
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Small Stuff


Amazon Books

You know that cliché? The one that tells you not to sweat the small stuff?

I wholeheartedly concur. In fact, I never sweat the Small Stuff. I love the Small Stuff!

Embroidered Lamb on Sunny Hill

And Small Stuff and embroidery just go together. There’s nothing better than a wee embroidery project that can be completed from start to finish in less than a weekend.

And this particular Little Thing makes me smile.

I hope it makes you smile, too! I’ll tell you a bit more about it later on, when I get all my ducks in a row. Er… all my sheep.

Well, sheep and ducks.

And other things, too.

Have a happy day!

Lavender Honey & Other Little Things E-Book!

If you want to try your hand at making adorable little embroidery accessories featuring lavender and bees, sheep, a bunny, sunflowers, even a fantastic little hedgehog – with more than 20 projects available by mixing and matching patterns and finishing instructions – why not explore my e-book, Lavender Honey & Other Little Things?

For beginners and beyond, Lavender Honey is a delightful way to put your embroidery skills to work, creating Little Things that will make your stitching life delightful, and that are perfect for giving as gifts (even to non-stitching friends!) as well.

You’ll find Lavender Honey & Other Little Things available here!

And yes, the darling sheep above is included!


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(20) Comments

  1. G’day there Mary,
    Baa-ack, I mean Quaaa? Baquack? Aaack…
    …well, whatever it is that them sheeps and ducks does.
    What you’re doing, Mary, sounds better than my interpretation looks!
    Just love that sheep and can’t wait to see your ducks and other things.
    Cheers, Kath

  2. Little lamb is precious, precious! Looking forward to hearing more about he and his buddies.

    Agree on the small things as I am taking a break from a “big” thing and working a small project. What I like is that I actually see it being finished right away so it can be given as a gift! And it makes me smile each time I finish a motif…
    -Sharon in France

  3. How hard would I/we have to beg to get you to put that pattern up for us? I can’t get enough of it!!!

  4. Very cute! My daughter would love to embroider something like that! Have you ever thought of doing children’s classes online? I imagine there are a lot of people, especially homeschoolers, who would be interested in something like that.

  5. That is adorable. I hope there are many more of those around. “Ewe” are amazing. 🙂

  6. Thanks, it’s lovely.
    I completed a similar small piece in March! 🙂 A sheep on the meadow… I think it’s a popular motif. I was inspired by flossbox designs… I made my sheep with drizzle stitches, however… More than a hundred of them. sheesh… I got carried away :} That was right after I learnt many free embroidery techniques from you, Mary! 🙂

  7. This new little project intrigues me! I am currently considering starting a little scene of some type done in embroidery, like this you’ve shown, or a flower garden with butterflies. I was just wondering if you had some patterns or ideas for this. I look forward to seeing more from this post!

  8. Anyone know how to do a hand embroidered picture frame? Or know the name of a book that would tell me? Thanks

  9. Lying in bed miserable with back pain. Wanted to tell you how visiting your site brings sunlight into the gloom.

    Such beauty but so practical. So enjoyable.

  10. Is the patterns for your small stuff……sheep and bees ect…. for sale somewhere on your blog…or somewhere else…….I would love to try my hand at these. They are so sweet. I love little projects with great detail.
    Thanks so much. Rebecca

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