
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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A Few Needle ‘n Thread Updates


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Lately, I’ve been working behind the scenes to accomplish a few minor updates here on Needle ‘n Thread – things that have been hanging over my head for a looooong time! Though minor updates, for some reason, it took me forever to get to them.

Needlenthread Updates

The first update is over on the page where you’ll find all the free hand embroidery patterns on the site listed, which you can reach by clicking on “Patterns” in the top menu of the website. A section dedicated to Hungarian Hand Embroidery Patterns has been added. This is where I’ll collect all the patterns from Lilly’s Legacy as they become available.

Needlenthread Updates

You’ll notice that when you’re navigating through any of the pages found in the main menu that there’s a navigation menu at the top of the left column. All the links to any sub-sections of the area that you’re currently in (for example, here, we’re looking at the “Patterns” page) are clickable and will take you directly to that sub-section. On the “Patterns” page, the sub-sections are actually right there on the same page, but on other sections of the website (like the “Pictures” section), each link in the navigation menu on the left takes you to a new page.

These navigation menus are great for getting around the sub-sections of the site easily. They’ve been there all along – the only update I’m pointing out here is that the Hungarian Embroidery Patterns have been added to the navigation area, too!

Needlenthread Updates

Well, it’s about time!! I’ve updated the Types of Hand Embroidery area on the site. You can access a (short and not exhaustive) list of various types of hand embroidery through this button in the right column of the website, and it will take you to a page that has a photo of index of types of hand embroidery. Each of those links will take you to a brief explanation of the type of embroidery with a few links to articles pertinent to the topic.

Needlenthread Updates

I’ve finally added Brazilian Embroidery to the list of types, and it’s added to the navigation menu in the left column as well. That’s been a long time coming!

There are plenty of other little updates coming soon. I’ll be expanding the Types of Hand Embroidery, updating some information and links under the Tips & Techniques page, and generally just catching up on some loose ends here and there on the site. The how-to videos are going to get a little more attention, too – I’ve got several updated videos that I’ll be putting in place this summer, as well as adding lots of new ones! (Summer’s great for getting stuff done, isn’t it?)

And speaking of summer, there’s a Really Big Update coming to Needle ‘n Thread in the next couple weeks. It’s titled “Ask & Share,” and I think it will be a fun and helpful addition to Needle ‘n Thread! The title pretty much sums it up: Ask & Share. You’ll find a Needlework Question & Answer section (where you can post questions and get answers); a Gallery section (where you can post your own pictures); a Stitch-Along, Swap, and Contest area; Needlework Classifieds; and a secure, private area for online needlework classes. I’m very excited about it, and can’t wait to take you on a tour as we come closer to the launch date.

So that’s the behind-the-scenes busy-ness here at Needle ‘n Thread. I’m itching for the arrival of summer, so that lots of little plans can come to fruition!

Don’t forget to sign up for my Mother’s Day Give-Away if you haven’t already. It’s a great opportunity to get a hold of a beautiful crewel embroidery design… and if you wouldn’t work it yourself, if you win, you can always give it as a gift to your favorite stitching friend!

Have a Wonderful Weekend!!


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(19) Comments

  1. Hi Marymentor:
    Thanks for this synopsis. Your thoroughness and organization of thought (a teacher 🙂 ! ! ) ….shines through as always….. Judy in Pittsburgh

  2. Great updates, Mary. I love the question and answer section. I do hand embroidery models for a designer and used one of your videos last week that helped me tremendously. Thanks for being here.

  3. Wow, you’ve been very busy. Thanks for making everything so simple to find, great organization.

    I do hope you have a wonderful weekend

  4. Mary

    What can I say you are amazing I can’t wait for all your updates especially the on-line needlework classes and stitch-along swap I am capitaviated by your website and each I can’t wait to go on your website I often look at pictures, patterns and how to videos so I can’t wait for your updates.

    I currenly following your how to long and short samplar and I realise I can put photos on flicker which I have only just discovered. Looked this morning on flicker and viewed all the long short samplars can’t wait to start. I have the thread, southern belle fabric and needles so will be starting this week hopefully unfortunately life gets in the way very frustrating.

    Mary just one question I know you have discussed extensively system 4 stand what do think about the system 4 table stand?

    Amazing give-away by the way good luck to the winner.


    1. Good morning, all! Thanks for your comments!! I’m so excited about what’s coming up on Needle ‘n Thread – a little “nervous” too! – that it’s hard not to talk about it all the time. But I thought it would be ok to mention the new addition to the site, at least briefly!

      Hi, Anita! Glad to hear you’re venturing into the long and short stitch sampler. Let me know if you have any questions along the way. I sometimes forget (ok – truth: I always forget!) to check the page on Flickr, so if you post something you want me to see, drop me a line to let me know, ok? As for the Needlework System 4 table stand…. I haven’t tried it. When considering between table and floor stands, this is pretty much my reasoning: a floor stand can always be used next to a table – you can even pull it up underneath the table to the side, and extend your work from the side over the table. But a table stand can never be used as a floor stand…. unless you happen to sit on the floor! So when I was buying my stand, I never considered the table stand! There are some other components of the system that I’d like to purchase, but they’re on the back burner for now. I love the floor stand, though – it’s held up great for years now, and I use it all the time. If you’re bent on a table stand, I would imagine that it’s a good table stand, considering the quality of their products. Hope that helps a bit!


