The other day, I reviewed the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2, and today, I’m going to give away a copy of it, from the Wooly Thread, where it’s on sale for only $15 right now. Read on to see how to enter the give-away!

If you haven’t read my review of the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2 yet, you might want to, just to have an overview of the book. I’m not going to go into detail here about the contents, since I’ve already done that in the book review.
To enter the drawing for the book, please read and follow the rules below!
1. Leave a comment below, on this post, on the website (not via e-mail, not on other posts). If you follow this link (or the one at the beginning of this line), it will take you directly to the comment form on this post, which is where you need to leave your comment if you want to be entered in the drawing. (Sorry for the over-emphasis on this point. I generally get complaints after a give-away that “my comment never appeared”, and usually that’s because it was left on the wrong post or it was sent via e-mail…)
2. In your comment, answer the following question:
What do you think you will like best about the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2. (Another good reason to read the review!)
3. Make sure you sign your name to the comment, even if you post anonymously. Your name should be signed in such a way that it is somewhat unique. Instead of signing, for example, “Mary,” it would be helpful if you signed it with something like “Mary C. in Kansas” or with a specific nickname that you use or something like that.
4. Leave your comment no later than Saturday, July 24th, at 5:00 am CST, and I’ll announce the winner on Saturday morning. The winner must contact me within 48 hours with a mailing address. If I don’t hear from the winner, I will draw again for another one.
Best of luck!
I know these books have such excellent photos and step-by-step details, but I think I would like the spiral binding the best. My current stitch dictionary does not and a spiral binding will make it so NICE.
Sonja P. in Powder Springs, GA
This book would be a great tool to access different stitches that I would like to attempt in a embroidery project that I am developing in a sampler.
Mary K.
I think the best use I can give this book in addition to using myself is as a resource for teaching my high school girls in my Fiber Arts class. Last year I tsught the class to empbroider and we made pillow and pillow cases. It was something they had never done before.
I love the clear pictures and explanation for the stitches. The binding makes it ideal companion to use while stitching.
I think we never have too many books. The pictures are wonderful. The information on the needles to me will be most helpful. I get confused with needles because embroidery has such a variety on the use of needles. Hope I win.
New Mexico
Hi Mary – like you, I’m a firm believer in never having too many stitch guides. I think that the combination of stitches would be the most interesting thing about this book – I’d love to see just how many different variations I can try stitching.
What would I like best?
The how to on stitches. I recently took embroidery back up. A book like this would be amazing to have. It would give me the ability to try so many new stitches, and also figure out what I did wrong on the others!!!!
Thank You for offering it up to all of us.
Vicki C, aka Bayboo’s mommy
I like the fact that it is combinations of stitches – ideas for putting more basic stitches together.
I’m sure that the very clear and detailed
illustrations of stitches will be most
helpful to me.
OMG!!! What a great giveaway, Mary!
I think I’ll like best several things you’ve pointed out but these two are a must:
1 – those several pages devoted to needles, particularly that page of actual sized photos. Manytimes I’m not sure which needle is that I’m using…
2 – those lots of composite stitches, filling stitches and stitch variations.
This book is not just a dictionary of embroidery stitches so far I could understand and for long I’m dreaming with it 🙂
Thank you for the opportunity, Mary! Again!
What I think I will enjoy most in the book is the stitch combination instructions with illustrations. (Also, winning this give-away would be a wonderful birthday present for me!)
Thanks for the Give A Way and the review of the book – what I think I will like best is the step by step color picture instructions – sometimes it’s the only way I learn a new stitch!!
I would love to win this book. I have the A-Z of Stumpwork and the A-Z of Goldwork and based on those books and on your review, I think that what I’ll like best about the book is the clarity of the instructions for each stitch and the quality of the photographs showing how each stitch is made.
Margot in Nova Scotia
On your recommendation I bought A-Z part 1 and I have not been disappointed by it. 🙂 I’d love to have this added to my little embroidery library as well. I’m especially interested in fill stitches and stitch variations!
I want this book. I would love to have it for the additional stitches and combinations it has. I do a lot of stitching, and this book would be a huge help.
I am new to embroidery, crafts of all this is what I like best, what I know I learned with your videos in the website and now with this book I can learn and do more combinations of points to leave the work even more rich and beautiful.
Thank you!!!!
Vanessa Lesck
I’d love to win a copy of this book. As a recent convert to Crazy Quilting, new and more perfect stitching is a basic requirement.
Love the website. I’ve learned so much since I started following. Thanks for all the tips.
I love all the reference material that the book contains and I’m always looking for new fill stitches.
Hi Mary,
What I like most about this book is its explanation of the tools; what to use for which purpose. The stitch guide is also nice and clear but I am not yet advanced enough to really branch out.
Hello Mary! Welcome back from vacation. We missed you while you were away, but thoroughly enjoyed the guest bloggers. I would love to have the A-Z 2 book. I like the idea that the book contains variations AND extras like Ribbon Embroidery. I’m going to be making an embroidered quilt top this winter. Each quilt block will be embroidered with a different theme on the places my husband and/or I have travelled to over the years along with things that mean something to us – like my flower garden. I’m just now beginning to research each country or city or state. Again, welcome home!
B J from Wilmington
I love the way this book has composite stitches. Although, I have been stitching since I was 7, it is nice to see combos I would not normally come up with on my own.
I like that the book combines stitches to make interesting new variations. I also like the colour pictures. Hope I win.
Good morning Mary, I read all the reviews of books you write. The page shown with composite stitches is really interesting. I am alsways looking for ideas to fill a design, this book would be excellent to keep as reference.
Thank you for the chance of winning it.
France Riddell
I have the first book, but the composite stitches, combinations and filling stitches sound an excellent addition! Kim @ threadtales
I found your site by accident and immediately signed up. I am a new needle worker and your site has been invaluable to me. You have shown me my ignorance as I thought before that there were only few stitches that you had to learn. Boy was I mistaken. I would love this book so that I could broaden my horizons and really step up to doing projects. In any case, thank you for sharing this site. I am gathering materials, although slowly, so that I can start something for my daughters. I loved the fish…..
I’ve been wanting this book ever since I first saw it was published, so yes please sign me up for the giveaway.=)
What I like the sound of best is increasing my stitch vocabulary and thinking of how I can use those super composite stitches you mention. Is that 2 things? Does that disqualify me??=)
Thanks for doing this, Mary.
What I think I would like best about the book entitled A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2 is first my experience with other “A-Z” books. I have others in different topics and refer to them constantly. So, I think I would love the format.
I am a self-taught crafter and embroidery enthusiast and learn much of what I know by studying pictures and directions offered in books.
It would be nice to have a book that shows excellent tutorials of how stitches are made. Another plus is that I have many needles that have long since lost their packaging so having the printed “gauge” would be a real plus.
Embroidery Stitch Dictionaries is a handy books to have on my shelf, and I am fond of books. I love embroidery and I am the lover of all kinds of embroidery designs, so, if i get A -Z of Embroidery stitches, it will be a great companion and i would be a proud owner of the book.
I want to expand my scope of different stitches and with the illustrations and clear instructions, I think this book would be the perfect way to do so. Thank you for the time and passion you share with us. I have picked up my embroidery needle again after almost 30 years because I was inspired by your web site and enthusiasm. The wonderful photos and links to other sites helped.
Hi Mary!
Thanks for the chance! This looks like a great book for crazy quilters as well! I started a velvet fabric crazy quilt years ago (Like almost 40?? I was in High School at the time) This book would be fantastic for that project! Also it sounds like it would be ideal for other types of needlework like crewel and ribbon embroidery! I have the first book and would love the 2nd one. I adore the A-Z books!
Linda McL now in North Carolina!
I am working on my second and third quilt with predominately embroidered tops. I am working on expanding the types of stitches I use to complete the patterns. I like the colored illustrations of the stitches, they seem easier for me to follow than just written or black and white instructions.
I think is an important tool for those who want learn more about embrodery. And why not for the pros?
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
Teresa (from Portugal)
I love the first book that was brought out because, it has such wonderful pictures and discriptions on each stitch. I can look at the picture and know exactly what I am doing. I read that the second book has lots of ribbon embroidery and uncommon stitches. This would interest me because, I don’t always stay with what the designer has used. I like to change things. I would love to get this book to add to my ever expanding library.
Julie G. in Iowa
Hi Mary!
I would love to use this book with my 11 year old daughter to explore new stitch combinations and find out where they take us.
Thanks for all the inspiration.
Alison in Sydney, Australia
I love the A-Z books! The illustrations are clear and eazy to understand. They are a joy to work from.
DinahT in Roswell, NM
I want this book after reading your review! I’m always trying out new stich combinations for fill work. I think this book would be inspiring for me, not to mention save me time on combinations that just don’t work for me and have to be ripped out. Thanks for the opportunity to win it! Charla in NM
I love the added information about needles, hoops etc. I am always looking for ways to increase my knowledge about tools to help me become a better embroider.
Thank you for offering this great book!
