Brazilian Embroidery Kit Winner! And Some Comments…


Amazon Books

A very lucky person has won the Brazilian Embroidery Kit and the instructional book called Apples to Zinnias, all provided by Threads in Bloom! In this post, you’ll find the winner announced, a wee bit of commentary on Brazilian Embroidery, and some answers to questions posed in the comments on the original post.

The Brazilian embroidery kit is titled Kalmya, and you can find it on the Threads in Bloom website. You’ll also find the book, Apples to Zinnias, listed there. So if you aren’t the winner and you’re set on having this kit or the book (or both!), stop by Threads in Bloom. Remember that the Edmar threads are sold separately from the kit – and if you need needles, invest in a package or two of milliners needles, which are always nice to have on hand!

Now, for the winner!

I drew by number, after “mixing up” all the names (kind of like shuffling a deck of cards, only I use a spreadsheet!). Using a random number generator, I was given the number 62, which, on my mixed up list, is Ellen F. in Nebraska! So, Ellen, please contact me with a mailing address, and I will send this off to you as soon as possible (sometimes, it takes a while, as I have difficulties getting the post office during business hours, but I’ll definitely make sure you have it before Christmas!).

Thanks, all, for your enthusiastic participation in the give-away, and thanks again to Sharon of Threads in Bloom for supplying the loot!

I think this every time I do a give-away: I’d love to be able to send you each something, but since it’s impossible, the best I can do is promise future give-aways of delectable needlework stuff, so that you have another chance to win!

Comments and Answers….

Trigger Cloth

One reader asked about the cloth used for Brazilian embroidery. It is called “trigger cloth,” or Blazer poplin, and you can find it on Threads in Bloom, as well as through other needlework suppliers, like Nordic Needle.

Copyright Issues

One reader suggested that whoever wins could scan the book and the pattern and share them with everyone else. This surprised me, but I realize it may have been said in jest, or it may simply be a matter of not realizing the repercussions of copyright violation for artists and designers. It’s important to understand that reproducing and sharing books and patterns that are the personal property of another and not in the public domain is a violation of copyright. Not only is this a violation of a law, but it is simply not fair to the designer and the author, who rely upon their art and expertise for income. It is a serious injustice. I don’t support such ideas and I do not frequent or support websites that feature violated copyright materials. I hope this is clearly understood. I apologize for the “rant,” but copyright issues are important in this community, as many needle artists and designers rely heavily upon their copyrighted work for their livelihood. Thanks for understanding!

Coming Up on Needle ‘n Thread

Coming up this weekend on Needle ‘n Thread: more monogram patterns in the latest series of hand embroidery monograms; some Bee-Yoo-Tee-Ful needlework from a reader (really, an unbelievable christening gown set – it’s stunning, and worth seeing!); and hopefully, by early next week (I’m shooting for Monday) the embroidery will be complete on my needlebook, so I should be able to show you progress on that. I’ll be continuing with the lettering sampler next week, as well, and coming up with a few more tidbits on needlework in general!


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(3) Comments

  1. Congrats to the winner. I did not enter this one because stumpwork is not "my thing". It is surprising that this craft is acceptably done in a made-made poly blend, though. I'm sure that a compatible natural could be found. The book is interesting, though. I might get it just to add to my collection.

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