Crewel Twists Winner!


Amazon Books

We have a winner! Last week, I announced a give-away of Hazel Blomkamp’s new book, Crewel Twists. It’s a lovely book full of fun, really gorgeous embroidery projects that take a new twist on Jacobean style embroidery, incorporating different types of embroidery threads, beads, and techniques in various Jacobean-like designs. You can see some of the examples of the projects in the book by visiting my review of Crewel Twists, where you’ll also find information on the availability of the book.

Crewel Twists: Fresh Ideas for Jacobean Embroidery

Above you can see a close up of the bead and floss embroidery incorporated in one of Hazel’s colorful designs. Luscious, ain’t it?! Doesn’t it just make you want to launch into one of her projects, full steam ahead?! Well, one give-away participant has won herself a brand spanking new copy of Crewel Twists, compliments of (and signed by) Hazel, so she can do just that!

The winner of the book is Mandy Currie, and here’s her comment:

Crewel Twists Book Give-Away

Congratulations, Mandy! Do drop me a line with your mailing address so that I can send the book off to you this week!

For those of you looking for Hazel’s book – or if you want to order full kits for the projects in the book – you can stop by Hazel Blomkamp’s new website, where you’ll find all kinds of embroidery stuff to add to your wish list!

Coming Up on Needle ‘n Thread

I’m looking forward to an extraordinarily busy week this week, but I do have some articles lined up for you that I hope you’ll find enjoyable. There’s some Stitch Play in the works, along with a few technique tips on goldwork, and a little more talk about thread storage and organization (following up on last week’s article). I’ve been trying to eke out a few new free hand embroidery patterns for the website, too, so if all goes well, you can look for at least one good pattern by the end of the week. Needle ‘n Thread is going on auto-pilot mid-week, but I’ll still be able to moderate comments and check e-mail, so if you need me, don’t hesitate to write! (I’ve been pretty slow on catching up with e-mail these days, due to current events, so if you’ve e-mailed lately and not received a reply, I’m getting to it! You’re always welcome to nudge me!)

Hope you have a terrific week, with at least a little time to enjoy some stitching with your needle & thread!


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(4) Comments

  1. Congratulations Mandy! Lucky girl! 🙂 Enjoy the new book…don’t you just love the smell of a new book? I really don’t get the fuss over e-books…. 😛

    I am looking forward to more “talk” about thread storage and organization – it seems I can’t stop reading about this subject no matter where I am. I get so many great ideas because of it. But, I do have to say, Mary, that I now have to blame you for showing us the Bisley cabinets – I actually had a DREAM about the blasted things! 🙂

    Looking forward as ever to the next posting here, I so enjoy reading your blog.

    Hugs and Love,

  2. G’day there Mary and Mandy,
    Congratulations to you both, Mary for your happy giveaways that are positive promotions for us all,
    and of course to Mandy for being the lucky winner. I’m sure this book will quickly become a faithful friend for constructive advice and relaxing cuppa company.
    Cheers, Kath.

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