D is for Doing


Amazon Books

Besides the Secret Garden hummingbird embroidery project, I’ve been doing other embroidery-related stuff behind the scenes in my little spot here in Kansas.

Floral Sampler Monogram Alphabet

In particular and my main focus lately: I’ve been doing a lot with this stitch sampler monogram alphabet.

I wrote about it last year, as it was my Big Project last summer. The whole alphabet was finished around this time exactly a year ago.

My plan from the start was to work it into an instructional e-book so that you can mix and match a whole bunch stitches, stitch combinations, and composite stitches into a practically endless variety for embroidering beautiful letters that can embellish – well, practically anything!

And I have slowly been developing that e-book. I’ve received lots and lots of requests for it and questions about it in the past year. And I did indeed plan to have it finished long before now!

stitch sampler monogram alphabet

I have to admit, I loved working on many of these letters! I loved the threads I used, the stitch combinations, the complete freedom of choice, the fun of working out what goes where, the challenge of achieving variety with continuity… it was So Much Fun!

But when all was said and done, I realized the project was a bit larger than I initially imagined. I surpassed my goal of 25 stitches, composites, and combinations by quite a bit.

Instead of 25, there are about 65 stitches, composite stitches, and stitch combinations featured in the alphabet.

Stitch Sampler Monogram Alphabet

They all hinge on 20 or so basic stitches and grow from there.

So instead of writing instructions for 25 variations, I found myself photographing and writing instructions for 65 variations!

I’ve been really slow with this e-book, it’s true – but…but…it’s a-comin’! I’m diligently chipping away on the last variations and checking and double-checking that I haven’t missed any. I’m editing photos and writing stitch instructions. And the book is progressing!

It’s a hum-dinger so far, by the way. Lots of close-up photos, lots of variety, a heap of instruction that can be taken outside the book and applied to other embroidery projects. I think it’s a fun book! And maybe that’s part of the problem – maybe I’m having too much fun with it?

In any case, for those who have asked, yes, it is still coming. I hope you see it this fall. (How’s that for a wimpy and ambiguous approach to announcing a tentative deadline?) I’ll do my best!

Other E-Books

In the meantime, if you’re looking for project e-books – and yes, this is some shameless shilling – why not check out some of the embroidery e-books in my wee little shop?

Lavender Honey & Other Little Things features a whole slew of small projects perfect for weekend embroidery, and perfect for gift-giving.

And the Lattice Jumble Sampler Guide is a fun approach to playing around with stitches, color, and thread.

Both of those are suitable for stash-busting, too – that is, using supplies you have on hand – so you don’t necessarily have to buy new supplies for them. You might have the supplies on hand, and if not, you can always make substitutions!


And so I shall get back to Doing! I have a lot of writing to do today, and hopefully a bit of stitching on the Hummingbirds, along with a few photographic sessions with some other embroidery stuff we’ll be talking about down the road.

I hope you get some Doing in today, too – especially stitch-related doing! Because it sure beats doing laundry… doing dishes… doing schoolwork… doing work-work…

But whatever you’re doing, have fun Doing it!

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(22) Comments

  1. Dear Mary

    Oh please please hurry the DOING this is absolutely beautiful I love it. I can’t wait to buy the monogrammed e-book when will it be completed and when can I buy it I can’t wait for the publication. I have all your other e-books and they are brilliant. The 65 variations is amazing I hope they will all be covered in your e-book, I will let you go now so you can hurry with the doing and complete the e-book.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  2. Just lovely. I am looking forward to this ebook. Your creative combinations and skill with the needle bring me back to this blog again and again.

  3. Oh, that eBook is going to be so much fun to look through and try new things. I’m not a big monogram person, but I have truly loved the way you did these letters. I will HAVE to do something with it once the eBook comes out. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Oh this is so exciting Mary! It is a HUGE project and I can see why it has taken so much work and time. Thank You for tackling such a large project but I think it is going to be beautiful and incredibly fun to do, I cant wait to see it! Much appreciation and blessings β™‘β™‘β™‘

  5. My Doing is working on another needle painting project! My first one was a purple bearded iris. Second one was two blue/blue-cream roses. Third one is going to be a long stem rose done in reddish/peachy colors with just a hint of cream.

  6. How serendipitous, I was just wondering about your Stitch Sampler Alphabet and was going to cheekily ask about it. But, you have answered my question. Really looking forward to the e-book.

    As others have said, hurry – but I would rather wait until all of you Doing is Done to your satisfaction. πŸ™‚

    I so enjoy watching your progress with the various projects that you share with us.

    Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

  7. Bravo Mary!!! You are a genious with needles!! I have to buy an e-book, or the e-book can be downloaded on my normal-desk computer? I canΒ΄t wait!! Kisses, Paula

  8. It’s so hard to be patient! I’ve been waiting and longing for this since you first posted about it months ago. Okay…I can last until fall…maybe even until Christmas if I had to. That is this year right…not next year’s Fall? Oh I so hope so….

  9. Good afternoon, Mrs. Corbet! My ‘doing today is looking after my nephews and niece as their mom and mine clear out my apartment of their stuff to move in their house. Unfortunately, no stitching for me today. However, my mother and I are very interested in this book because we’re excited about learning new techniques and stitches. I’ll admit Composite Stitches scare me a little, but I’m eager to grow and learn.

    PS. I might have found an online fabric store that is the answer to a prayer. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with it, but I thought I’d post a link and see if you could explain how to choose the weight of a linen for embroidery.


  10. Hi Mary,
    I have enjoyed a couple of the e-books and thanks for the well needed nudge to pick up the Jumble. My to do list tomorrow.
    If your beautiful monogram instructions come out in the fall I will be busy for Christmas. Would love to do some linen napkins, under your tutelage.
    Thanks for “doing”

  11. The snippets you’ve posted here are stunning. I’m not one for monograms per se, but your book promises to be a treasury of ideas for the inventive treatment of lines. It’s now on my wish-list!

  12. I don’t know what it is about this style of monogram, but it’s just so lovely, it really speaks to me. I can’t wait to get my grubby little hands on your e-book!

  13. Sooooo pretty, the alphabet ebook will be delightful. You’ve done a perfectly thorough job so I hope its publication is nigh.

  14. These are so lovely. I can’t find anything anywhere that compares! I want to work the D for a gift! I fear I need it before your book will be finished. πŸ™ Can’t wait to get the book when you are finished. Your site is beautiful and I appreciate your clear, articulate descriptions.

  15. I love the hints, snippets, and tantalizing eye candy from this project. I have been saving up my pennies to buy it when it comes out. I can’t wait! I hope it gets here before I finish the crazy quit I am working on so I can use it in the quilt. Thanks so much for making this website and for all the work you do bringing it to us. πŸ™‚

  16. well I’m buying it the minute it is finished. I just found a brazilian one by Rosalie Wakefield and am waiting for it to come. Now if I could get the elusive
    Susan o’Connor one. I would feel complete with my letter books. Each of the three needle artists bring so much to the table
    And I do love a nice monogram there is so much potential for gift giving. Every body has initials

  17. I am looking forward to your alphabet embroidery sampler.
    Rarely do I find my V letter nicely embroidered that I would like to duplicate, I wonder why, not popular I guess. I’m going to try it with your Floral Vine. Thanks

  18. Thank you for the lovely monogram letters. I have a renewed interest in embroidery, because I have found your blog. Here is hoping the ebook for your embroidered monograms will arrive soon. I plan to sign up for it. Thanks also, for all your eye candy. It is so satisfying and low in calories, too.

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