I would LOVE a copy of this book. I have always been fascinated with the antique embroidered crazy quilts. It is my hope to someday complete a handstitched one of my own, not one of the new machine versions and this would be a GREAT reference tool with all the stitch combinations. Thank you Mary for Such nice opportunity for the 2nd a-z book. Cyndi, stitching whenever I can in Missouri.
I think the best part of the book will be the step by step instructions and pictures to help those of us who have been out of the embroidery craft for awhile a much needed refresher. I know that I might get the same stitch but when I look at the instructions I didn’t do the correct steps to get there.
I am glad to see illistrations of combined stitches and also of needle sizes and when to use the particular needle. This seems to be simplified instructions for basic embroidery stitches. As a ‘revived’ embroiderer, I would appreciate it. Sooze50 – TX
I would like to try some of the more complicated combinations you talk about in your review. I think it would be fun to make a sampler of the different stitches.
Janice Miller
When I was younger I loved sewing, but not the handwork, my Grandmother tried to teach me (she taught many students all types of embroidery, smocking, needlepoint, etc). I wish I had known then that I would come to love it as much as her, so I think this A-Z book along with your great tutorials will almost be like having my Grandma with me to learn the stitches. Love your website, since I found it I have referred to it often, Thanks Debbie S.
Hi Mary,
What do I like about this book?…Hmm..everything!! Why?…because,Iam embarassed to admit,I do not own an basic embroidery stitch book.I’ve been planning to buy one but I always put it off and opt for something else. Since I’ve wanted to try ribbon embroidery too,I will be doubly lucky if I get this one 🙂
Deepa Balagopal
I love all of the A to Z books! I think what I would like most about this particular one is all the information about stitch variations, composite stitches, and filling stitches.
Lisa D. in MS
Having the step-by-step photos will help me undo my inevitable screw-ups when trying new stitches. 🙂
I think I would like the info on composite stitches and filling stitches as well as the section on ribbon embroidery.
Thanks for the give away opportunity!
Nita Carroll
I really liked the book after seeing your review. I’ll wait to see if I win one, otherwise, I’m off to buy it myself. The main thing I like the best is the step-by-step instructions with pictures I can understand. I have other books that show diagrams but I can never make it look right. This is perfect.
Robin C in Hot Virginia!
It looks like a fantastic book – the step by step photos and clear descriptions would make it something that I would love to have on my bookshelf!
Rachel O’Donnell in NY
I love the great photos of each step.
Reference books are my favorite, particularly reference books with pictures. Besides the obvious general utility and serving as a companion to the first volume, one of the things I think I’d like best about this book is the information on needle sizes and choosing the right needle. Having the right needle for the project makes it much easier, but half the time it’s guesswork for me. I’d love to be able to master that aspect of embroidery.
Nicola, Queen of Cat Hair
I read the Newsletter EVERYDAY…some of the guest Bloggers you had have been truly amazing!!! Mostly I like yours best. I found your original Website about a year ago, and your stitch Tutorials…well,just saying!!! My sister & I had slowly begun to Embroider and this book would help us so,so, much! We both love the art but are limited to any “hands on help”. (not very big in our area.)These illistrations looked like something that was very I really think we could master this. Mostly have only done Redwork, but am just itching to try something a little more advanced!! Your work is AWESOME!!
I would love to have a copy of A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2. I’m relatively new to surface embroidery (I’ve done cross-stitch and needlepoint for years and I’m also a knitter, crocheter, and beader.) I usually try to combine different techniques in my projects and the idea of combined stitches is really exciting to me.
Alessandra in CT
Mary, i like clear pictures of step by step instructions. The pictures which are very helpful for those who dont know English well. Recently i came to know one embroidery stitch named armenian stitch. I think it is the stitch you have shown in review. And the composit stiches will definitely give more ideas to experiment on..
Lakshmi Sadala
First I would like to say that your site is absolutely wonderful. I am there daily looking at all the information. I have just started doing some simple projects but my goal is to do a really nice piece. I love the pictures in the book and the explanations look easy to follow. It would be wonderful to have this book close by when doing a project or when planning one. I would love to have it. Thank you for all the information you provide to us all.
Blessings, Charlotte
What I like the most in this book is the variety of stitches and great step-by-step photos. I think, it would be very useful looking for new tries, new stitchings, new ideas.
Hi Mary,i m your regular reader and i like your site very much. I had read all ur post on this book n liked it very much. I liked it most in this book is information about the needles which they have shown along the pics. and also the step by step photo instructions is also great. I was thinking to buy this book but now u have given so much nice opportunity to get this book and may be I think this book will not available in UAE,
hope best luck of me
Sweety from Dubai
I collect books about embroidery, from modern to historic–and I`m always looking for illustrated (in color, even!) sources to help newcomers to the art..some students are more motivated by pictures, and along with personal instruction they seem to learn more easily. I`m hoping to add a dictionary-type book to my library (I don`t have one yet!), and this one seems to fit the bill!
I have embroidered for years…but applying the hints and tips are what really help a needle artist grow. For example, I started ironing a thin stablizer to the back of my fabric (a tip I found), my stithing became solid, straight, more even, and any little threads on back didn’t reflect through to the front. This book looks loaded with tips that can be useful to me! I like the color step-by-step pictures as I am a visual learner! Exciting book!
I would love to have a paper, go-to book on different stitches. Right now, I rely entirely on the internet (mostly on your website) for all of my embroidery stitch ideas. As good as it is, there’s still nothing like sitting down and perusing a good book to spark the noggin. thanks!
This is easy! I’ll like the combination stitches the most and second the ribbon stitches.
It would be almost as good as having your videos running. heehee
Ricky C in Winnipeg
Another nice giveaway! I have book 1 and have used it a lot but did not know there was a book 2. I have been doing a lot of patterns lately where I could have used this book because there are many new stitches which aren’t well described. This has caused me to do much research online that could probably have been done quicker with this book. Thanks for doing the giveaway. Sheila from Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Thanks for the having the giveaway. The ABC books are great. The thing about your book review that caught my attention was the embroidery hoops and binding. On EGA or ANG groups, a lady was talking about cleaning a nice German made hoop and in the EGA magazine the article on Crewl was talking about hoops that tighten with a screwdriver. I really did not know good hoops existed and I have never bound one. I have a whole collection of Bates hoops but I cannot get them as tight as I would like. This is a whole other area I would like to explore. It will probablly lead to another investment like Evertites:)
Like you I was taught embroidery at a young age by my mother. We made those crazy pillowcases with the pictures stamped on it. As I grew up, my basics grew also, but for some reason I stopped embroidery, cross stich, and needlepoint. I am now a greatgrandmother and belong to a Quilters club along with my daughter and granddaughters. Somehow I stumbled onto your great website and keep coming back. I would love your book but even if I don’t win it I will be purchasing it. Thank you for a great site.
Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to have this book for several reasons, mainly the fact that it has such a huge variety of stitches all with such detailed step by step instructions. I wouldn’t have to look it up online when I just needed to see a stitch quickly. I hope I win!
Kelly S. in Alabama
I am sending a comment on the A-Z 2 book. To begin with I really enjoy your reviews, they are very specific about what is and not in the books. I have read the A-Z 1 from the library but think I will purchase A-Z 2 as it has information about the “ribbon” embroidery and appears to be good illustrations regarding this technique. I would like to try this as it is beautiful. Also, the info on needles, when and what to us with what — always wondered how to find out that information, never being sure I I was using the correct needle to get the maximum effort.
Sincere thanks,
Lyn Procopio
I am inspired by this book. Not only does it contain clear illustrations (helpful for a returning stitcher like myself), but it contains lesser-known stitches which are beautifully presented and which will make anyone’s projects distinctive.
Connie T.
I look forward to reading your e-mails every morning as I drink my coffee. I’m trying to learn every stitch I can and your website and e-mails have improved my skills enormously. I usually check embroidery books out of the library … so to have this book would be great! Thanks for all your work Mary in keeping us stitchers so enthralled.
pictures are great would really love to win this.
Jackie C
I am such a beginner at all this, exploring all the possibilities. This book has such clear photos about how to make each stitch. I’ve seen other instruction books that say come up at 1, go down at 2, twirl around at 3, etc. to the point that I get confused and totally lost. This looks clear enough for even a newbie like me. And there are enough stitches to challenge me for years to come.
Hello. I would love to have a copy of this book. I want to give it as a present to my daughter-in-law. Passion for embroidery is something that we both share, and I know that she will be very happy to have this book.
Thank you!
Kathrin P. from Greece
I think this book will surly be a helpful to the beginners like me
Oooooh! This book looks perfect for me as a beginner for inspiration and “how-to.” Love it!
I believe that you never get too old to learn and I wouuld like to learn how to do these lovely stitches.
Rebecca G. in Jacksonville, FL
OH yes please, I would love a chance to win this wonderful book. I do believe I am most looking forward to the detailed pictures and instructions for each stitch. I will not only use this book but my mother will undoubtedly will enjoy it too. She has used your website to refresh her memory and now she and I will have this too! How exciting. Regardless on if I am the lucky winner or not, we will definitely be looking for this book for the shelf.
