Monogram for Hand Embroidery – Fan Flower N


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I’m drudging up a ghost from the past here! I really do want to finish the Fan Flower Monogram Alphabet – it’s been on my List of Things to Do for the past year or more!

As autumn rolls around and I start looking ahead at other embroidery projects that I’d like to accomplish in the next year, the Monogram keeps popping up in my head. I love the look of monograms, whether they are the single monogram, or the entwined double monogram (is that an oxymoron?) or triple monogram. I often wonder if other people like monograms – they seem to be popular for some things, but do you reckon they still have a popular spot in the embroiderer’s repertoire? Is embroidering beautiful monograms something that entices you? What do people think of monograms these days? These are the questions I was pondering when I remembered this unfinished alphabet.

So, I’m tying up a loose end!

Here’s the N in the Fan Flower Monogram alphabet:

Free Monogram for Hand Embroidery: N Fan Flower

I’ve included a small (3″) and a large (6″) monogram in the following PDF, which you may download:

Monogram for Hand Embroidery: Fan Flower N


Favorite Monograms – PDF Collection

This entire alphabet – plus many more! – is available gathered in one easy-to-download PDF in Favorite Monograms, a collection of 16 monogram alphabets perfect for hand embroidery and other crafts.

Favorite Monograms for Hand Embroidery and Other Crafts

In the photo above, you can see samples of each alphabet available in Favorite Monograms.

Each letter in each alphabet in Favorite Monograms has been carefully traced into a clean line drawing that can be easily enlarged or reduced on a home printer or a photocopier. If printed straight from the PDF, the letters print at 2.5″ high, when choosing “no scaling” or “100%” in your printer settings.

The 16-alphabet collection is delivered as via a download link to your inbox shortly after purchase, so that you can begin creating right away! Priced at less than $1.00 per complete alphabet, monogram lovers can’t go wrong with this collection!

Favorite Monograms is available in my shop, here.


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(14) Comments

  1. Hi Mary!!
    First, let me tell you that I love your site and I read your posts every single day. You are a source of inspiration and knowledge, and you are the reason why I started to embroider again. Please, excuse any mistakes I could make, as english isn’t my first language.
    I think that monograms are a lovely way to customize embroidery, and are perfect for presents.
    Currently, I’m working on a piece for my mother in law, that I want to give her as a Christmas present.
    I use patterns from your site, altering them a little bit to fit the piece, if you want, I’ll send you some pictures when it’s done.
    Hugs from Argentina, Libertad

  2. I love monograms. They are so unique with different styles and letters for each one. It seems to me that they are so unique. the different letters, the style of the letters the personal style of the embroiderer.

  3. Hi Mary,

    I think monograms are particularly nice as wedding presents. Intertwine the first initials of the bride and groom, surround with a wreath of flowers and date. Frame. And voilà! Lovely keepsake.


  4. Monograms are beautiful, but I love shopping for (and using) antique linens, and if they have monograms, I tend to pass them by.

  5. Have been reading your posts and following your blogs for quite sometime now. Am not very active with Needle and Thread but Embroidery always impresses me and am here for the love of it.
    You share some gorgeous designs here and draw inspirations from them for my Fabric art.
    Am a huge fan of monograms (any form) and use them whenever am making gifts….i see it to add a sense of personal touch. Loved the designs here and am sure to use them in my art projects.
    Thanks a lot!!

  6. I LOVE monograms! Not in the Laverne of Laverne and Shirley way, but I’ve embroidered countless monogrammed hankies for my grandma (it’s one way to make sure they get returned to her in her nursing home).

    I also carry around a little hand-made (hade to make it to have one that’s purse-sized!) blank book to jot down musings that I covered with linen I monogrammed with silk satin stitch and a few ribbon-embroidered flowers. Every time I pull it out, it gets oohs and ahs.

    I’ve got a set of sheets with my triple entwined monogram that always make me feel like I’m wrapped in luxury, and I like to monogram linen napkins and guest towels as wedding gifts to pass on the same sense of luxury.

    Yeah for monograms!

  7. Monograms are a delightful personal present and a very easy way to pass the time doing needlework when design, setup,etc require more than time allows.

    Yes to the monograms!!

  8. I was wondering about this alphabet! I’m glad to see you posting it again. I also just love monograms, but never do nearly enough of them. I’ll buy them in antique shops even if it’s the wrong letter.

  9. I too love monograms. A few years ago a magazine I bought had cross stitch patterns for an alphabet in a kind of Mediaeval style so I made one each for about a dozen or so friends that year. But mostly I paint them on cards for special occasions such as weddings and anniversaries. Embroidering them is my next move.

  10. Hi, I love monograms!
    I like to add monograms on little embroidered gifts, like lavender sachets or small purses. Padded satin stitch monograms are so beautiful!
    I’m currently working on a monogram sampler, with both my husband’s and mine monograms, mixed. It’s a great way to practice padded satin stitch and will be a nice addiction to my living room wall, when finished.
    You can see some wip pics in my website.
    Ciao, Stefania

  11. Hi Mary,
    I checked out all the embroidery patterns in ur site. They are awesome ! Just loved them all. Can u plz suggest me a good pattern or a monogram to embroider the name “deeps” on handkerchief.Also plz tell me the what kind of stitches can be used in that !

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