
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Twelve (Embroidered) Trees for Christmas!


Amazon Books

After a couple weeks of sneak-peeking my little embroidered Christmas trees to you, it’s now your turn to have great fun stitching them!

I mentioned last week that these little 3″ embroidered Christmas trees (or really, they could be for any time of the year, if you switch up the colors) have totally captivated me! I’ve had so much fun stitching them, but I’ve run into a Big Problem!

The problem is, now I don’t want to stop. With the holidays around the corner and everyone so busy, it’s just nice to have little, quick, satisfactory projects that work up in an evening. Sitting quietly and embroidering a little Christmas tree after a hectic day is balm for the soul!

Twelve Trees for Christmas features twelve small Christmas trees to embroidery, involving simple stitches that you can mix and match. They’re small enough to finish in one sitting. And yet they’re pretty enough to feature prominently in Christmas decorations, on cards, hoop art, dish towels, Christmas gifts, perhaps even a holiday banner!

12 Embroidered Trees for Christmas

The styles of the trees range from a little vintage to a little modern, but how they present themselves when finally stitched depends a lot on the colors and threads you choose to stitch them with.

I initially started these when I came across a collection of Arts and Crafts-style tree patterns in a public domain design book. I adapted some of those designs to suit my needs, so that they would work as little Christmassy trees.

Once I started with the originals, though, I kept wanting to make more and more, so I doodled up even more trees. Out of 26 designs, I’ve stitched 16 so far. For this collection, I picked out my twelve favorites.

Twelve Embroidered Trees for Christmas

I didn’t venture into using metallics with any of the trees, but they’re perfectly suitable for adding some sparkly thread. That’s an idea that’s whirling around in my mind as we speak. That, and some of them in goldwork? For dressy versions?

Oh, the possibilities!

Twelve Embroidered Trees for Christmas

All the samples in this collection are 3″ high, and they fit perfectly in a 4″ hoop. I decided to make some of them into little “wreath ornaments,” using fresh handmade mini wreaths from our local Christmas tree market.

The hoop fits right in the middle of the wreath, and with three mini wreaths, they make a nice collection for Christmas decorating!

What’s in the E-Book?

The trees are presented with full photos and close-ups, followed by a materials list with threads and embellishments and a step-by-step method of stitching.

There’s a stitch dictionary with step-by-step photos for all the stitches used in the twelve featured trees. There are sixteen stitches and stitch combinations used in the trees, and of course, you can stitch your own unique trees by mixing up the stitches, and by mixing up your threads and other embellishments!

Twelve Embroidered Trees for Christmas

And of course, you’ll find clean line-drawings of each tree, to transfer and stitch. There’s a section on materials, tools, set-up and transfer suggestions, too.

The trees are suitable for beginners and beyond! There’s nothing very difficult about any of them, and I’ve included plenty of tips to help you successfully stitch your very own tree collection.

Start Today!

You can pick up your own copy of Twelve Trees for Christmas right here in my shop, and by tonight, you’ll be creating your own beautiful little trees!

The e-book is delivered via download link as a PDF immediately after completing your order. Once you have downloaded the PDF to your computer, you can move it to a tablet or mobile device for easy transport. You can also print the whole PDF (31 pages) or print just the pages you need.

As always, if you have any difficulties with downloading a file to your computer, I can help you out. And if you ever lose a file or your computer crashes or what-have-you, no worries! Just drop me a line and I’ll get it to you.

Twelve Trees for Christmas is regularly priced at $18 (that’s only $1.50 per tree!).

So hop on over to my shop and pick up your very own copy of Twelve Trees for Christmas…and start stitching!

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!


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(34) Comments

  1. So cute! I keep forgetting to pick up your Shisha book! “Cause I never sit at the computer with a credit card nearby so I “bookmark” it in my head, then remember it again when I’m empty handed! I’ll just need to tell my husband it’s what I want for Christmas! Thank you Mary for these delightful posts!

  2. These are gorgeous! What fun I’m going to have, and you know what? My sister needs one of these e-books, too, I think.