What an exciting giveaway!
I can just imaigine if I recieved this book sitting down and stitching and stitching and stitching till my fingers hurt and my eyes clamped shut. There are so many stitches in this book, and it goes beyond the basic stuff that you find in most stitch books.
OH yes please, I would love a chance to win this wonderful book. I do believe I am most looking forward to the detailed pictures and instructions for each stitch. I will not only use this book but my mother will undoubtedly will enjoy it too. She has used your website to refresh her memory and now she and I will have this too! How exciting. Regardless on if I am the lucky winner or not, we will definitely be looking for this book for the shelf.
Oooops…sorry…forgot the name…
Denise B. in Ohio
Dear Mary,
This book looks wonderful! I finished my crazy quilt already, but this book makes me contemplate making a second. The variety of combined stitches is amazing- what inspiration! Thank you for such a lovely giveaway.
PegF. in NJ
I would like to participate in winning the
book. Dalilih
Hi Mary,
I have had this book recommended to me lots of time in the past, but have never actually seen a copy. I love the color photos of the stitches progressing. Would love to have the book to add to my library for crazy quilting!
Janet in Colorado
I’m really excited about this book for two reasons. One, is I am a beginner, and having step by step instructions really helps, like you have on your site. I’m up for learning some new stitches as I expand my projects.
And the second reason is it has ribbon embroidery! My second project that I did was for my sisters wedding, and it included a lot of ribbon roses, but that is the extent of my ribbon embroidery knowledge lol.
I hope to be inspired by this book to do more projects. I have a baby quilt I will be doing next and I need all the help I can get to get it done before the baby is here haha
signed: oOFELIXOo
A long-time stitcher, I’ve mostly used and reused the same dozen or so stitches I learned as a young person. Recently I’ve been thinking I need some new stitches and when I read your review of this book I was impressed with the idea that there are some complex stitches there. What I would hope to gain from the book is the ability to learn about and learn to use more complex stitches.
As with all the A-Z books, I’m sure this one will be just as clear and concise and easy to use. So much so, that I know I can hand it to any of my girls, ages 9 to 23, and they could produce beautiful needle art, if they so desired!
This book would be indispensible, not only for the stitch combinations and instruction, but for the basic embroidery tool usage – like needles, fabrics and hoops.
I really would LOVE to add this to my library!
What a great book! I’m sure the thing I would like most about it would be the detailed images depicting each step of the stitches. That would help me a lot! Thank you 🙂
Nancy S in Denton, TX
I would love to win this book! Last year I took a CQ class and learned a few stitches. I had a lot of fun, but I want to learn more. I would love to learn how to combine stitches, which would be a highlight of this book for me. Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Diane – Lace-lovin’ Librarian
I would love to learn how to combine stitches for crazy quilting. I have just started to try combining stitches and help would be greatly appreciated!
The review of the A-Z Book 2 made my mouth water and my fingers start to itch for my needle! Looks great.
My forte is surface embellishment of my hand wovens. I would love to learn more stitches to adorn my garments!
Thanks for the opportunity to win a fabulous book!
Helen B in Beautiful Lakewood, Colorado
I have owned a copy of the first a to z, since shortly after it was published, but I have never got around to buying the second one – there always seemed to be another book to buy. I would be wonderful to be able to add this one to my collection. – you can never have too many stitch books, right?
Carol in Canada
I love embroidery, but am still a beginner (lots of cross-stitch in my past, currently learning smocking). I’m really interesting in trying some of these combination stitches that are unfamiliar to me. I love the A-Z series and have about 6 titles on my wishlist!
Where did my previous comment go??…sigh!!
Hi Mary,
I would love this book because I do not have a stitch reference in hard copy with me. I do keep planning to buy one,but it always get pushed to the backburner (have to prioritise,you know)
Deepa Balagopal
I would love to have this book because I would enjoy trying out the stitches with the rayon floss I use for my Brazilian embroidery! I think we often get stuck using our favorites and we need something like this to get our creative juices flowing again.
Mary C. in Vancouver, WA
What a wonderful giveaway! This book is a stitcher’s dream. All the instructions right from needle and hoop selection to composite stitches makes this an ideal book for all levels of embroidery! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
Ramya – Davis, CA
I would love to win this book. I looked at it with longing. Based on your past reviews I have bought books and they have been very helpful. I had a friend visiting for a three day mostly sewing session (so much fun!) and, when she questioned how to do something, we looked it up! The detail in this book sounds great. I’ve been interested in a ribbon stitchery project so this would be a real boon. The section on needles would be helpful too. I find I have quite a few now and am not sure which one to grab for what (except for the straw needles and French knots).
Thanks for doing this. I look forward to your posts every day. I skip over work related stuff and start my day out with the word on needlework. I don’t know how you do it!
I would love to be able to share this book with members of my chapter of the Pomegranate Guild of Judaic Needleworkers – we all know the basic embroidery stitiches so we need a source of inspiration for the projects we teach each other!
I love the A-Z books and would love to have this one. The photos are beautiful and the directions so easy to follow.
Judy from South Florida
Thanks for the detailed review – I love the A-Z books and do not have this one. The best part to me are the really clear pictures and directions for complicated stitches.
Anne in Waxahachie, Texas
I’m thinking that the clear instructions look very nice. The reference pages, though look fantastic. I have my needle preferences, but to see all the kinds and sizes represented is just great. I also agree that I think this book would be an excellent item in my teaching toolbox.
Kandy Fling
I am a busy wife, mother and lawyer (in that order). I have, however, announced my plan to retire from my profession in a couple of months. As a preliminary step and in anticipation of having more time to engage in all the activities I love and have put off for these past several decades, I have begun a rather ambitious sewing project. I intend to get back into embroidery also.
Since I did not grow up in the US, and am pretty much self taught, I have had to and will continue to need to learn many a sewing and embroidery ‘trick’ from books or teachers. Thus, I plan to follow your website and will likely purchase A-Z 2.
I enjoy your writing and benefit from your experience and insights. Many thanks and regards, P
I enjoy having multiple stitch dictionary references, but this one sounds particularly intriguing because of its emphasis on stitch variations and combinations. And the photos of projects and the photo diagrams of stitches from the A-Z books are always excellent.
Hi from Puerto Rico! I began learning hand embroidery when I was 13 in the Home Economics class from school. This book will help me learn more since there are more than 30 years away since I began… I like many features of the book: spiral, good pictures and good directions. What else could I wish?
María de los Angeles (fb: Artesanias Herencia)
This would be a good one to add to my collection. The combination stitches would be good for anyone doing Crazy Quilting.
I would love to own this book. I use to have the first book but my storage unit was broken into and it was taken. I have not gotten around to replacing it yet since they are $30 a book! But I love the entire A-Z series and I also collect the inspirations magazines!
Jennifer AKA leftsox
Thank you very much for the opportunity for this giveaway. I love the pictures in this book, they are very clear. It is nice to see photographs which distinctly show what is to be done part by part in the stitch.
Tara in Maryland
As I am a new stitcher at my 65 years old, I love the very clear instructions. The second reason is that I cannot buy it! Thanks for the giveaway and God bless your generosity…
I am coming back to embroidery after years away and I find your blog very helpful! I got re-energized while visiting the Bayeux Tapestry and learning their unique style of embroidery and I loved it. I have forgotton so many stitches and the A-Z would really help me get “back on the horse.”
Keep blogging your helpful hints! Tammi
i would love the step by step pictures. it looks wonderful and easy when you can see the pictures. I will be doing some caretaking of an elderly lady and if she does not know how to embroider, i would love to teach her and show her the would be so much fun..thank you..
I’d consider myself privileged if I win this book because it’s a great stitch distionary for those wishing to grow in their stitching repertoire. It delves into stitch combinations, variations and so forth. Every stitch detail is expalined and shown with step by step images of the stitch in progress. Besides, excellent useful information is available at the beginning of the book for the embroiderer. Its a great resource that gives you details not only about stitches but also about various types of needles/hoops used in embroidery. The step by step images shown in the book are what makes the book perfect for a beginner learning to embroider.
Dorothy S.,Ont.Canada
July 21, 2010
Thanks for the contest again. It is fun to try. I would love this book because I have the first one and reference it a lot. Looking at the pictures it looks as if it would be even better. Learning to combine different stitches would give my projects the kick it needs.
This has been on my Amazon wish-list for a while now, just waiting for a knowledgeable embroiderer to review it. I’m really excited about the detailed pictures and the explanations of heirloom stitches–they could aid me in determining the age of some samplers hanging up in my grandma’s house, not to mention learning skills my ancestors had!
Heidi Aphrodite from beautiful Utah
Hi Mary – yet another fabulous give away. What I would like best are the great pictures showing stitch combinations and the information on the different types of needles. And having another stitch resource to reference.
Many thanks
Jean B. in Puyallup WA
It is always great to have A-Z books on any subject matter that you have interest in. As a beginner of both Embroidery and Quilting all of the informational books that I have collected are alyways near.
