Goldwork Threads, Itemized


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If you’re looking for goldwork threads, or interested in getting into goldwork and you don’t quite know what real metal threads are what, you’ll want to check out the Products List on the Access Commodities website. There, you’ll find a list of goldwork threads distributed by Access Commodities, and – better yet – you’ll find photos of the individual types of real metal threads.

Goldwork Threads from Access Commodities

In addition to the regular gold and silver real metal threads, you’ll also be able to see the colored metal threads that are available.

Colored Real Metal Threads

Access Commodities does not sell to the public, but if you see a real metal thread that you like on their website, you can always check with your local needlework shop to see if it’s something they can order. If not, you can purchase online through shops that carry goods from Access Commodities.

What I like about the list on the Access Commodities site is that you can actually see the threads. They are photographed in the boxes, with a ruler below to give you a sense of the size of the thread.

I think this is a really good resource for folks who are wondering what different goldwork threads look like, as the various types available can get somewhat confusing.

So, if you’re interested in goldwork and want to know what’s out there, you might start by taking a look at the Access Commodities website! I find it a pretty useful resource, and I hope you do, too!

Have a terrific Labor Day weekend! I’m planning on catching up with some stitching, setting up a project, and Cleaning The Studio – the latter of which is on the top of my list! (Which doesn’t necessarily mean much!) How about you? I hope you can get some stitching in!


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(6) Comments

  1. My favorite goldwork threads resource is Tanja Berlin’s website.

    Scroll down a bit and explore the goldwork kits section and also the goldwork and metal threads section. She sells a 9 inch sample of a thread if you want to play around. The photos are great and help me understand the differences between the different types of goldwork threads. In the kit section, Tanja offers a Goldwork Sampler kit that walks you through an introduction to goldwork that I think is a very good deal for a beginner. Note that the following kits are the four sections of this kit and the instructions for these are free. Click on the link to read through the instructions.

    I don’t mean to say that the Access Commodies or Hedgeworks sites aren’t a great resources, ithey are! It’s just that that there is a third great place to explore goldwork and the metal threads used in it.

    Happy Browsing from an unaffiliated Tanja Berlin fan.

    1. Hi, Jane – I totally agree. I love Tanja’s website and refer to it often. I also have a tendency to start adding stuff to the shopping cart while I’m there! Can’t wait to see her new needlepainted rabbit available! I’m completely a fan of hers and have a post coming up next week that has to do with her…

      Still, I really like to keep up with what AC is carrying, because I know I can have their goods special ordered through any LNS that carries other AC goods (like Soie d’Alger, etc.) And just so folks know, I’m not affiliating in any way with Access Commodities. Obviously, I advertise for Hedgehog Handworks, so there is an affiliation there, but I only host advertising for needlework businesses that I would heartily recommend, without reservation. So I don’t mind giving Hedgehog a “plug” now and then, because it is a quality shop with quality supplies and quality service – a great resource for those of us who don’t have a nearby local needlework shop that carries the things we want.

      I think between Tanja’s site and Hedgehog, I could fritter away my yearly income with very little remorse! Aaaack!


  2. Hi Mary,
    I think that goldwork is beautiful however, I really dont work with that type of thread, too scared to try. As for this weekend, I found a wonderful book for half off at a craft supply place nearby. The name of it is “18th Century Embroidery Techniques by Gail Marsh”. So plan to do some embroidery history reading. I also plan to do more zentangle work on the 2 rooster design you drew. Have a great weekend.

  3. I also like her web site. In a very roundabout way it’s what started me embroidering! 🙂

    Stitching plan for the week end is to finish a little bag I am doing which is patchwork-meets-surface-embroidery in tecnique, before resuming the Current Big Project, which is going very slow lately.
    In the thing I am doing now I learnt to make Eyelets, and I feel very proud, it looks very much like ‘serious’ needlework, even if actually they are fun to do. It’s also the first time I do a monochrome embroidery.

    Good luck with the studio cleaning!!

  4. I also enjoy Hedgehog Handworks and Tanja’s site, having ordered from both of them. You may want to add to the list which also sells gold threads under Accessories–they have a nice selection of those as well as linens. And, as those “across the pond” may already know, in Australia is another great resource. I have ordered a couple of beautiful goldwork kits and metal threads from Alison, and she is so helpful with international orders. I have even e-mailed her for advice in the midst of completing one of her kits, and she responds right away with detailed tips. It’s good to know we have so many great resources out there, just a couple clicks away!

  5. I completely concur on both the Hedgehog and Berlin websites. If they didn’t exist I don’t know where I’d get goldwork (and other fine needlework) supplies. Thank goodness they are out there!

    Thank you also to Access Commodities for bringing us such wonderful items such as Hardwicke Manor hoops, Bohin needles, Au Ver a Soie threads, and on and on. Stitching just wouldn’t be the same without these terrific supplies.

    By the way, I am not affiliated with any of the aforementioned businesses, just a happy customer.

    As for my weekend, well…..I’m going to be at the EGA National Seminar in San Francisco (Monday/Tuesday) taking the ‘Berlin Bunny’ course with Tanja Berlin. If anyone else is going to be at the seminar come by the class and say hello! We can talk about how fabulous Mary is. 🙂

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