five different ways. (There are reasons why I’m starting with wheat, and I’ll explain them to you!)

To kick off the series, I’ll be posting a free pattern for a pretty bunch of wheat, along with an overview of the materials I’m using, but you can stitch along with whatever you have! And you don’t have to stitch along now – you can always come back to the tutorials on Needle ‘n Thread whenever you want!

This is the beginning of several tutorial series I’m developing for you in 2021 that will focus on how to embroider different things different ways.

If you happen to be following me on my Patreon page, the tutorials will be published for patrons in downloadable PDF format as each series develops.

More things in the wind, as well! You should see the lists on my white boards! Stay tuned…

Hope your week is clipping along happily!


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(8) Comments

  1. Hi Mary,

    I just wanted to let you know that I think you are a gem! You so willingly share your vast knowledge and your posts are always so interesting to read. My purchases from your store have arrived in perfect condition and very quickly!

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!

  2. Dear Mary

    The podcast was really interesting hearing your voice and listening to you in a different setting and learning how you got into embroidery and how you set up your blog. Thank you great listening. Oh you poor thing felt for you out in the snow and feeding the birds how kind of you. Looking forward to the tutorial series on the wheat stitch five different ways and it will be interesting on how you create the different styles. Thank you for sharing with us your Stitchery Stories podcast it was great and for the future projects coming up.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  3. Hi Mary,
    I’m another avid audio book listener, especially when I’m working with my hands – I’ve just got to keep my brain occupied.
    I’ve just read your earlier article on the audio books you like to listen to. I think that you would enjoy the Bill Slider books by Cynthia Harrod Eagles. Bill Slider is a London detective and he and his “bag man” (sergeant) Jim Atherton have a wonderful line in wryly funny repartee. Even the chapter titles are amusing. Typical of the police humour in the books is the nickname given to the woman detective sergeant working with them – Norma – her surname is Swilley (think about it!) Harrod Eagles’ use of the English language is superb. She is also a knowledgeable historian and has written a whole saga about an English family starting in the early 1400s and finishing in the early 1920s. Unfortnately I think only the earliest volumes have been recorded for audio.
    Sorry about ranting on – I got carried away there.

  4. What a lovely post, Mary, and thank you for being such a brilliant guest. I have had several comments about how much people enjoyed listening, and what a fun and interesting chat.
    Cheers, Sue 🙂

  5. Thank you Mary, again and again for choosing to blog. It has kept me focused and sane. It is my go to for relaxation. I love learning new stitches and trying new patterns. Blessings

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