On your review of this A-Z book I specially like the information on the needle;when they are best used and what they look like. The information on the hoops was also great. But I specially like the step-by-step intructions of the stitch and how each step looks, whcih is always a plus for visual learners such as myself.
Fredi – Little Sis
What a wonderful reference book. I have been doing cross stitch for over twenty years now and have been wanting to expand my horizons to include some embroidery. This book would be very helpful with my transition. I read your blog every day and have learned some very information from your postings. I am currently enrolled in a Master Gold work class with Thistle Threads but have not started the project as of yet because I wanted to complete other projects that were in the works. I am preparing to begin this project and I’m sure that there is information in the A-Z embroidery book that will help me through this course.
Pat McMahon, Big Flats NY
Would like to received a copy of this book because it goes beyond the beginner study. Always looking for new ideas.
Dear MaryMentor, 🙂 This book will have to be a “Must” for me. Such a great recommendation ! After your recommending the A-Z Stumpwork edition, I bought it and am gleaning so much from in for my Pastoral Scene project. (You’re probably sick of hearing about it by now but it IS quite large!) And 2 things about this current A-Z which appeal to me are (1) the picture by picture instructions…(shades of “Embroidery for Dummies” gives me courage) and (2) it’s including some ribbon techniques which I desperately want to put ribbon flowers on my Pastoral Scene which I hope to finish for Xmas giving. You are a real treasure Mary…Thanks again….Judy in Pittsburgh
I already have the first A-Z Embroidery book in this series and I hope to find many combinations of stitches in the second of the series. Sometimes I make up combinations of stitches and find doing this a great challenge for my mind.
Linda in Mill Creek, WA
Hi Mary!
I think that I’ll like having a copy of A-Z Embroidery Stitches 2 simply because of the inspiration it will give me. As a sort-of beginner, I could certainly use the assurance of having a handy and thorough reference nearby. Meanwhile, the dreamer in me has me longing to design my own works, and I believe that this book might truly set me towards that goal. 🙂
Up until now I have only done counted cross stitch, so I’m brand new to more complicated embroidery. The step by step instructions & spiral binding would be so helpful — would be able to lay the book flat for reference while stitching! Thanks! Judi T. in Cincinnati
Thank you Mary for hosting another wonderful giveaway. I know one of the things I’ll like about the book is the pictures of the various needles. Sometimes you’ll buy an assortment of needles, or they’ll scatter and I’ve no clue what each one is really for. Most of all, I love learning from real photographs, showing each twist and turn of the thread various stitches. Thanks again! Dianne in UT
I would love to have this unique embroidery stitches book! It looks like fun as I love learning new stitches and new ways to do some I already know. It would be such a great reference book compared to the one I have been using for years. Thanks for always offering freebies from time to time. It’s great!!
Hi there Mary,
Well, I would think all my Christmas’s had come at once If I were fortunate enough to win this book.
Despite having many books showing embroidery stitches, none have detailed instructions with pictures for the insertion stitches I have been desperate to learn, to add to my smocked outfits. Your email came up with the picture of the stitch I want to learn…………
How thrilled and fortunate would I be……I never win anything! lol. Thanks for the great write up. Other books dont feature the full diagrams for fagotting that I want. Fingers and toes crossed.
Marysia – Gocek, Turkey.
Marysia – Gocek, Turkey.
What I think I will like best about the book is the step-by-step pictures with the instructions.
I would really love this book for the combination of stitches. I feel fairly confident in the single stitches, but putting them together in unique ways is something for which I’d love to have instruction!
The A-to-Z books are very detailed and the perfect reference when you are learning something new or need a “refresher”.
I love the step-by-step photographs as I am a visual person. It is just like having your instructor sitting beside you as you work!
I have recently taken up smocking and embroidery and this book would be a great resource.
I enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for the opportunity to win the book.
Wow, you’ve done it again! 🙂
I was ‘grazing’ through the first book at B&N and it was good, but didn’t quite have the complexity of stitch combinations I wanted to see. This second one has me super excited, as it’s hard to try and decipher/untangle some of those combos to duplicate them!
Good instructions, AND photos, AND needles, AND hints/tips?
Totally stoked!
Mary, I have been reading your blog for a couple of years now and find it very helpful – such variety! I would love a copy of the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2 for the variations and combinations of stitches – think Crazy Quilting.
carspe in Alberta
I think that the thing I will enjoy most is the detailed pictures demonstrating new stitches. That way I have all of them on hand and ready for experimenting! Other than that just having it would be good. I had one but it was severely damaged in a flood.
~ Dene in Lee’s Summit
Hi Mary, I would love to receive a copy of this book. I am very interested in seeing how different stitches combine. Thank you for the chance.
I will like everything about this book as I am brand new to embroidery. I just finished my first class and this book will help me in perfecting my skills.
I love stitch dictioanries I really really do!!! But I’m about to embark on 3 year certificate in surface embroidery and could really use an nice simple well laid out book like this… I was given a gift of the A-Z of crewel work and LOVE it!!!
Brooklynne Kennedy!
I am a beginner in embroidery and belong to 2 groups. I am doing crazy quilting and have a few books, however they are not easy for me to follow. I would love to have this book as it shows the needles (I never know which to use), and the stitches and combinations appear very easy to follow. This is a very generous gift and I would be very grateful if I were to receive it (and I’m sure my group members would be also). Gail d in Roseville
I actually saw this book the other day in a store and thought it was incredible…lots of great pictures and stitiches that looked different, but ones I could do, even though I’m a beginner! I thought the needle chart would be most helpful. I’m finding it hard to know what size, type of needle to use for a given stitch, so there has been a lot of “do-overs”. If this book can help with that, what a blessing! Thanks for a chance to win! 🙂
Jeanne S.
Anderson, California
What I love about this book is the close up and detailed photos.
I would love to have a copy of this book because it would be great to have all the instructions for different stitches in one place. Usually I have to go to different books or go on the internet and find videos showing the stitches. The pictures are so clear and easy to follow. My husband and I live full time in a motor home and I am limited to space for crafts so have really started doing alot of embroidery. Try to find new patterns conducive to the area we are visiting.
Phyllis known to many as roaming nana.
Such an awesome give away Mary! I would like a copy of this book for all the step by step instructions , and for the variations and combinations of stitches.
I have been embroidering for over 30 years and I use the first A-Z of Embroidery Stitches frequently. I don’t always find a stitch that will go with my project and have made up my own variations. Having a book that gives variations, combinations and includes ribbon embroidery will be a very useful addition to my library. The needles and tips are just icing on the cake.
Linda Joyce in Richmond, BC, Canada
I have the A-Z book of thread painting and am familiar with these great books. The detailed pictures for those of us who are clumsy are a special help. This would be a wonderful resource I would refer to time and again.
Thanks, Mary, for all you do to keep our addiction going full blast!
I am currently working on learning to Crazy Quilt and think that the A-Z book of stitches would be a great source of ideas and techniques.
Diane in Virginia
Mary, I usually forget how to do certain stitches if I don’t practice them often. I believe this book will help me when I forget how to do a certain stitch.
Marva from Honduras
I think the book looks wonderful and is a great addition to the embroidery library. I’m slowly trying to add to my books and my wish list seems to be a mile long.
Thanks also Mary for all your inspiration and knowledge! I enjoy reading different things on your website all the time.
Becky W.
The reason I would love the book is because
A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2 features over 145 embroidery stitches, variations, and combinations, each shown in detail with step-by-step photos of the actual stitch in progress.
I’m a visual person, so this will thrill me.
Thanks for the chance to win.
The thing that I like best about the A to Z of Embroidery Stitches is that I will learn some new stitches. Also, I have a 10 year old friend that is interested in learning to embroider and this would be a great start for her. Thanks Mary,
Claudia from Seattle
I love the detailed photos! Being visual, I need to see what the text is talking about to actually understand it. Thanks for great tutorials! Sincerely, Corky from
I have been very hesitant on starting a CQ and this dictionary of stitches would be a wonderful blessing in helping me start.
I am always on the look-out for embroidery books with beautiful and well-conceived instructions, especially since my young grand-daughter and I have been learning together. We love pretty pictures, especially with numbers.
Thanks for all you do!
For over 40 years I have done handwork, but mostly simple designs. Now, I am learning to do more difficult projects, mostly because of your encouragement,ideas and teaching.
A-Z of Embroidery Stitches will be just the ready source I need to expand my craft. The clear photos and explanations are wonderful! Thank you always for your work.
I am looking forward to the combinations of stitches. I love seeing them but have trouble coming up with them on my own.
I think I would love the book because I am always looking for a new stitch to play around with. I just started to embroider this past year and it has fast become a fun hobby for me!
~Kris S. in Louisiana.
I love books like this – so many techniques so well illustrated really keep projects from getting boring – there’s always something new to try and incorporate that makes designs unique. Its like learning embroidery from a favorite aunt you don’t see often – always new things or a new twist on old things. And its all in one place. Its nice to have the web to surf and find a how-to on a stitch that’s mentioned here or there, but to have all those stitches laid out in one volume… priceless 🙂
A wonderful combination of beautiful and practical. I love it that so many types of needles are available and discussed. I am an apprentice in ecclesiastical embroidery and am just discovering a world I never knew existed.