  3. So excited you’ve released this pattern! As soon as I saw the link, I bought them then came back and read the always delightful newsletter – thank you!

  4. WOOT!

    Yesterday on Instagram I said that I foresee Christmas stockings embroidered with your trees… In my mind, I figured I’d start them after the holidays to make for next year.

    Then I was going through my sewing things for something completely unrelated to stockings and trees, found some Christmas micro prints I’d forgotten about, thought how perfect they’d be as a background for embroidered trees, and now I’ve ordered the ebook.

    (Don’t tell the mitten that’s awaiting its thumb being knitted on or the doll that is still bald and has no eyes yet. SSSHHHHHHH!)

  5. How can I order from Canada when you only allow US addresses? Surely for a downloaded .pdf it is immaterial? I have ordered from you before and do not recall the problem. I love those little trees! hh

    1. Hi, Helen – On the shipping page, if you change the country (click the drop-down under country and choose Canada) the address form will reset to accommodate your address and you’ll be able to pick your province and everything! Hope that helps!

  6. Dear Mary

    It hasn’t been my time last week my Dublin craft light snapped off between the light extension and the main pole so I ordered a Purelight one it came today it seems to be exactly like the Dublin but I think the light is slightly smaller but it was only Β£40. But I will purchase the christmas trees only this morning when I went shopping I stupidly had my purse in my pocket and needless to say it got stolen so no card. So as soon as my new card is delivered I will definitely purchase this as they are lovely. I hope you have a great weekend.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  7. Mary,Mary,
    Such beautiful temptations.. I just bought the kaleidoscope set…I gotta finish at least one before dropping my hoop and starting another.

  8. I went running around with my mom today and while we were at our local needlework shop she asked if I was making my annual Christmas Tree Ornament this year. Which for the past 6 or 7 years have always been a tree of some kind. When I told her no….because I made others (60 to be exact) with pretty linen fabric and shinny beautiful silk threads (which see knew about and had already seen) …she gave me the saddest look. Apparently linen and silk aren’t good enough for some people! LOL So, when we got back to her place I grabbed my mom and her tablet, went to your site, told my mom I had been waiting for “my friend in my head from Kansas” to come out with her new ebook today so I could order it… and I made her pick the one she wanted.

    I tell you all of this just to say thank you very much for making me very happy by wiping the sassy (all in good fun) look off my mothers face. Because isn’t that what friends are for? These are wonderful patterns and I can’t wait to start stitching.

  9. Dear Mary, Thank you very much for such delightful little Christmas trees. I can see them being used in so many presentations in a myriad of homes across the globe this year. And I’m very pleased to see you are selling them in an e-book. Happy Christmas!!

  10. Ordered! When I go back to my emails I’ll almost certainly find it’s also delivered. The $olution to keeping a credit card by the computer? a PayPal account. Dangerous.

    These trees are delightful. I haven’t worked out where I’ll use them yet, but one can’t have too many design sources. And when they’re in cyberspace they don’t need more bookshelves.

    Hmm. 26 designs so far. More collections to publish?

  11. Thanks Mary, These are so awesomely cute, I have been waiting for this post and have purchased the e-book. Thanks again for sharing your hard work and talent and I shallo enjoy stitching them.

  12. Mary, that’s wonderful – and so timely! I’ve got little surprise gifts for my children for Christmas Eve and am planning to make just as little embroidered sacks to put them in (the gifts, not the children). Because I need four of them, it should be something “easy and fast to stitch”, so I began to doodle around yesterday… Now, your trees are absolutely perfect for my purpose – and such a time saving! Just awaiting my transfer arriving at paypal, so I can place my order.
    I hope you accept payment by paypal???
    Angela from the Ore Mountains

  13. Mary…I bought your e-book yesterday and I got so caught up in choosing which tree to start stitching, finding fabric, choosing thread colors, etc. that I totally forgot to say “thank you” for this delightful set of patterns! So…THANK YOU!

    PS…I will have one Christmas tree ornament finished in about an hour! Great, easy to follow directions!

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