Hand & Lock Class Winner!


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Good morning, and a happy Monday all around!

This morning, just a quick announcement of the winner of the Hand & Lock embroidery class, from the generous class give-away offered by Hand & Lock here on Needle ‘n Thread, with a little more information about the classes available and the venue in Williamsburg.

Hand & Lock Embroidery Classes

Over on the new (just launched last week) Williamsburg School of Needlework website, you can read all about the embroidery classes offered there, including the Hand & Lock classes that are taking place in September, 2015.

Class Winner!

The Hand & Lock class winner was drawn randomly by number, using a random number generator.

And the winner was Robin M. This is her reply to the question “Which class appeals to you most and why?”:

All of these classes sound like a chance of a lifetime. I would choose the monogramming class, as I would very much enjoy learning the basics in the proper way from master teachers! And what a delight to have this in Williamsburg.

Congratulations, Robin! Please drop me a line with your contact information, and we’ll go from there!

Coming Up on Needle ‘n Thread

Lots of fun stuff going on in the background here in Kansas! I had a few more adventures (and a big failure) with fabric printing last week, I’ve set up the book cover project, and this week, I do believe my workroom is getting a big overhaul. What must be done, must be done! If the weather holds out, that’ll happen tomorrow. I’ll take some before and after photos – just keep your fingers crossed for me, that I actually arrive at “After”!!!

Other than that, the hummingbirds are moving along, the stitch sampler alphabet book is 26 more pages towards completion after this weekend, and – joy of joys – my taxes are done.

Tomorrow, I’ll share some newsy bits with you – several delectable things going on out there in the needlework world in the last week, along with a beautiful free project to download, a good cause, and some perfectly inspiring instruction! See you then!


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(7) Comments

  1. Good Morning Mary! I can’t wait to see the workroom overhaul, I’m planning a completely new sewing space, and I can use the ideas. My taxes are finished also, and I’ll write those huge checks tomorrow.

    1. 🙂 Ahhhh…. Well, it’s an “overhaul” insofar as I’ll be cleaning up and re-organizing some things, but it’s not a whole new arrangement. I just need to remove some furnishings and move some stuff out and other stuff in. It won’t be one of those fancy-schmancy studio re-dos, I’m afraid!

  2. Congratulations, Robin! Hope you enjoy learning monogramming, and have a safe trip to Williamsburg!

    Cleaning out the ol’ workroom again, eh, Mrs. Corbet? Why does stuff have a way of accumulating on our surfaces?!


  3. G’day Mary,
    And Robyn, oh goodness, how excited you must be. A hearty congratulations and all the very best with every aspect of the course.
    And the best to you Mary for the weeks projects.
    Cheers, Kath

  4. YAY Robin!! Congratulations! I would be so pleased for whoever won this giveaway 🙂

  5. Dear Mary

    Missed this post yesterday. Congratulations to Robin I do hope you enjoy the monogram course sounds so exciting. Good luck Mary with the overhaul of your workroom. I hope the stitch sampler alphabet book will be finished soon, can’t wait. Good to year the Hummingbirds are moving along and I look forward to your adventures with printing on fabric.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  6. Thank you, all! I have just seen this after an intense several days at work and now I’m bouncing off the walls. I am so delighted I don’t think I will sleep tonight! I have so many books about historical needlework, drooled at the V&A textile room, visited the Royal School of Needlework shop in Hampton Court, yet I never felt like I would ever be able to master the basics enough to call myself an embroiderer, like my grandmother was. Thank you for hosting this contest. I will have to let you all know how it goes!


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