
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Labor Day – Here’s a 12-Hour Break for You!


Amazon Books

It’s Labor Day here in the US, and one of those treasured three-day weekends! You know the type!

Once upon a time, this day used to mark the official end of summer vacation for kids going back to school. Now, it falls somewhere in the second or third (or fourth) week of the school year and is welcomed as the first three-day weekend of the academic year.

When I was a kid, our family celebrated Labor Day by…laboring. We cleaned the garage and wallowed through the last big yard clean up before winter. We knew how to have fun!

One thing I love about Labor Day is that it signals that autumn is coming. It’s time to anticipate the imminent change of seasons by planning out how to spend the shorter upcoming days and darker evenings stitching.

Maybe you’re looking for a new project? Maybe you’re contemplating stitching up some Christmas gifts?

Well, to that end, I have a little 12-hour break for you…

Stitch Sampler Alphabet E-Book

All my instructional & pattern e-books, including Stitch Sampler Alphabet, Lavender Honey & Other Little Things, Lattice Jumble Sampler Guide, and the rest are 15% off until 10:00 pm Central Time tonight.

Lavender Honey & Other Little Things

If you’ve been hankering for any of my e-books, now’s the time to head on over to the Needle ‘n Thread shop!

I don’t normally run sales, but a few readers wrote over the weekend, suggesting (requesting?) a sale for Labor Day, and I figured … why not? Everyone needs a break now and then, and a three-day weekend is as good a time as any.

A Note on Auto Downloads

All the e-books are delivered via a download link shortly after purchase is made. If you want to load the e-book on an iPad or tablet, download it first to your computer, add it to your iTunes library (or other device’s interface), and then sync from your computer to your device. That’s the only safe and permanent way to download the e-books and retain your own copy as a backup on your computer. If you’re unsure of how to save and sync to an iPad or iPhone, the instructions can be found right here on Apple Support.

And if you have any questions, I’m always here to answer them!

Happy Monday!


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(15) Comments

  1. Dear Mary

    Happy Labour Day I hope you are having a great day with family and friends or perhaps a great day stitching. I have all your ebooks and well worth the price. Thanks for the sale especially for the alphabet ebook which I’m working on at the moment. I’m having difficulty with the opposite side of the up-and-down button stitch I don’t know how to mirror it I’m working in a frame and tried turning 180 degrees but can’t mirror them, any help would be appreciated. Enjoy your day.

    Regards Anita Simmance

    1. Hi, Anita –

      An idea might be to work them horizontally – so that the line is running horizontal in your hoop, and work the top down one from left to right and the bottom up one from right to left. That should be easier! Let me know how it goes!

      Thanks, as always, for your note! 🙂

    2. Dear Mary

      Thanks for your reply very much appreciated. I will try to work horizontally and see if that works otherwise I thinking of a contrasting stitch.

      Regards Anita Simmance

  2. Mary! Your such a Needle-Work Enabler! It’s becoming dangerous for me to (very happily) read your posts (avidly & daily). Just when I think I have my “Making” plans within a hope of accomplishment you provide resources that exponentially “UP” the list! The ‘goldwork’ class via Craftsy is just what I’ve been looking for… and a ‘reason’ to add more to the stash. The ‘sale’ in your shop is the perfect nudge to buy some of your books I’ve been considering (like forever..) and I’m always happy to discover more info via Needlework News Snips……… Several happy hours in my armchair this weekend following your ‘leads’. A very happy Labor Day to you!

    1. Thanks, Cynthia! It was a pretty busy Labor Day up here in Kansas, and it’s being topped off perfectly by a good thunderstorm and rain. Ahhhhh. I love Kansas storms! (the benign ones, anyway…)

  3. Happy Labor Day to you, too! I have been meaning to order these ebooks and it just kept slipping my mind. So thanks for the reminder, and for the sale – which I took advantage of. 🙂

    1. Oh, I know I will love these publications. I have Lavender Honey and Other Little Things and had a great time making the little beehive needle book – it turned out great. Thank you so much for all you do to inform and inspire us.

  4. Here I am, merrily reading my daily Needle ‘n Thread, when I read your “autumn is coming” comment.
    I live in Wisconsin.
    Winter comes after autumn- cooooold winter.
    This is bad news.

    1. LOL – true! I have family in Wisconsin, a little bit south of Green Bay. They are usually pretty cold for a long, long, Looooooong time in the winter! But at least autumn is beautiful, right? 🙂 And the longer autumn lasts, the shorter winter is. (Maybe?)

    2. Haha, autumn is definitely beautiful- until, of course, your yard is filled with the leaves from your neighbor’s dead tree. 😛

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