Sandra H.; Denver, CO
Hi Mary, I have several of the A-Z books and really enjoy using them. I would really like to add this one to my collection. I just love the way that the photo instructions and generally the entire lay out of the book. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win this wonderful book. Take care, love your site
Joan, Richmond B.C. Canada
Love this book for all the PICTURES and DETAIL’s..I need ALL the help I can get..And this book is it.. For years I have wanted to learn to embroidery so I can make Christmas stocking for each of my gr-kids (6)..
Thank You..
Linda.. 3 month California trans-plant to Tenn
Hi, Mary….I really appreciate all that you do to help us find the best information about things out there! I now am the proud owner of a Needlework System 4 floor stand to do my embroidery, crazy quilting, and BDE!! Thank you, thank you! Sometime, you might want to critique the American Dream E-Z Stitch Lap Stand, too. I just got one for when I want to comfy up in my recliner or use in the car. I love that, too, as it goes between and under the legs….so is centralized. Great tool, too. Now….about the A-Z of Embroidery 2…I have their first one and have been wanting to get this second one. All of the A-Z books are terrific! I’m sure that it will allow me to extend my embroidery efforts and learn lots of new things….plus be a great reference to add to my embroidery library…..if I’m the lucky winner. Thanks so much for having the drawing.
I have been out of practice with embroidery and have picked up the needles back again. Your website has been an inspiration, all the books that you have reviewed and the work you have done has broadened my horizons.
Loved the review of the book. I have been a huge fan of all A to Z series.Its a compilation of all the topics in one package. Thanks for the giveaway.
I’ve seen this book and it is good. I love to find stitches that are new to me, and use them in projects. Can’t beat a book with clear pictures and instructions.
I think the step-by-step instructions would be wonderful. Take some of the ‘scary or daunting’ out of trying a new stitch – and help keep the front of your project from looking like the back. My daughter has just started stitching this summer and this could be one more thing we share – pouring over the gorgeuous how-to stitches in this book. Thanks for the chance to enter!
A-z 2 delves into stitch combinations, variations, and so forth that are not as commonly seen as those stitches found in the first book…
Thanks for the opportunity 😉
Maria, Italy
Hi Mary,
Thanks again for yet another opportunity to win an excellent prize. I have to say the A-Z books have to be one of the tops as for a reference and teaching stitching/embroidery guide book.The illustrations are layed out so clear. I own the A-Z of Bullions and it is my favorite. I can read it over and over and never get bored with it. I would love to have a copy of the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2 book to add to my collection as I can plainly see this book is a ***** in its teaching.
Having this book in hand would truely be a treasure 🙂
Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas Mary,Your a great inspiration !
Tess R. from Ohio
I think I would most enjoy the section on composite stitches. To me it would be a mind-expanding look at familiar stitches.
New to embroidery and could definitely use it.
I really want to check out the needle guide section. I have never been able to find such a thing!
~Ehme T. in ME.
Hi there Mary,
What a nice book to add to my growing library of books on embroidery. I like the info pages in the front of the book such as what kind of needle to use for my sewing projects. I want to see more info pages with some tips/tricks to use from those experienced.
Also not just the clear instructions but the choice in colors that caught my eye in the example of the stitches. Thank you for the opportunity to win this treasure.
Maria Kansas
I bookmarked your review of this book right away because I’ve been looking for something like it. I just look forward to some new ideas for combining stitches! I love making interesting borders.
Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love to win this book because the pictures and details will help me advance to the next level of embroidery.
Since I’ve been away from embroidery and am just getting back into it, I appreciate the reminder on things like wrapping your hoop, not to mention that it is step-by-step, not just one diagram of the completed stitch with a lot of numbers.
Mary I would love to win this book. I think I would most like the fact that there are step-by-step pictures for the stitches, since I am a visual learner. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
I’d love to have this book – I’ve been re-discovering embroidery and finding there’s so much more out there than there used to be, and so much more to learn! The reason I’d like this book in particular is that it looks like it has very clear, step-by-step instructions for stitches I’ve never even heard of before.
Patti S
Me agrada mucho recibir tus posteos.
Lo que mas me atrae de este libro son los puntos hechos con cinta.
Pero respondo a lo que creo que es tu pregunta…
“But the real “meat” of the book, of course, is in the instructions. The step-by-step photos of the various stitches are what make the book perfect for learning.”
Gracias por este ofrecimiento.
Bueno, sigo leyendote…. Isa de Argentina
I would love to win this book. I read your review the other day, and was impressed with the sounds of it. I often struggle with instructions, (I have SPMS, and it really has put the brakes on when trying to absorb new things) its very hard for me to unlock the words, but with pictures….how much easier it would be for me!!
Whether I win or not, I just want to say how much I enjoy your blog, it has given me many days of pleasure (and education) to visit with you.
One can never have to many stitching books. Every one makes a different in how I understand how to do a stitch. My collection is incomplete without this book.
I would love to win this book because I teach preteens how to stitch and they love to use stitch dictionaries to look up creative ways to embellish their work. They would use this book extensively to challenge and encourage each other. I would also appreciate the information on basics to review with them, as well as the introduction to ribbon embroidery stitches which they are dying to try. Thanks for allowing me to enter!
I was impressed with the detailed photographs and step by step instructions. I am sure it would make a great addition to my embroidery library plus it is my birthday on Sunday!!
I believe this book looks like a great reference for unusual stithes to add interest to both linen and canvas work.
Thanks for the chance to possible win this great reference work.
This book, “The A-Z of Embroidery Stitches” would open up the beautiful world of stitching art even further for me. There is still so much still for me to learn and even the most complicated stitches are made so easy to follow by the illustrations in these books. Yes please …..
A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2 will amp up my embroidery projects with new stitch combos, and unique changes from the ordinary. Who wants pedestrian looking embroidery? Not me. The challenge of new techniques will be fun. Stitching will be improved and one of a kind lovely. This book would definitely be a welcome addition to any embroidery library. With so much information I could refer to it again and again.
I have been wanting this book for awhile. I’ve heard it’s the presentation and clarity of directions that make this one better than most. I have the A-Z Goldwork book and love it. Sometimes I’m looking for something new to use as a filler or a border and have a hard time understanding the illustrations in some books I have. I’m working on a crazy quilt and it would be invaluable for that.
Thanks, Mary, for all you do. I get updates to a few embroidery blogs and I always read yours and read it first. I’ve learned so much from you.
Lin Taylor
Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.
I would give the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches a good home and I’m sure it would inspire me with new stitch combinations.
I love these books. I have several in the series. I like the simplicity of the diagrams. I look forward to the chance of learning new stitches.
Thanks for the chance.
Marjean in Baton Rouge
I recently discovered your blog when looking for inspiration for hand embroidery details for a quilt that I made, and I’m having a grand time looking through the archives. I love your work! I’m just starting back into the needle arts after a decade long hiatus during which I have been knitting and spinning. Last year I discovered that I have a previously undiagnosed learning disability that (among other things) makes it difficult for me to learn skills from a book without clear and detailed pictures, so this book looks perfect for my needs. Thanks so much for reviewing it!
I enjoy reading the step-by-step instructions using the photos. A picture is worth a thousand words. I learn by reading the pictures not by reading the instructions. I was blown away when I read of all the needles I may use in my embroidery. Thank you for the information this book has to offer. Pat in Texas
The colored photos will make it easier to visualize all the steps of the stitch. I am a visual learner so this really appeals to me.
Also, the section about the different needles; until I started reading this newletter I was “in the dark” about many of the different needles.
Kathy in Canandaigua, NY
I would love to be included in this drawing :).
Glenda aka Wren & Stitchy
I love the A-Z books. I have several and they are wonderful resources.
there are several pages devoted to needles used in embroidery, including what types are used for what, and a page of actual sized photos of the various types of needles, that’s for sure very helpfull,
And also a lot of new stiches.
Thank you for giving the chance to win this book
Diane D’Eragon
I would particularly like the stitch variations.I find it difficult to visulize variations when trying out a new stitch.
One can never have 2 many A-Z books, they are so informative and the pictures are so clear & precise, teaching yourself would be quite easy.
This book would be great to use as a reference especialy for new stiches.
Hi Mary,
let me first say congratulations on a wonderful website. I came across your site by accident and am so glad that I did!! I have returned (ever so slowly) to embroidery after a number of years away from it, so I am more than a little rusty. I am a great lover of the A-Z series and have a few in my collection already. Being a beginner embroiderer again, I find that the instructions are clear and the images extremely helpful. But I have found that soemtimes I need to search further afield to get advice on how to “do” certain stitches. I have followed your recommendations and purchased some other embroidery reference books (which I love) so this one would be a great addition to my collection. Thanks for the opportunity Mary, and have a great weekend. Louise
I don’t have the original book but I’ve checked it out of the library before. Best thing? Definitely all of the stitches I’ve never tried before.
