
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Royal School of Needlework – New Website & News


Amazon Books

Monica Wright of the Royal School of Needlework sent out an e-mail earlier this week with some exciting news from the RSN. The first point is that they have a new website, which is great. It’s a lot easier to get around on than the old one was!

Royal School of Needlework Website

But that’s not the most exciting news. The exciting news is this extensive list of day classes in various embroidery techniques that are scheduled for 2010 – 2011.

What catches my eye? There are numerous introductory classes in goldwork, whitework, blackwork, silk shading, Jacobean embroidery, and other techniques. There’s a class in tambour work. There are “developing classes” for those who are beyond the introductory level. There’s a class that looks really fun, on Goldwork Millefiore Brooches. There’s a workshop in ecclesiastical embroidery. It looks like a terrific line-up of day classes that range from 1 – 3 days.

For those of you who live in the UK and have been looking for classes, why not check these out? And for folks who might travel to England for vacation, to visit relatives (or maybe even on business?), maybe a short break with a one or two day class would be worth figuring in to your plans.

I found myself going through each class description and daydreaming about all the classes I think would be fun to take. Then I made a wish list.

Um…. in that particular fantasy, I ended up hanging out at Hampton Court Palace for a mere 28 days! I woke up shortly after I found myself destitute, living on a park bench.

Putting aside all those “mundane” concerns of finance, travel, and time, if you could pick only one class, which one would you take?!

It’s hard to choose, isn’t it?


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(15) Comments

  1. Bonjour Mary,
    Pouring buckets today, great day to work on projects. If I had the chance, I would love to learn more about Silk painting. I love the effects and colors etc. and probably Blackwork…I have done quite a few pictures years ago but what you did with your fish made me want to do more.

  2. Hi Mary, I am already planning a trip to the UK to take an embroidery class, but with Helen Stevens and combining it with a little genealogy research.

  3. Thanks for the new, Mary!

    I’ll choose the Whitework – an introductiom to pulled and drawn thread or Introduction to blackwork – we can dream, of course 🙂

  4. Thanks for the heads-up Mary – I’m based in the UK and seriously tempted by one or two of these. Unfortunately though I think I might have to wait for 2012 … to much else going on at the mo. Tambour work would would be my top choice – something I’ve always wanted to have a go at. I’d also like to do the Goldwork Milefiore brooches. :o)

  5. Sorry! Just choose one? Can’t do it 🙂

    Well …. OK then …. umm …. fancy the Elizabethan Style Sweete Bags course …. or possibly the Introduction to Raised Embroidery …. see, just choose one! … can’t do it!

    However, don’t worry about the park bench, you could come and stay with me 🙂

    Cheshunt, Herts, UK

  6. My friend and I are already booked on Millefiore Brooches having missed out on it last year – really looking forward to it! Did Introduction to Goldwork last year which was lovely – it’s a great place to learn.


  7. Taking classes at the RSN is on my “Bucket List”. I actually have a very young student whose parents sent here there instead of summer camp. She has taken all 4 “Introductory” courses (2 weeks each, I believe). Lucky girl! And has a great foundation for further learning.

    Me? If I could only take ONE class ONE day (sigh), I would probably opt for tambour work. It is very tricky business and I believe learning directly from a professional is the way to go. But I would probably hide in the closet and sneak into goldwork, whitework, blackwork, crewel, etc.!!! When they found me out, I’d come sit on the park bench and stitch with you!!

  8. Would love to take the Introductory to Embroidery class. Maybe the Introductory to Stumpwork. Never thought of adding a embroidery class to a holiday itinerary. Great idea. Recent visit to England saw a lovely tapestry in Sunbury-on-Thames(not far from Heathrow Airport). You can Google, Sunbury on Thames tapestry, if interested. There is also a nice Garden and Tea house. Mary, Thanks for the recent compliment and encouragement.

  9. I’m afraid I’m sitting next to you on that bench! There are so many to chose from, but the Milleflore Brooches are my first choice. Wish I could go but not this year (or next, either).

  10. Choose one? I can’t choose. It would require living there to satisfy me. I mean living at the school during open hours. When it closed I’d be joining you on the park bench, of course. From the looks of all the posts, you won’t be alone on that bench. 🙂

    Still, it’s something to reach for, isn’t it?

    I envy all the ladies who live close enough to take advantage of this wonderful school.

  11. Oh so many choices! Gold work and crewel work and silk shading would be my first choices…The problem to to find a class that I can take during school holidays! But what I really, really want to do is the RSN Certificate of Hand Embroidery. And I will! I just don’t know when – but we all need a dream, even is it ends on a park bench!

  12. Mary – don’t forget the San Francisco classes! While the Certificate/Diploma intensive classes meet twice a year, each spring they hold one and two day classes similar to the ones at the palace. And the tutors are the same ones that teach at the RSN.

    I went over and took two goldwork classes at Hampton Court(my #1 Bucket List entry) and they were so wonderful that I started in on the Certificated Program in SF. (Your help in picking a design was much appreciated!) Again, the experience has been fantastic. Lucy Barter, USA Head tutor, is one of the most talented and supportive needleworkers I’ve ever met, and each session’s tutors have been top notch.

  13. I’m with the others, can’t choose just one! Maybe Stumpwork… or maybe Whitework, Blackwork, Crewel… its all so tempting and probably out of reach for me unless I win the lottery LOL

  14. Decisions, Decisions, Decision,…
    How can one choose?
    I wish there were something like this based in Chicago. Lord knows, I could use some help in many of areas. Ha! 😀
    Thank You Mary for your website and techniques! I’ve learned PLENTY from you!!

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