
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Happy New Year!


Amazon Books

Just a quick note to wish you and yours a Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2014! I’m so glad we’re all here together, chipping our way steadily into this third millennium!

Happy New Year!

And I’m really looking forward to sharing 2014 with you on Needle ‘n Thread!

Right now, for 2014, I have three projects in the planning stages, stewing and simmering. I’m excited about all three. The first one that we’ll face together is based on a drawing from this book that I mentioned the other day. It will be a project suitable for beginners and beyond.

There are three e-books (unrelated to those projects) underway in one stage or another right now, too, and they’ll each show up eventually in this new year.

I’m also planning to host a couple online classes this year, one of which will concentrate on monograms. I’ve been working behind the scenes on the possibility of a new hosting platform, and if it works out, you’ll hear about it in the first few months of the new year.

And of course, there’s all the other fun stuff that will unfold on Needle ‘n Thread this year – there’s a lot to look forward to, for 2014!

My wish for you is that the new year is a magnificent one in every way – that you enjoy many blessings throughout 2014, with good health, happiness, and plenty of time for stitching!


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(35) Comments

  1. Happy new year to you as well. I’m sure this year with you will be just as wonderful as years past. I certainly like the way you made the numbers above. I just don’t recognize what’s in number 4. Hmm.

    My year went out with a bang: lost a dear friend on the 28th and I developed pneumonia on the same day. Not a good day at all. But this morning I woke up and feel awake. That’s progress and I’m on the mend. Terrific way to start the year. I haven’t stitched for 4 days so you know I was sick. LOL But today I’m going to dust off my needle and play.

    I hope you have a great day too.

  2. I am greatly looking forward to seeing what you do with a design from the Secret Gardens. After reading your entry on it, I went to look at it on Amazon. Lucky me, I had a gift card just begging to be used and it arrived yesterday. Such inspiration! Thanks for leading us to it and Happy New Year to one and all.

  3. Happy New Year, Mrs. Corbet!
    Yes, let’s hope this year includes LOTS of time for stitching. Lol 🙂
    Can not wait to share 2014 with you either!

  4. Dear Mary

    I wish you and your family a very happy New Year and may you have a magnificent New Year.
    I can’t wait for the 3 e-books to come out that will so exciting and the on-line classes which I will definitely apply for hopefully I will be able to get on to them and all the other fun stuff sounds so exciting I look forward to all the future posts on Needle ‘n Thread.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  5. Just a note to wish you a very Happy New Year! I read your posts daily and enjoy them so much. I don’t comment often, so thought that January 1 would be a good day to let you know what a great resource you are for stitchers. Thank you!

  6. You have brought so much inspiration and enjoyment to me as I follow your embroidery exploits via your blog. I look forward to reading about your continuing sewing adventures in 2014. May you and yours and all my fellow readers have a healthy, prosperous, and Happy New Year.

  7. YES! I’ve been waiting for the monogram class ever since you mentioned it as a possible idea over a year ago. Can’t wait!

  8. Wishing you and yours all the best for 2014. So looking forward to all the goodies you have in store for us! Thank you, Juno.

  9. Yay – monograms!!! I am sooooo looking forward to that.

    Thanks for all of the hard work you put into this website. It is very much appreciated. I just wish I had found you sooner, think of all of the extra fun and guidance I could have obtained….

  10. Happy New Year to you and to all of my fellow readers! I personally cannot wait for your online classes – or your e-books – or, well, just about everything you put out! I have learned so much from you over the past year. Thank you so very much for all that you do for us. You are such an inspiration!

  11. G’day there Mary,
    Looking forward with great interest Mary.
    I really like your thread 2013 and stitching 2014 at the top of this and yesterdays posts. Nice and cheery and suitably Needle ‘n Thread related.
    Cheers, Kath

  12. Hi Mary
    Looking forward to learning from you this year. I am trying to learn crewelwork at the moment and have linked to you on my blog. I have found fhe lessons on finishing and starting threads very helpful as I have always wondered how people did such neat work

  13. Bonne Année 2014 ! Santé et bonheur pour vous et les vôtres.
    Merci pour tout le plaisir apporté par votre blog.
    Roselyne (Bordeaux – France)

  14. hello, Will you be emailing your blog friends about the classes, date and time?

    Thank you, I hope to get on these classes!

    1. Hi, Rhonda – All announcements are posted right here on Needle ‘n Thread. If you are subscribed to the daily email, you’ll get the notice in your inbox. Hope that helps! -MC

    1. Hi, Megan – not sure what the question is. I took over Stitchin’ Fingers a year ago. As far as I know, there’s no plan for another handover. There are other handover plans. I’m trying to get ready for the upgrade to Ning 3.0 in the (hopefully) near future. -MC

  15. Dear Mary,
    A very, very HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and to my fellow readers too! May you accomplish everything that you set out to do in 2014.
    Mary, your numbers in embroidery are very pretty.
    I look forward to all the wonderful things you have planned. The festive season will soon be over but for us, emails from you are like Christmas everyday. Each morning I eagerly make a cup of tea and set myself in front of my computer to find out what you have sent us! You are an extraordinary person. Your gifts go well beyond your enthusiasm for everything related to hand embroidery. You are a remarkable teacher who brings joy to many people around the world. Since I discovered your site, I have spent many wonderful hours reading your blogs and dreaming about glorious needlework creations and this excitement has extended to everything I do in the day. I feel very happy just thinking about the joyous needlework days to come.
    THANK YOU and God bless you Mary!

  16. Happy New Year to you too Mary. May 2014 bring you everything you wish for.

    I too am very grateful for all the hard work you put into this website from which all your followers gain such treasure. Personally I would give you a gold medal for endurance, patience, inspiration and all-round excellence.

  17. Yes Monograms!! Exactly what I had chosen for my next project.

    As a late response to Dec 31’s post. In 2013 I worked many small projects teaching myself new techniques. Hardanger, Ukranian Drawn thread, Schwalm, Portuguese White Work. I collected more books, threads, ground material & tools. My goal for 2014 is to venture into more surface embroider, needle painting and possibly gold work.

    Thank you so much for your reviews, daily posts and resource references. I am a devoted daily reader and look forward to being part of the group for many years to come!

    Happy New Year.

  18. And HAPPY NEW YEAR to you as well. Can’t wait to see what wonderful projects, book reviews and tutorials unfold in 2014!


  19. Mary,

    What a pleasure was to find your website and you. I write from Brasil and I want to send you and your famaly my best wishes for a wonderful 2014.
    And also I invite you to visit this website, from a big family of brazilian embroiders.
    I’ll come often to learn with you!

    Hugs from Maristela

  20. I hope you have had a wonderful year, and also the new year bring to you a good projects and success in your career;I feel lucky to know you in this kind of creativity and art at the same time because you are an excellent person in this are. Congratulations for the new projects.

  21. Chère Mary,
    Je vous souhaite une très bonne annĂ©e 2014, ainsi qu’Ă  vos proches.
    Du bonheur ,de la santé et du temps pour broder.
    Je me réjouis de lire vos posts chaque jour. merci pour tout ce que vous nous apportez .
    Michèle ( France)

  22. I am so thankful for your help with the embroidery stitches I needed for the pictures I was working on (Old Towne, Mother Nature and the Four Seasons) and this one I have now of Sunny Basket. I had not done embroidery work, since 1973 when my husband got out of school. My grand-
    mother taught me to do embroidery in the after-
    noon when I had free time. I did a picture of animals sitting around a Lion in the middle taking me about a year to finish. Your site is a blessing showing how to do the stitches.

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