
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Late Harvest – Project Index


Amazon Books

I’ve been working on an embroidery project called Late Harvest for the last year, and the articles relating to my progress on the project – and any mistakes, corrections, tips and techniques that I’ve written about – are scattered all over Needle ‘n Thread.

So, to do a little housekeeping and keep things organized so that you can find them more easily, here’s the Project Index for Late Harvest! This is where I’ll list, in chronological order, all the articles relating to this project as I work through it.

You’ll find the project index listed under Tips and Techniques in the main menu here on Needle ‘n Thread, under the first section on Embroidery Lessons & Step by Step Projects.

Late Harvest Embroidery Project Index

Late Harvest is an embroidery project designed by Hazel Blomkamp and featured in her book, Crewel Intentions.

While you can always source the materials yourself and work the project straight from the book, I’m working from the Late Harvest kit that Hazel offers on her website.

Here’s the list of articles on Late Harvest so far, arranged chronologically. As I make progress on the project and share it with you, I’ll add the new articles to the end of this list, to keep the whole project together.

Late Harvest Embroidery Project Articles

Crewel Intentions Book Review – this is the book where you’ll find the instructions for Late Harvest. The kit does not come with instructions – you’ll need the book if you want to work the project.

Late Harvest Kit Review – this is my review of the kit, where you can see everything that comes with it, up close and personal, and my thoughts on the quality and value of the kit.

Setting Up Late Harvest – includes the type of frame I’m using and tips on setting up the project on the embroidery frame.

Sneaking Stitches – the first stitches on Late Harvest on the central pomegranate.

Padded Buttonhole Stitch – working around the pomegranate

The Pondering Project – adding leaves and bead outlines around the central motif, and a discussion on thinking while stitching.

On Embroidery Kits & Following Instructions – working on long & short stitch leaves and making changes in the order of work and direction of work.

Leaf Progress – with tips on long and short stitch.

Inside-Out Long and Short Stitch – working long and short stitch in a different direction and comparing leaves.

Needlework Snafu – more tips on following instructions, and what can happen when you don’t. A small beaded stumpwork leaf.

A Stumpwork Leaf and some tips – working through the stumpwork elements

Stitching Tip: Evenly Spaced Lattice Fillings – working the large lavish leaf and how to space the lattice lines on top of the long and short stitch filling.

Big Beads, Little Stitches – covering large beads for stumpwork flower centers.

The Lavish Lattice Leaf – an update on the largest leaf on the project, worked in long and short stitch covered with lattice lines and outlined with beads and French knots.

Embroidering On the Flat Back Crystals – tips on embroidering flat-back crystals, using detached buttonhole stitch.

Battlement Couching, Beads and Progress – adding another element to the design, comprised of a battlement couching center, with beads and bullions for the rest of the flower.

Finished Right Half – the right half of the project is finished; some discussion on optimism and pessimism in stitching.

Lattice on a Stumpwork Leaf – working some more stumpwork elements, specifically some leaves in long and short stitch covered with lattice work.

Making Adjustments on Stumpwork Elements – discovering that the stumpwork elements were supposed to be transferred at a larger size, and demonstrating how I resized them.

Finished Stumpwork & Some Tips – all the stumpwork elements are finished, and some tips for cutting.

Bead Embroidery on a Funky Mushroom – this article focuses on what looks like a funky mushroom but is more likely an echinacea blossom, rendered in beads.

Speeding Up Large Leaves in Long & Short Stitch – time to move along more quickly on Late Harvest! How I sped up the larger long & short stitch leaves.

Late Harvest Update & A Personal Note – the last update before putting away Late Harvest until autumn.


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(26) Comments

  1. So happy for you to have two weeks off! Thank you for the project index. Have the book, but haven’t done any project yet.

  2. Mary,,,,, Thank-you, thank-you for taking the time to do this.
    I was basically in tears last week over the fact that I lost most of my files on my iPad . Needlework files gone!!
    Your Late Harvest project is stunning. I would be lost without you!

  3. Thanks for all the organizational stuff that you do (in addition to the creativity, inspiration, and education)! Take these two weeks to really REST (concoct quietly!!). Looking forward….

  4. Dear Mary,

    thank you for this index. Bought the kit but haven’t started yet.

    Enjoy the break from the round of doctor’s appointments.
    God Bless,

  5. Hi Mary,

    I am reading your Secret Garden Humming bird project and learning a lot. I will be reading this one next!

    Birthday this week? YAY! You’ll be another year wiser!

    Looking forward to your next article on time, money and value! I just wrote a comment on another blog post about saving for quality tools. I will look forward to what you have to about the subject. Perhaps, had a I known you were going to write a blog post about it, I would have waited before ordering my supplies! ;0-)

    Have a good day Mary

  6. Glad to hear you have a break. I have Hazel’s Crewel Intentions book and am dying to start one of her projects. A big plus is that I’ve started playing with beads for little projects. Hazel is wonderful to deal with and I am also currently waiting for two more of her publications.

