Good Needlework Deals Online


Amazon Books

This time of year, I try to avoid getting caught up in the hype that pervades the commercial pre-Christmas season.

Still, I do like a good needlework deal when it comes along, and since needlework shops don’t often have sales, it’s nice to know about them when they happen!

Here are just a few online needlework-related sales going on today. If you happen to know of others, feel free to leave a note in the comment section below.

Wendy Schoen Designs

First up, from Wendy Schoen – 15% off, site wide, all day. There are some restrictions (in stock items only, does not include gift certificates, wholesale orders, or previous orders).

There are a couple things at Wendy Schoen that you might have on your wish list this year. For example, she carries wooden hoop / sit-on frame combos imported from Germany. There are other “spin offs” of these available online for a lot less money, but they are cheap and flimsy. These German ones are nice and sturdy.

I also like to get #12 crewel needles here, as well as milliner needles in finer sizes.

Rebecca's Crafts

Rebecca Crafts has a sale going on, for Appleton wool in hanks (approximately 195 yards per hank, vs. the 27-yard skein). Both Appleton tapestry wool (4-ply) and Appleton crewel wool (2-ply) are available. Hanks usually run around $7, but Rebecca Crafts is running them for $5.75 right now, in case you’re in need of large quantities of Appleton wool. You know, for that firescreen you haven’t finished yet?

Follow the White Bunny

Nicole over at Follow the White Bunny is running a 20% off special on her patterns today. You have to enter a code at checkout (you’ll see it on her Etsy home page). The patterns come with details on colors and stitches used in the sample and with advice on pattern transfers.

A couple years ago, I made up a gift package using some of Nichole’s patterns that I had purchased and printed for the purpose, fabric, and threads, along with a little “free embroidery classes” card, to give to my 8-year-old niece as a birthday gift. It was a hit, and a great way to teach a kid to embroider! Wouldn’t it make a fun and different Christmas present for a child, grandchild, niece, nephew, friend, etc. – in a nice little decorative box with everything packaged neatly inside?

Gee, I’d like it, anyway!

If you happen to know of any other needlework deals out there, feel free to leave a note below!

Enjoy your Monday!


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(12) Comments

  1. Dear Mary

    Thanks for this post it’s nice to see needlework sales at this time of year, needlework items are on my Christmas list this year so I will be looking out for bargains.


    Regards Anita Simmance

    1. Hi, Deb! Thanks for that link! Wow – that’s a great price! I noticed she has some Trebizond on there, too, for a really good price. Not as many colors, but still – amazingly good deal! MC

  2. Hi Mary,
    There is a website called is having 20% off all items, including items that are already discounted. This sale goes on until Dec. 7th. use code NOV12 for discount. Check out the website for other details. It has a few items embrodierers could use. Pearl cotton for one.
    Thanks for putting this out there!! I never would have known of the other sales!

  3. Thanks for the heads up – I bought “princess and the pea” for a flannel bed covering I’m making – it will now become the embroidered centerpiece. This is PERFECT. I would never have known about this sweet design if you had not brought it to my attention.

  4. The Guide to Gingham Embroidery is on sale – 17% off – through December. Cute Christmas tree ornaments and a card are two of the projects as well as a tissue box cover and bookmarks – easy, quick gifts!

    Also, two Gingham Inspirations ebooks at the same site. A Chritmas tree apron in one of those ebooks.


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