
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Merry Christmas 2016!


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Sending out my sincerest wishes to you and your loved ones for great joy, profound peace, and many blessings this Christmas!

Merry Christmas 2016!

Here in Kansas, after going to church nice and early, I’ll get in some quiet stitching time before friends and family stop by later this morning. The rest of Christmas Day will be spent with family and friends at my sister’s house a few blocks away. With about 20 of us gathered for dinner, gift exchanging, and most likely singing around the piano, it’ll be a jolly time! Maybe a little crazy, but definitely jolly!

This coming week, things will be unusually quiet here on Needle ‘n Thread while I take a short break from writing. Wednesday, though, I’ll pop in to let you know the winners of the last two Stitcher’s Christmas give aways.

During the week, I’ll be working diligently on some new embroidery content you’ll see here on Needle ‘n Thread next year. 2017 promises to be an exciting year if I can pull off everything that’s planned for you. I can’t wait to share it with you!

I’m looking forward to seeing you in the New Year and continuing our needlework adventures together!

Merry Christmas to all!




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(31) Comments

  1. Merry Christmas, Mary. Thank you for sharing that beautiful and inspirational Christmas “card”. I pray for the blessings of the Christ Child for you and your family.

    Looking forward to the embroidery delights of the new year!

  2. Merry Christmas Mary. So glad that you are ‘in’ my life! You have such a huge family here on the internet. I don’t know what inspired you to start this, but so glad you did as it has been a gift to me reading your blog and learning more about embroidery. Thank you. Have a great day!

  3. Merry Christmas Mary. And a Happy 2017.
    Thank you for all the wonderful articles and work that you have put into everyday emails that I look so forward to. Thankyou for all the wonderful give aways.
    Your articles make stitching a whole lot easier to do Thank you for all the neat tips etc that you give us.
    Thank You.
    Take Care and heres to a Happy and prospers 2017

  4. Merriest Christmas ever, Mary! Santa brought me a pair of Dovo stork scissors….so I can start my crewel ruffed grouse kit…..

  5. Mary
    A Happy and Blessed Christmas to you and your extended family 🙂 May the coming year bring Happiness and a return to good health
    Love from “Down -Under”

  6. Merry Christmas to you, too, and thank you for being such a force for good. Cheering people up is a very serious business in these times and you excel at it.

  7. Dear Mary,

    Merry Christmas to you, too. Your Christmas Day sounds very joyous.
    You are a blessing to us. Thank you for your wonderful blog that keeps on giving every day and the hard work you do to make it so.
    Enjoy your rest and stitching this coming week.
    I look forward to what you have in store for us in 2017!
    Love Louisa

  8. Joyeux Noël à vous aussi !
    Mon cadeau de NoĂ«l a Ă©tĂ© 2 mètres de tissus: du tulle de coton de très belle qualitĂ© en provenance de la Bretagne pour broder …..
    Mais SVP mettez dans votre page un traducteur google ……

  9. Dear Mary

    A very Merry Christmas to you and your family I hope you have a great day. Look forward to the coming goodies you have in store for us. x

    Regards Anita Simmance

  10. Blessings to you and yours, Mary. Your blog helped to dissipate the awfulness of 2016, and I’m so grateful. I hope we can provide a little back.

  11. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, your family and everybody everywhere. Thank you for your informative, inspirational and generous posts. Here’s to a very peaceful and productive 2017 for us all.

  12. thanks you for your greetings, I continue in french , easier for me : cette année a été une année pleine de bonheur à suivre votre blog si riche en idées et en démonstrations de points, je vous remercie pour tous les conseils prodigués ; comptez sur moi pour continuer à vous suivre ; je vous souhaite une belle année 2017, et plein de nouveaux ( nouvelles ) adeptes de votre blog

  13. Merry Christmas to you Mary – so grateful to the Lord for you and all the wonderful stitching encouragement you bring through your newsletters. God bless.

  14. A very happy Christmas and a blessed new year to you and yours. Thank you for all that you share with us through this inspirational and invaluable blog.

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