Stella Lamp – Give-Away Winner!


Amazon Books

Oh my goodness, we all seem to like and want the Stella lamp!!

I loved reading all your comments on the original give-away article for the tabletop Stella. I’m glad I’m not the only one attracted to the lamp because of its sleek design. I think it’s a nice-looking lamp, and, as many of you said, it seems to have “personality.”

Stella Lamp

If you’re just now getting in on the Stella Lamp discussion and you missed the original review of Stella and the give-away, you can read the review here and you can find the lamp through various needlework and quilting retailers. I got mine through Needle in a Haystack in Alameda, CA. Because the lamp folds up on itself (it’s really flexible) and is so light, the shipping on it is not exorbitant.

Well, onto the winner!

Stella gets to take up residence with Hannah Allen in Santa Fe. Here’s her reply to the question, What appeals to you most about the Stella lamp?

I like everything about Stella – except the price is beyond my budget! Best is the short neck. So many task lamps with necks like Ott lights have such long necks that the base has to be set far away, out of easy reach. I like that this one can be right next to you. And I think it’s sleek looking. And cute in the Pixar pose!

(I’m so glad people “got” the reference to the Pixar pose…!)

Hannah, please drop me a line with your mailing address, and your new friend Stella will be on her way to you soon!

Thanks to all for participating! And that’s to Needle in a Haystack and their distributor for putting up the lamp for the give-away!

The next give-away on Needle ‘n Thread involves a book – one that is out of print, in demand, and hard to find. That’ll be a little bit down the road, but if you have been following along here on Needle ‘n Thread for a bit and know what I’ve been up to in the background, then you might be able to guess the title of the book!


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(2) Comments

  1. Big congratulations to you Hannah. I imagine you’ll have fun with this lamp between the various lighting options and the flexibility. Happy stitching.

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