    Don’t push yourself too hard! You have too many fans that want you to get well.

  7. Thank you for the project index. I apppreciate the time you spend inspiring me and informing me with great tips to improve my embroidery. It is great news you have a break from your treatment. Enjoy some ‘me’ time.

  8. Happy Birthday! And have a wonderful two weeks of concocting where all the needles are for sewing.

  9. Dear Mary

    Missed this post yesterday busy journalling again for my Great Niece’s 18 Birthday in May. Thanks for the index on the Late Harvest great idea.

    I am so glad you have a two week break I hope you get loads of rest, but it sounds as though you are already busy planning things for us, thank you for thinking of us at this time, I can’t wait to help celebrate your birthday with you later in the week. Take Care as always God Bless you.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  10. Oh I truly hope that the two weeks will go by oh so slowly for you. I am one of so many that read your beautiful embroidery column and can totally relate to your “freedom”. ENJOY and I’m sharing some of my prayers and well wishes with you because even though your heart must be overflowing, although we can’t ever seem to have enough. Hugs

  11. I hope that the next two weeks are filled with renewal and down time for you. It is so easy to expand the “to do list” so that you never really rest or find a place to just be…… quiet and restful and adrift in your own space. Everyone deserves that from time to time.

    Happy Birthday to You, my favorite blogger and most trusted embroidery resource! I so admire your diligence, fortitude and creativity. Have a wonderful year.


  12. Mary –
    Thank you for creating the indexes and organizing not only the projects, but all the other things. Your website is such a treasure, and you are a gift to all of us. Congratulations on having two weeks off from drs. Enjoy concocting!

  13. Hi Mary
    It must be bliss for you to have this time to yourself, and to celebrate your birthday in the middle of it is even better. I know I am late in commenting so if I have missed The Day I am sorry. Whatever, I hope it is/was happy and wonderful.

    Thank you for this index, it is very useful or will be if I ever get around to doing this project lol.

  14. Mary, This subject has created an avalanche of replies for you. I would use a kit only to learn an unfamiliar technique. When a new student in my class arrives with a kit, my heart sinks. One, it is too difficult for a beginner and they experience enough problems to put them off stitching forever. Two, the other type of kit available are printed goods like tablecloths with large petals and leaves. The design elements are unsuitable for embroidery and have been designed by someone who does not stitch. Frustration prevails. I have not purchased any professional designer kits but am well aware of how much analytical and preparatory work is involved. With specific threads generally unavailable, I would say that they are worth the price. Someone else has experienced all the headaches involved in the creative process rather than you. Ann B.

  15. Mary I see that Late Harvest is coming a long nicely?!

    What’s in a name….

    Reading Hazel’s books again I noted that she called one Pertinacity. Well I thought ‘this woman must have a spy in my camp’.
    Pertinacity in not a word to describe my work ethic in embroidery etc.

    I tend to get bored quite quickly when having a pattern that has lots of fiddly or tiny bits to embroider.

    I think the only time Pertinacity came into play was when I made a trellis pattern quilt 5×6 over one weekend. quilted it and all. Friday to Sunday late.
    Never again but it did show me I could do it if I put my mind to it.

    Embroidery by machine of course can achieve a end much more quickly than hand work.

    Some say doing hand work can be very restful. Who ever said those words must have a brain injury.

    Even so I can admit embroidering can be restful….so much that I woke up with my head on the embroidery, needle in hand under the work. It seems that I was lulled into sleep.
    All I add there is I am glad I didn’t dribble on the work. Apparently my husband saw me but continued to bed without waking me.

    I do like Hazel’s patterns and designs. She really does put a lot of thought into her work.

    Thanks Mary for all your effort you put into your site.
    Hope the holiday has boosted you to better health.
    Kind regards
    Martha May

  16. What a beautiful piece. I have started many projects over the years. One I really want to get back to is a red work baby blanket and pillow that I started for my daughter 37 years ago. I have two grandsons now, and I guess I will have to finish it for a great-grand.

  17. Hi dear
    I’m interested in needle work and embroidery and cross stitch,ofcourse I learn cross stitch,but about the others do you have any training video ? I want to learn it,can you guide me?
    Thanks alot

  18. Hi Mary!

    I love your website!

    I have a question: I’m interested in starting tambour embroidery. But I’m wondering, exactly what type of mesh is used, and, are there several to possibly choose from?

    Prior to looking at your website, I was thinking of using tulle. Is that a good fabric to use?

    Thank you SO much!

    1. Hi, Ellen – You can do tambour work on any kind of fabric. I like linen. If you want something light and sheer, you could try organza. But any type of fabric will do. I used cotton tulle in my video, just so you can see what’s going on below the fabric.

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