I am new to embroidery and self-taught. This would be an excellent book to have to learn from and for reference. Thanks so much for the opportunity!
The A-Z of Stitches gets an A+ for clarity of presentation. As a left-handed stitcher, I always have to reverse all handbook instructions to learn a new technique or a new stitch, so this book is an excellent resource. I appreciate the level of detail in the photographs, the step-by-step approach in these pictures, and the differentiation of threads. A very nice new addition to my library!
I think the combination stitches will really help me. I’m getting better at choosing new stitches but not at combining them.
I am very new to embroidery having taken it up just recently to fill in my hours after retiring. I am a little old (65) for a beginner but nevertheless, I find stitching pleasant, calming and a new challenge to keep the brain matter working. I would love to be able to try out different stitches from the new A-Z so I hope I am in the draw and that I am successful. I enjoy your site and have learnt a lot from your videos.
Mary, another wonderful give a way.
I own the A-Z book of Embroidery #1 & love it!
The second book which you have reviewed seems to be the icing on the cake. Especially stitch variations & combining stitches. It sounds like a must have embroidery book.
i love anything published by country bumpkins. i started my reading their publications with their magazine classic inspirations and was blown away at their stitch diagrams, so beautifully and clearly photographed, step-by-step. i was therefore extremely pleased to find their A-Z how to books. my stitching background is in needlepoint, with counted cross-stitch on the side. lately i have been getting into surface embroidery. the a-z book on embroidery will be extremely helpful, with the breadth of its information and, again, those great how-to steps in living color. having that book in my library will help me so much as i try to get up to speed.
Such a nice book – I think I would like best about this book that it also shows combinations of embroidery stitches and I am always looking forward to add more variety to my stitches 🙂
I would love to have the book because I am a beginner stitcher. I am so hooked on it. What is amazing to me about hand embroidering is how art comes alive right in front of you. It is just fascinating. I will start a project and be skeptical at first and then it blows my mind at the end. I would so much love to learn more stitches so I can make even more beautiful pieces.
Thank you for reviewing this book and I feel this would be a treasure for anyone who stitches. I love the colored pictures and the spiral binding – so easy to lay flat.
I have purchased a few embroidery tutorial books and I find the some of the directions cumbersome. This one sounds very clear. I tend to buy vintage books though. Maybe it’s time to try one of the newer ones. Enjoy your website. Thanks for all your insight. Linda in North Grosvenordale.
Oooooooooooooo! This book would help me expand my range of stitches and allow me to help others expand theirs.
I would love to have a copy of this book! I’m getting back into embroidery, and it would be great to have a reference with photos.
I would love the book because of the variety of stitches and the great photos illustrating them
A book of stitches has to be my constant companion. I am a self learner and there are so many beautiful types of stitches that I often forget and have to relearn specific techniques.
Thank you so very much for the articles that appear on your web site. I want to try all the new pieces you recommend.
Wanda from North Carolina
I love the book, I can follow everything step by step when learning a new stitch. I have a large sampler of new things I have learned and I know it is only going to get bigger.
I suspect the most useful thing about this book for me will be the photo directions. I’ve just started hunting around for some cool filling stitches to accent the piece I’m working on (well, maybe, if they’re cool enough) so this would be fantastic.
I have many eedlepoint books but few embroidery Books. I am sure that I will learn some new stitches that can be use in needlepoint. And since the book is an A-Z series, it will be an excellent addition to anyone’s needlework library. Thanks for the chance to win…sue, sudu, sudukc (all my names)
I will like learning all the new stitches which I can use in my projects.
I like the pictures you showed us. That is a big plus for me. Seeing different ways to do the stitches would be very helpful.
What a nice giveaway, thank you and Wooly Threads. I would love to win this for the explanations of stitches, but even more is how to combine stitches for a different look. That sounds very appealing. My stitch repertoire is small.
I love the idea of having tons of stitching techniques at my fingertips! I mean, of course there are blogs, but when it’s late and I don’t want to lug a laptop around, it’d be nice to have a book for reference.
I’ve got your basic, solid stitching vocab down (back, side, cross, short & long, chain, and a couple of other basics), so I’d love to expand my repertoire.
Thanks for the drawing!
Regan from California
Just what I need. Perfect for more seam treatments for my crazy quilting.
I hope i win 🙂
Phillipa from New Zealand
I have recently been caught by the embroidery bug. I have got myself a certificate for freestyle stitches from anchor,india.(did this while i was pregnant) and i think the book will help me learn many more stitches as it has a lot of information.
I would like to have this book because I am currently working on my first crazy quilt and would like to incorporate some new stitches in my piece.
It is nice to have you back from vacation. I read your website faithfully every day. In fact, it is my favorite part of the day…a fresh cup of coffee and your daily post. Thank you for making my day more special.
Colleen Lim
I love that there are lots of pictures on how to create the stitches!
I am not a fanatic, but I do enjoy embroidery work. I usually look for a kit that I can use as a gift. Sometimes the kit does not give understandable instructions. The dictionary, as you describe this one, would be helpful. 145 stitches to see step by step, and try would be fun and challenging. This book sounds easy to understand. I would enjoy learning correct methods on stitches. Thank you for your discussion and recommendation for this book. Liz M from Shaver Lake CA, a resort in the Sierra Nevada.
The thing I would like about the book is I would discover all the embroidery stitches that I didn’t even know existed.
Liz Williams
As a new Embroiderer what I look forward to initially are the needle descriptions, hoop preparation and I am sure fabrics and thread information. I love the idea of then building on stitches with combinations and variations.
I am not sure why I don’t own any of the A-Z books, but I don’t – they are kind of expensive. Anyway, after reading your review of Embroidery Stitches 2, I find I must have this book. With my luck or lack thereof, I hope they are still on sale and in stock Saturday afternoon!
Keeping my fingers crossed,
Karen in western NC
Hi Mary,
Nice to read your blog again every morning. I would love to get my hands on a copy of the 2nd A-Z of Embroidery. I find that I always come back to the classic stitches I feel comfortable with as the other more complicated ones I have to battle with and keep a book open in front of me all the time. So I would love to just have a comfy base and build on from there.
Thanks for all your good advice.
I would love this book.
I just learned to embroider last fall, so my stitch knowledge is limited to the basics (split, stem, back, etc).
I also design many of my own embroidery patterns, and this book would help teach me how to incorporate more advanced/decorative stitches into the designs.
Mary ~ The A~Z books have wonderful illustrations. I have a couple of them and would love to add this one to my needle art library.
Thank you and Wooly Thread. I will keep my fingers crossed – who ever wins this great book will really enjoy it – hope it is me
Sharon ~ Modesto
I would be excited to have the A-Z Embroidery Stitches 2! I have a passion for embroidery that is growing each time I pick up my needle and thread. I have so much to learn still and it looks like a book I would use daily.
Dear Mary, This books sounds really good – like you said, the real ‘meat’ is the step-by-step instructions on how to do stitches. I also like the variations that have been shown. Most often, we know the stitch but never get the idea of working it in combination with other stitches.
Hi Mary,Nice to see you daily.This book i think will be interesting and inspiring-for more creativity in the use of the stitches given.This bookwill be the begining to get the other A-Z-craft books.
ansu chennai-India
Hi Mary,
This is a great reference book.It has lot of beautiful stitches as seen in the review. especially the ribbon embroiderey stitch is attractive.Would love to try ribbon emb stitches.
kirti narkhede,bombay
ce dico de point est d’autant plus utile qu’il est formulé sous forme de tutoriel et il propose de nombreuses variations de points
C’est une mine d’informations
C’est pourquoi je souahiterai qu’il figure en bonne place dans ma bibliothèque de broderie
Hélène Lyon France
What will I like this book? What WON’T I like about this book?! 🙂 I’m not exactly new to embroidery, but I’m still a beginner. I’m self-taught and learning as I go and this would be such a boon!
What would I like about the book? What wouldn’t I like? I have the first one, and it is well worn from referring to it when I do my own designs. The second one looks great – new stitch combinations, and one of my favorites, ribbon embroidery. I am designing a birth announcement for my niece (she’s a year old but I can’t seem to catch up on these!) and I need some new ideas. I would use the book to help complete the design and the piece for little Lindsey!
Thanks, Mary!
Hello Mary,
This book really looks fabulous for novice learners like me as it not only has the variants but also may contain tips and uses which a learner will need to know. I will be glad to own this and be a good embroider some day like many of you on these forms.
Happy Stitching!!
I love the A-Z Embroidery book because I have recently fallen back in love with embroidery. I used to stitch in the 70s but never with the level of artwork that exists today. I want to relearn all the stitches and have recently purchased silk thread. I have been following your blog for awhile and love your work so much!
Hi Mary,
The thorough way you write about the content and features always makes me think I need to buy each book that you review immediately!
This book intrigues me because I love to explore new stitches. The bonus would be the excellent section on needles.
Thank you, again, for the giveaway.
