Wow! Thanks for all your response on the Christmas Cheer Needlework Book Give-Away from this past weekend! Normally, my give-aways aren’t over such a short span of time, but despite being up only a couple days, there were over 500 responses, which is pretty good! I was afraid everyone would be busy this weekend – you know, baking, shopping, stitching madly to finish up Christmas gifts….! – and that the response would be minimal. I’m so glad it wasn’t the case!
I’ll give you a hint about the winner:

That’s right. She picked the Embroidery Stitch Bible. It’s an excellent little reference book, and I hope she likes it.
Without further ado, the winner is Lynn D in NC! Originally, Lynn named the Embroiderer’s Handbook, but she corrected the title. I kind of figured when she mentioned the spiral binding that she meant the Stitch Bible! Drop me a line, Lynn, with your mailing address, and I’ll get that shipped out today. Remember to put it under the tree, and don’t open ’til Christmas!!
Thanks again, everyone, for joining in!
Congrats Lynn !! since I couldn’t win , I’m glad it was you. Hugs, Eileene
Congratulations, Lynn! Enjoy the book and have a Merry Christmas!
To you, Mary,a big Thank you and Merry Christmas as well.
Congratulations, Lynn!
I notice that neither of my attempts to comment on that other post were ever unmoderated–I haven’t been checking regularly when I comment on posts (maybe I should), but am I being barred from commenting for some reason?
Hi, Melissa – It takes a while for the moderated comment to actually show up, depending on whether or not I’m home. But your comment did show up on the give-away post. It shows it on my end as unmoderated. Did you scroll through all the pages of comments to find it? There are 6 pages of comments on that post, so it can be kind of difficult to find an individual one. If you go from the first page of comments (which are the newest, time-wise) and click “older comments” and go four pages back on the comments, your comment is #35 on the fourth page back. Hope that helps! ~MC
Congrats, Lynn…..Happy embroidering!
G’day Mary and Lynn,
Congratulations to both of you! Lynn for being the lucky 1 of 500. Happy browsing and stitching Lynn.
And you, Mary, for winning THE Best of…um…all sorts of things! From ‘Abandoning yourself to Stitching’ to ‘Zaniest Blogger’ in 2010. (looked up what ‘zaniest’ really meant, so I’d better add it’s just for fun!)
Happy and safe holidays,
Cheers, Kath.
Congrats, Lynn – enjoy it!
Thankyou for such a great giveaway, Mary. Have a Great Christmas!
Hmm, I thought I did, but maybe not! Sorry about that!
Congrats, Lynn on winning such a lovely Christmas gift!
Merry Christmas to all of you!