
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Mellerstain Firescreen Winners!


Amazon Books

Today, some exciting news!

I’m announcing the three winners for the Mellerstain Firescreen crewel embroidery kit give-away from last week!

Wow – there were heaps of participants, and lots of really good feedback on the questions posed. Thanks to all who participated!

Without further ado, then, let’s move on to the randomly drawn winners, followed by some Needle ‘n Thread news at the end….

Mellerstain Firescreen Crewel Work

So, this is the crewel embroidery kit from The Crewel Work Company, and there are three winners. They’ll each receive a complete kit, with pre-printed linen twill, threads, needles, and thorough instructions. (The firescreen for finishing is not included in the give-away.)

Participants were asked to answer a couple questions about possible future crewel embroidery projects from The Crewel Work Company. Here are the winners and their answers:

Kathy Arndt:

The Glasgow Bedspread, is my favorite piece. The pattern with all the beautiful flowers makes me happy. Buying a kit is great, but because I usually substitute some colors, having an option to buy the pattern is always welcome. Tackling a large, complex piece was intimidating as a beginner, but now I would love the challenge. The more you stitch, your confidence builds and your stitches flow with ease. All three designs are unique and would offer a great restoration piece to have in my home. Thank you.

Clara Barker:

WOW! I really love the Glasgow Bedspread!! That would make an amazing kit. Totally epic. I like both sizes but sometimes you just gotta go epic. And that Mellerstain Firescreen kit is beautiful!!! I’m keeping my fingers crossed!!

Kathy in Vernon:

I would say that the Restoration Pillow is my Favourite – each time you look at it you see something new…. however I do quite like the Lion in the Wymess Panel and his cheeky grin! I am still in the beginning stages of my embroidering, however I think I would take on a large scale project like the ones shown above. As always it would be nice to have more time to stitch, (it might take months if not years) but what a feeling of accomplishment once done, a true treasure to have in ones family. Thinking of the Ladies in waiting stitching away industriously to make such beautiful textiles and the historical connection are also incentives to try my hand at something of this size. Thanks for the chance to win!

Congrats to the winners! Please drop me a line with your mailing information – I’ll send that on to the folks at The Crewel Work Company, and they’ll send along your kit!

Needle ‘n Thread News

Don’t forget – today’s the last day of the Spring Sale on my e-books. If you’ve got one of them on your wish list, today’s the day to get it!

Oh my! Last week, I planned on showing you my hotel room stitching set-up and discussing stitching and travel. Well, we’ll do that early this coming week. Staying in the hotel was not quite as conducive to blogging as I thought it would be. And I admit with embarrassment, I did not get as much stitching done as I had hoped to. (I did get a lot of rest, though!)

This week, I’ll be hotel-bound again, Monday through Wednesday, and the following week, Monday through Thursday.

I still plan to have some treats for you here on Needle ‘n Thread during that time. We’ll look at some Easter and Spring embroidery, a book review, and hopefully, I’ll finish a pattern I want to share with you. I’ll also show you just where I am in my current project. And of course, we’ll see what other delectables pop up! So stick around!

Have a marvelous weekend – I hope you can squeeze in plenty of time with your needle and thread!


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(18) Comments

  1. Hotel stays aren’t conducive to one’s regular schedule and rest is good. Do what you need to feel better. We’ll still be here when things are back to normal.

  2. Congratulations!!! So much stitching bliss coming y’all’s way!

    Had to chuckle at your observation that hotels and stitching don’t necessarily go hand-in-hand, Mary! I never seem to get as much done as I think I will when I’m staying in a hotel. I did once return to my hotel room, where I had quilt blocks laid out on the bed, to find a note from the housekeeper that she thought the blocks were very pretty. That was very sweet.

    To repeat myself until you’re tired of hearing it: Just get your rest and get yourself better. Stitching can–and sometimes, has to–wait.

  3. Dear Mary

    Even thought the Hotel was not conducive to stitching and blogging I’m really glad you got lots of rest, I did miss you though and I look forward to the treats you have inshore for us. I hope you have a great weekend.

    Thanks for the opportunity of the give away and congratulations to Clara, Kathy and Kathy I hope you enjoy the Mellerstain Firescreen prize.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  4. Congratulations to the winners! Now I’ll have to buy my own kit. I hope you will be able to get more done in the hotel, but even if you don’t resting is good, especially with what you are going through. Best wishes for a speedy recovery,

  5. The winners are so lucky!! Phillipa’s kits are really well done. Organized and the fabric and threads are beautiful. Have fun!

  6. Dear Mary,

    Please don’t worry about having the posts that you had promised. As much as we miss your daily letters we want you to recover so that you can come back to us fitter and better than ever before. Very selfish of us but….
    we will look forward to your post when you are feeling more like it. You need your rest. If your body says rest then do it!
    congratulations to the ladies who won the kits, do enjoy.
    S E Queensland

  7. Congratulations Kathy, Kathy and Clara (2 Kathy’s! what are the chances?!)

    We’re delighted to be furnishing you with one of our Mellerstain Firescreens. Thank you for your insightful comments and thank you to everyone who participated, we’re so grateful for the feedback.

    Best wishes
    Phillipa & Laura Turnbull

    1. Hello Phillipa and Laura – WOW! so excited to have won such a wonderful kit! Thank you for making this possible – what an amazing collection of textiles and embroidery you must have! Thanks for sharing!
      Congrats to Kathy and Clara, we are into it now!!


  8. G’day there Mary,
    Oft times the little things can be the positives we didn’t expect, even the subtle, or alarming, funny uh oh ones!
    Special thoughts are with you Mary.
    Congratulations to the winners. My, what a way to start an extra special project, being a winner.
    Cheers, Kath

  9. Congratulations winners–what lucky ducks! Hope you will share pictures with Mary as you make individual progress stitching on each firescreen. It’s a handsome project & would make a terrific follow-up post in th future.

  10. Congratulations to the lucky winners! And there is no reason for you to be embarrassed about the amount of stitching you accomplished in the hotel setting. You taking care of yourself and getting the rest you need is far more important. Stitching can wait.

  11. Congratulations to the winners! Any of the Crewel Works kits would be a wonderful prize, but the Mellerstain Firescreen is an awesome treasure!

    Mary, such a smart idea to stay at a hotel and avoid the tiring commute. And glad to hear that you are doing some resting! You are in our prayers.

  12. Dear Mary, Thank you for the opportunity to win the fire screen crewel! I cannot believe I won and I cannot WAIT to get it started!

  13. I saw this piece on someone’s Facebook page and in searching for the kit I found your website. Do you still have this in stock for sale? I am in love with the design and am interested in purchasing. It is the Mellerstain Firescreen kit.

    1. Hi, Pamela – that’s from the Crewel Work Company in the UK. You can look them up online. They probably do have it in stock still. It’s a standard kit that they offer. Hope that helps!

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