Sharon Brodeuse in France
I am new to both crazy quilting and embroidery, and I need all the help I can get! In your review, you show pages with information I don’t have. The stitches you show are lovely, and the idea of combining them for new variations is intriguing. I think this book would be my stitching companion now, and for years to come.
Having all the stitches that I need to know about together in one book is fantastic! I have recently begun specialty stitches and I just love them, the pages where all the needles are described is good too, this would help me sort out all my needles!!
Thanks for the competition 🙂
Julie in Australia
I would love to discover new embroidery stitches and since I am not a native speaker it would boost my knowledge in English embroidery terms! Thank you!
Nadine from Cologne, Europe, Germany
I would love the chance to win this book since my dorky self jumped in joy at the thought of finding out what needle to use when and why. As it is now I just use whatever is handy and might do the trick.
I’d love to win the fabulous embroidery book! The thing I love about it is the creative combinations of stitches. I know how to do a lot of stitches but I could use the inspiration to create new and exciting embriodery.
I’m not the most experienced embroiderer, but so enjoy taking on new projects. I often see a design and feel lost when it comes to giving it variety with stitches. I would so appreciate having such a reference. I’ve read your reviews of the book before and almost purchased it from Amazon. There is little selection of embroidery books at my local craft stores. Absolutely love your site and use it as one of my biggest embroidery references.
Hello Mary, when I bought my first embroidery stitch dictionary a couple of years ago I only got one in french (the author being english-speaking, but out of print) – I thought, well, I should be able to handle that, loads of pictures in the book. It didn’t really work, especially with the more complicated/more beautiful/more interesting stitches! 🙂 I got back into heavy embroidering this spring and would love to explore more and new decorative stitches. Ah – and the thing about the “which needle is the best for which thread/use” sounds very interesting and helpful! 🙂
Anke Teschke, Germany
The illustrations of everything from needle sizes to ribbon embroidery to methods of doing stitches looks great to me. I often jump between crafts and so am not an expert at any of them and would love to have this reference in my library.
I would probably like the variations and composite stitches. I like embroidery of all kinds especially on crazy quilts and am always looking for new ideas/techniques/stitches.
Thank you for such a lovely blog.
I have the pleasure of owing several A-Z books and find them a great sourse of insturction and ideas.
The needle resource would be great. I can’t believe all the needles to choose from, and yes, I can’t seem to figure out the correct one.
I embroider for granddaughters and am starting to teach them, and finding out how much I do not know. The book would be a wonderful way for them to learn also, five beautiful girls and waiting. Think they are not done yet. Thanks for your blog!!! Terrie
Hi,from Tennessee,
I read all about A-Z OF Embroidery Stitches 2, and fell in love with it.
I am a new stitcher and am looking for all the help I can get.
The sections on needles, threads etc. would be such a help to me.
Learning new stitches well be so much fun!
Thank you so much for the chance to win this great book.
Katherine from Tennessee
Hi Mary — First I must say that since I found your blog. I have learned a lot. I am new to embroidery, have done cross-stitch in the past.
I had seen this book at another site and was think about buying it, but was not sure as I had bought a few other book’s. Your review was very helpful. I love seeing the picture of all the needles as I have been having a problem figuring out which one’s to use. The few picture of the different stitches were very clear to see. They almost looked like you had done the pictures as they are as clear as yours. Maybe some day you will write one of your own.
Keep up the good work.
With so many types of stitches to choose from how does this befuddled stitcher know how to use them together in a meaningful way to create (might I dare say) a potential masterpiece? The A-Z 2 would help to make sense of it all with color pictures and easy instruction. And who doesn’t like color pictures? A-Z 2 even delves into using the correct needle. It’s these “Ah hah and ohhh” discoveries that make stitching a wonderful, never ending journey. Plus it’s spiral bound. Hallelujah! A craft book that will stay open. Those brilliant publishers…
I would love to win this book for it’s general tips and to expand my stitch repetoire.
sharonf from MA
What do you think you will like best about the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2?
having it in my hot little hands 🙂 knowing it’s from country bumpkin (lovelovelove their stuff!)
aaannnnd the detail
I would love to win this book because I need help in getting my stitches right. I keep trying. Thank you.
My grandmother taught me to do embroidery, knitting, crocheting, and tatting when I was about 8-10 years old. I would love to win this book to expand upon what I have learned. I was lucky enough to get 20 crazy quilt blocks from the 30’s that were never finished when my grandmother passed recently. I am sure this book would be invaluable in enabling me to finish these blocks in style. Thank you for the chance to win.
It seems like I never have the correct needle, so the pictures of the needles would be of great help. I also like the detailed description and picture of each stitch.
Cheryl M. in OKC
As a fairly new stitcher, I’d love to have this book as inspiration for new fill stitching ideas. I find myself relying on the same old stitches in my designs and I don’t have the experience to make up my own combinations yet. I’d love to be able to freestyle one day, but need a better foundation. Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow! The A-Z of Embroidery Stitches looks to be an excellent reference for those of us looking to expand our embroidery technique. The needle review would surely help me figure out the proper needle to use and help make my stitches easier to complete. With over 145 stitch combinations,I would be prepared to move into the next level with my embroidery. Even if I don’t win the book in the drawing, I plan to purchase a copy. It looks that good.
French75 in Central California
Hi Mary,
What I like most about this book is the detailed, step by step photos and explanations as shown in your book review. As a beginner and a visual learner, I believe this would help me a great deal to improve my “so called” stitches 🙂 and to learn more. I find embroidery to be very beautiful and a new art form for me, even though it is one of the oldest art forms around. Thank you!
I’ve been embroidering hankies for all the wonderful women in my life for a few years now. Now that I am a stay-at-home mom (looking for work!!), I’m moving on to much larger projects, including a quilt for my son and Christmas stockings. I learned how to embroider using the first A-Z of Embroidery and can’t wait to use the second one! With each new technique and stitch, I feel like my artistic world expands exponentially!
Mary, thanks again for all of your generous information… you have taught me so many things that I could not have learned from a book!
I love to sew and embroider, but I’m not so good at it, I’d love to embroider sth for my friend for her b-day, and I’d love it do be really special 🙂
Wonderful giveaway! I think the combination stitches would be most interesting to me, as I know most of the basic stitches already.
Hi Mary,
What I would like best is having such a complete reference at hand to peruse and to be inspired! 🙂
This would be great because I’m always running to the internet to look up techniques while I’m stitching. It would be nice to have something next to me I could just grab and look through!
i was eagrly waiting for this book,i am a crafter & embroider too i would love to win this book [crossing finger] sometimes you know lots of thing, but from those reguler things with little new idea we can make wonderfull project,& as you said before that this book contents diffrent variation with reguler stitches. it will surly new icing on regular cake,i can make my project more attrective with new innovative ideas . it will be fun for me.let see how my luck work
The book looks like such a great source of information! I have taught myself to stitch and am always wanting to learn more complicated beautiful stitches, this would be a fabulous resource.
I love cross-stitching, but my fingers are itching to get started into more of the textile arts…Funny enough, I LOVE doing the backstitches, and other specialty stitches that are on the charts…But sometimes I have problems visualizing how the steps should work, and I think this book would be of GREAT value…not to mention, it also looks as if it goes into some ribbon work, and I’m interested in that as well…
I think the best part about winning a copy of this book will be expanding my stitch knowledge. I often find myself at a loss for what stitch to use when, and the book I currently have only has a few basic stitches in it. I’d really like to be able to have some pretty stitch combo’s to use for my crazy quilt blocks that I’ve just gotten interested in making
Brittany B
I know I will like seeing the stitch illustrations the best in this book. Thank you for a wonderful opportunity to win this lovely book.
There’s something about a book that is the A-Z of something or other. Everything you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask….
I think I would use the heck out of this book and then pass it with dogeared pages and notes in the margin to my granddaughter who is just beginning to learn embroidery. I learned from my gram on printed pillowcases then went on to design my own purple people eater when I was six. Who knows what my granddaughter will be designing in fifty years?
Hi, I found your site by accident (I was on the hgtv message board). I have not embroidered much in my life but your site has me investigating. I have used several of the tutorials and am so grateful to
Hi, I found your site by accident (I was on the hgtv message board). I have not embroidered much in my life but your site has me investigating. I have used several of the tutorials and am so grateful to
your site for helping me. I never realized just how many different stitches there were. So I would love to win the book. If not to be thank you for the information you share.
Thanks for this giveaway! I mostly have old embroidery books, those from the ’70s with hand made illustrations and hardly any colour pictures, so sometimes it’s not easy to imagine how the finished stitches will look like. Having this A-Z book would be like switching to a colour TV 😉
I learned to embroider as a girl and like so many have come back to it later in life.I used to know the basic stitches but would love to have a resource at my fingertips to learn some new stitches and broaden my horizons so to speak.I like the fact that the book has other sections like the one on needles and the other basic information which I could use having forgotten alot that I learned. .Thank you so much for your site. It really is the best for teaching so many types of needlework.
Liked the review. I have lots of books but this one seems to have stitches I haven’t seen before.
