Embroidered Flowers for Elizabeth – the Winner is…


Amazon Books

This morning, the second give-away for the book Embroidered Flowers for Elizabeth by Susan O’Connor draws to a close. If you want to read all about how I normally do the give-aways, you can visit last week’s winner announcement for the first copy of the book.

This second copy of Embroidered Flowers for Elizabeth (courtesy of Country Bumpkin) goes to….

Danielle K!

Congratulations, Danielle! I’m sure you will love the book as much as I like being able to send it off to you, and I hope it provides you with much inspiration!

Please contact me via e-mail with your mailing address, and I will get the book in the mail to you as soon as possible!

If you’re looking for your own copy of Embroidered Flowers for Elizabeth, you’ll find sources for the book mentioned on my review of it. Read the comments – there’s an excellent resource listed in one of the comments!

Tomorrow, I’ll be back to the goldwork project. I was planning to take a hiatus from it and spend some time with the fish, but I got hooked into the goldwork instead and am eager to see it done. So tomorrow, I’ll be discussing check thread. Over the weekend, I won’t be getting any stitching in (boohoo) as I’m very busy with work-related matters right now. Hopefully, by the middle of next week, my time will be loosened up a little bit. On the bright side, I’ve stitched a bit beyond my blog posts, so I should be able to keep you relatively entertained over the next several days!

Or put you to sleep….



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(7) Comments

  1. Congrats Danielle. Enjoy your book. Mary, I for one am glad that you are not taking a break from the goldwork. Much as I love blackwork, I dont want you to move away from the current project which to me is so interesting.

  2. G'day Mary,

    You and Country Bumpkin are sure generating some interest and making people happy too.
    The winner will be so happy, and we are happy for her. And you're happy to be part of giving the book away.

    Lovely for you Danielle, congratulations.

    Cheers, Kath.

  3. Mary, I agree with your previous Goldwork comment mentioning invisible nylon thread. I work with it professionally on pant hems for dress slacks. It is made to suit the commercial or industrial level blind machine as well as certain serge works. I avoid it like the plague. Instead I use very fine dark wool colors in cottons for dresswear clothing. Nylon spool thread should never be used for handwork, in my opinion, since it does most definitely pull and stretch. Even though it atrophies back, the damage is done. Handwork relies so much on even tension. Besides, who "wants" to work with nylon if you don't have to? I occasionally must for my business, but I shun it when possible.

  4. The goldwork project is fascinating. You are explaining the technical (or technique) part of the project so clearly. Now I see what is "hidden" when looking at a finished piece of goldwork.

    And congratulations to Danielle. I couldn't wait any longer and ordered the book from Amazon UK which arrived today. The projects are very well explained, and I can't wait to try "just one design" right away!
    -Sharon in France

  5. Congratulations Danielle, enjoy your book and the projects within.

    Mary I am glad you are staying with the goldwork for the moment; each day it grows more vibrant and beautiful and I look daily to see what is added. I love the perfect red shading with the gold, so complimentary.

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