  5. Wonderful updates Mary ! … your site is such a wealth of information and bright spot in my day.
    It is always my go to place when I have forgotten how to create a stitch and get inspiration from all the beautiful things you have displayed.
    Thank you for all your hard work, it is so much appreciated!

    Happy Mother’s Day to all 🙂

  6. Dear Mary, You always come up with the cutest ideas. I think your question and answer section will be very popular. You have a very smart following out there and what a wonderful idea to help one another.
    Love Elza. Cape Town.

  7. I have a question. When I was looking for basic patterns( for my sewing group) off the internet for simple Christmas ornaments and other projects I came across a few places that suggested they be contacted for permission to use their stuff. How do you know when you must get permission from some of the sources you’ve suggested – taking patterns from many books, websites, etc.? It does seem like outright copying from some of these sources even if you aren’t using it in the way it was originally intended (wallpaper, textile, tile from Pugin e.g.) but adapting it for needlework. I realize you’ve been given permission for your patterns and have given us permission to use what we want, or should I say “encourage” us to use it freely.

    1. Pat – that’s a very good question! The rule of thumb should be that whenever using a design or pattern that isn’t your own, for something other than personal use (so, for example, to hand out to a sewing group, etc. – and most especially if you are using it in a class setting where you are getting paid to teach the class), permission should always be asked and credit should always be given to the source. If for some reason, there’s no way to get in touch with the source from which the printable or electronic version of the pattern is taken – and considering it is offered for free and anyone could have access to it (it’s not a “special member’s only” promotion or something like that) – it would be reasonable to assume that it can be handed out at a sewing group or something similar, as long as no money is exchanged for it, and as long as credit is given to the source of the design.

      The permission on my site is for personal use, but I am happy to correspond with folks who want to use my printable or electronic versions for something other than personal use.

      Considering the Pugin design – or other designs from out-of-copyright resources (public domain resources), the design itself is certainly not “mine” – but the electronic version on my website is mine. So if someone were to take the PDF of the Pugin thing – or the gif file – and put it on their website and offer it as their own, or put it in their printed materials, that would be wrong, because I actually did the work of cleaning it up and turning it into that particular electronic file, which I own by virtue of my creation of it (the electronic file). So for that reason, I can put a copyright on my electronic (or printable) version that I created.

      Remember that most designers make their livings by their designs or through the things they might offer “for free” (for personal use) as promotions of their designs, and if these are reproduced and distributed without permission & without giving credit, an injustice is done to the designer.

      To recap: the rule of thumb should be to ask permission if it’s for other than personal use. If it’s for a group project where there’s no payment exchanged or that kind of thing, and if the design is accessible for anyone (and not a special promotion or reward for a specific group of people only) then at the very least, the source of the design or pattern should be given credit, if asking permission is too difficult or you couldn’t get in touch with the person. But if there’s an exchange of money for the pattern or for an electronic file without permission to use it, or if someone decides to teach a class and hand out someone else’s printable file or electronic version of a design without permission (presenting it as their own as an integral part of what they’re getting paid to teach), then that would be a clear violation of copyright and of fair use.

      Hope that helps a bit to answer your question.


  8. Mary, keeping up with your website is starting to be a full-time job! but I really enjoy it and you are an incredible resource. Thank you so much for your dedication to the world of needlework!

  9. Mary, You’ve never mentioned having children so I don’t know whether you do or not. But, by virtue of the fact that you are a teacher, you are indeed a mother to many. Especially in high school today where children have to deal with things we never dreamed of in our teenage lives. Plus you are teaching them an art that traditionally (in America, anyway) a mother would pass to her children. So, with that in mind I wish you a very happy Mother’s Day!

  10. Dear Mary

    Yes very exciting I can’t wait for the new updates.

    Thanks so much for your reply I think I will invest in the stand, my sisters keep nagging me when am I going to buy it I’ve been thinking about buying the stand for the last 3 months, so I will take the plunge for the stand.



  11. Hi Mary! I am so excited about the new updates you will be adding to the site! I’ve learned so much here, and it will be wonderful to have a venue to ask questions.

    And I have one I’ve been sitting on – I’m looking for a good reference guide to fabrics, where I can look up different types of fabrics and get information, both for embroidery and sewing projects. I’ve only seen a few that fit what I need, but I’m betting you probably would know exactly what I am talking about and looking for. Any ideas offhand? I can hold this until you roll out the new section if you want.

    Thanks for the info on copyright in the comments too. Since I’ve embroidered one of your designs, I make extra sure that credit goes to you if I post a picture of it anywhere. Actually, I am doing it right? I embroidered your design, photographed it, then put a picture on Flikr, with a link to your site with credit for the design. Technically, was this ok, since you and I talked via email? This is something every embroiderer needs to be aware of. I know the EGA has an article on copyright on their site, and I’ll be looking at that too. Now that I’m working on my own designs, I want to be really clear what the rules are, and how to obtain proper credit.

    Thanks for the constant inspiration you give me with this site – big hugs and hope you have a great week!

    Mary Martin

    1. Hi, All – Thanks for your comments!

      Mary – Yes, that’s fine – thank you! The EGA article is a good one, too, though I don’t recall if they go into the question re: new electronic versions of old out-of-copyright designs. I don’t think they do…. ~MC

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