Catching Up with Stitching and My Day


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Have you noticed that I don’t often miss writing a post in the morning, especially on week days? I thought about that this morning, and I really wanted to write something spectacularly engrossing, all about embroidery and all about the great strides I’m making on my current project. Unfortunately, the morning got away from me, and then I had to make frantic headway on stitching and other craft doings (preparing some wedding shower gifts). I only have one thing to say about all of it, and I’m going to say it with a photo….

I mean, really, what’s the most irritating thing that can happen while you’re engrossed in your embroidery, stitching along, making good progress, thinking all’s going well?

Ecclesiastical Embroidery: Hand Embroidered Pall

Right. You turn it over to finish off, and you see that.

It’s called a slip knot.

I hate them.

That’s about how my day has gone! Fortunately, these are relatively easy to take care of. I’ll show you how I remedy problems like this in an upcoming post!

I hope you have had a much more satisfactory day!


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(6) Comments

  1. I too have had that happen to me Mary and I will be waiting to hear how "easy" it is to remedy….hope after you managed to "fix" the slip knot you were able to make headway on your projects….. please keep us updated how you are making out…
    Thanks again, Kathy K

  2. Though they can be quite frustrating, I have always rather enjoyed the victory over a knot. Just recently I had one sneak in on me like that, on the back, but I was so far along I didn't even consider trying to fix it because I've never gave any thought as to what to do with the extra thread after you release the knot. I'm really curious to what you do now.

  3. Those little guys are always sneaking onto the back of my work to redecorate. I've always put the reason down as inattention…(something on tv had caught my imagination). But knowing how to deal with them effectively, thusly eliminating them from the landscape eludes me. I feel like a farmer with a pest control problem. I need workable suggestions before the next infestation!

  4. Damn knots!
    Do you pull it or pick it? 🙂

    Sometimes a little tug and poof it's out and other times a tug just made it tighter. What to do! Was wishing the other day there was a way to tell which one it was going to be…I guess NEVER TUG is the answer? 🙂

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