Dolores Still
What do I think I’d like the best?…combination stitches of course! Since I already have the first A-Z of Embroidery, I’m sure the 2nd edition will be great to show how to create the different types of stitches. But, I agree with your assessment…it was lacking in content regarding combination stitches. And, as a crazy quilt stitcher…the mixing or combining of different stitches is a must!!
I appreciate your review of this book. I had been thinking that I didn’t need another stitch book. But your comment about stitch combinations has me hooked. That’s my favorite thing to do!
I look forward to reading Needle and Thread every day. I have become addicted to crewel embroidery, but it’s a good addiction!
Your website has been very helpful to me re learning new stitches, i.e. french knot, lazy daisy. I would love to add this book to my library as an additional tool for my needle work projects.
Gail Drexel Hill addicted to embroidery.
I think I will enjoy all the new stitches, especially the composite stitches. The one pictures looks lovely.
Teresa in Sun Valley, CA
I have several A-Z books (but not yet all, and not yet this one!) and love Country Bumpkin’s publications for their clarity of explanation and inspirational stitching ideas. I have the first A-Z of Embroidery Stitches, and use it a lot.
I think this would be a great help in taking my stitching further, especially since I’m not always sure of the correct order to perform compound stitches I’ve seen (and admired) in other stitch books. The step-by-step instructions would help me visualize the way each stitch combination works together to make a harmonious whole.
What I think would be best is when you talked about it putting stitches together to make new designs. This will help think of ways to use other stitches together. As someone who just recently has found joy in embroidery I would love a chance to dig a little deeper into the designs.
hmmm… new stiches, clear instructions, detailed pictures, what’s not to like?
I love to do embroidery and I recently started teaching my granddaughter AND my grandson how to as well,they love it!!! What I would like best about the book is the step-by-step photos of how to do the stitches,sometimes I can figure out a picture better than trying to read how something is done.Thank-You for the chance to win a wonderful book!
It looks like a lovely book. Currently, I use your tutorials as my guide, but when I don’t have access to my lap top I’m stymied. I have monopolized the embroidery books at the library, alas they must all be returned too soon. A guide of my own would be quite nice. I have recently ventured into designing a few simple embroidery patterns; the A-Z book would be an asset in moving beyond basic stitches. Thank you again for your site.
Michelle P. in Lakeland, Florida
I think I would most enjoy pouring over the wonderful photographs of the stitches in the process of being stitched. Having such a resource to hand is always better in book form as, although the Internet is great, you can’t beat thumbing through a good book 🙂
I’d also enjoy seeing the different ways that stitches can be combined.
Elaine Maul
Cheshunt, Herts, UK
I’ve been embroidering since I was 14 (now 57), instructed by my grandma. However, I’ve never done anything of your caliber and would love to be able to have a resource at my side. I look forward to your daily emails, drooling over the beautiful threads and designs. Thank you for your newsletter and website! Please enter my name for a chance at winning your book on different stitches. It will definitely be a well-used reference!
Stitches can have different names in different parts of the world and this book can help with finding what l might know by one name is also known by another and so learn actual how to do the stitch and how to refer to it to other stitchers in our wonderful digital world that brings us together,
The photos are so clear they are a delight to follow.
I am a knitter, weaver, spinner and dyer – and years ago as a child was an embroiderer. Embroidery is a wonderful embellishment and am anxious to pick up the needle again. The book will be wonderful – the photos wil be my guide! Will be purchasing the book if my name is not drawn.
I love to embroider and would LOVE to win this book. Tomorrow is my birthday and it would be absolutely PERFECT to win an embroidery book. I have almost all the A-Z books except this one.
Hello Mary.I will like each lesson and advice given in the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2.I learn a lot from your web .Books are useful I enjoy all your give away and like to participate .Thanks Mary
As a life long learner I look to learn something new everyday. I experiment and tinker with different stitches to see what effect they will give. The feature of the A-Z book that I will find most useful are the excellent pictures combined with the instructions that will give you knowledge not only of how to execute the stitch but how it should look when properly executed. This has a two fold benefit. First you can evaluate your own execution against a standard so you can improve your execution. In addition you can use the pictures as a guide for design elements.
Sylvia from Henrietta
I already have the book and therefore please do not consider me for the draw. The winner is a really lucky individual who is sure to cherish this book… Good luck
The thing I think that I’d like most about the A-Z book is the fact that it seems to be a really good reference. Aside from that, it would provide an invitation to sit with a cup of tea and and slowly page through the book, gaining inspiration for my next project. Though I am a quilter, I have always done embroidery, it seems. Recently I discovered wool applique embellished with embroidery stitches. Such enjoyment and satisfaction–the best of both worlds!
Arti at Kelleys Island
Thanks for reviewing this book. I haven’t done any embroidery in ages, though I used to regularly. This gets me interesting again (as does your lovely blog.) I really like the idea of the bit about which needles and the other introductory information.
I’m a beginner, and a very visual learner at that, so definitely all of the photos!
Hello Mary,
I’ve enjoyed your Newsletters for some time now and even though I’m a grandma and have always been intrieged by all the beautiful things created by embroidery,I’ve never how to accomplish the task.The A-Z of Embroidering 2 book has so much information and the examples and step-by-step guides are so indepth that I believe I could easily learn the technique! Thank you for your newsletter!
SherriV from ohio
I like the color photographs of the stitches – I have an older book that is mostly black and white.
Hello Mary,
Thank you for the chance to win this great book!
I would really like to win this book because I have recently begin to do needle work and have found my niche in life.
The sections on needles, fabrics stitches, etc. are just what i need to increase my skills.
I cant wait to read the rest of the book!
Thanks again.
Katherine from Tenneesse
An A to Z book would be well used. I’ve sat with embroidery at the computer stitching along with your tutorials many times. Recently learned a hard lesson with puckering. Should of used a hoop…. needles ???? There’s a lot to learn.
A big fan of your website, appreciate all the knowledge and inspiration at Needle ‘n Thread!
I am new to hand embriodery and I am new to this site. your lessons are amazing. and i ill try them for sure.
So many comments – not sure if Im too late, I would love the book, particularly the info re needles and handling work, (I often wonder how to pick the right needle) and step by step photos of stitches are invaluable, especially because Im a lefty and having to try to interpet line drawings never works for me. I dont think anything would beat the video library on this site but a reference book would be fantastic in helping me get new stitches under my belt and develop my skills.. Thanks Victoria M in Sydney Australia
Hi Mary,
I’m excited about this book give-away. I would love to win this one, because even though I’ve been embroidering for years, it’s only since I discovered your website that I’ve realized how limited my stitch repetoire is. I really want to expand my stitching horizons. I think this book would help me tremendously in that. I also love the “how-to” sections about needles, etc.
Thanks for all the wonderful (and beautiful) things you share on your site!
Just recently found your site and am really enjoying learning more about embroidery. I am teaching my two oldest granddaughters to embroider, 8 & 6 years old, 3 little ones to follow in the years ahead. This book would be a great resource to help teach them. Thanks for all your work.
When I was young, I did a lot of hand embroidery with my mom. I have been intrigued by it recently because a couple of years ago I bought an embroidery machine. I would love and need the step by step instructions (which would be my favorite part of the book) to be able to do some hand embroidery again.
I have this book, so DO NOT pick me! I just wish I could find it. I love all the A – Z books, the instructions are very clear and the projects lovely.
I think that I would most enjoy the pictures, and step by step directions. I would love to have this book.
I have been doing embroidery for years with little formal instruction. I think I had a one day class when I was in high school. I would love to learn more. The stitch combinations in this book intrigue me as does the photos of all the needles. I see that I have much to learn.
I’m wanting to do more embroidery, both machine and hand now that I’ve retired. Hoping to get lots of inspiration from your website!
I have just rediscovered embroidery and have been looking high and low for any resource material I can find. As a self taught visual learner this book is it.Great step by step pictures and instructions…in colour…., stitch combinations and all the support info you need to make the right choices of needles, thread and structural supports…..and more. I would love to see and have this book!
Faço todo tipo de trabalhos manuais
Acho que o bordado seria uma opçao diferente para ter mais renda pois vivo de meus trabalhos
Adoraria ver este livro
stumpwork, porque é um bordado que dá vida á flores,aves insetos, acho que é a minha descoberta em trabalhos manuais este ano.
Iolene, curitiba, brasil
I would like to own the A-z of stitches because it would benefit me in discovering stitches I have not used before; ensures me that I am working a particular stitch properly together with enthusing me to carry on with new projects, exploring and combining
I’ve learned so much from my mom, and now from you, Mary, about embroidery but I have SO much more to learn! I am AMAZED and inspired by your work! Thank you for sharing your expertise.
As far as the A-Z book, I believe the stitch combinations described through the text and accompanying pictures would be the best part, but I would also learn a lot from the information at the beginning of the book. Thank you for this educational opportunity!
What do you think you will like best about the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2? I think should I win this book the best thing would be having a guide at my fingertips to help me try things I have never tried before. I am a beginner embroiderer so this would be so helpful. Thanks for the opportunity!