Blog Anniversary! Three Years?!?


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Today is the Three Year Anniversary of Needle ‘n Thread! Three years seems like a long time ago, doesn’t it? But I don’t feel like I’ve been doing this for three years…. Anyway, how about we do something SPECIAL for the day?

First, I’m going to gush. Bear with it! (You can always scroll to the end if you think I’m going Overboard!) I get so many kind e-mails and comments from readers who are always expressing their gratitude for my website, but do you know how much that is reciprocated on my part? I have, I think, the Best Bunch of Blog-Reading People in the Whole Blog Universe, right here on Needle ‘n Thread. I’m sure there are bigger and better blogs out there, but I can’t imagine that they have as much fun, or learn as much, or get such enjoyment from their readers as I do from you all. I just love keeping this blog up, and I love doing it, because of you, the audience.

It’s a weird thing, you know. When I first started this website, I had no idea what kind of interest it would evoke, and it was a tentative, shaky start, as I had never done anything quite like blogging before.

I’m happy with the way it has grown, and I love the constant challenge of keeping up with it and trying to focus and fine-tune it. I love the possibilities my blog is always presenting to me – I think I’m a better embroiderer because of my website. I try harder and I try things I wouldn’t necessarily ever try, if it weren’t for the website. And that keeps my needlework life pretty exciting.

And… I only do all that because I have a great audience!

So, to celebrate – oh, let’s – let’s have a give-away! Let’s have a 3-person give-away!

But, this is the hitch! I’m leaving Thursday, so it has to be a quick give-away. Besides, instead of having it published all over the web, where droppers-by jump in and sign up and we never hear from them again, I’d rather keep it among us – a quiet, closer-knit give-away. The only way to do that, methinks, is to make it a quick turn-around on the drawing…

So, with that in mind, three lucky readers will be drawn for this year’s anniversary give-away, and I am going to send you a selection of nice threads, some thread rings and accessories, some embellishments, and whatever other neat things pop into my head. And I’d show you a picture of the goods, but… drat… I left my camera at my sister’s house and won’t be getting it until late Monday or early Tuesday (I’m typing this on Sunday!). Tuesday, if I can, I’ll post a picture. Anyway, the point is to get the give-away started, and you’ll just have to trust me on the loot!

My Great Three Year Anniversary Give-away ends on Wednesday morning, June 16th, at 5:00 am, at which time I will announce the winners. If I hear from the winners before the end of the day Wednesday, I can get the packages in the mail before I leave for vacation on Thursday morning. If not, they’ll be mailed as soon as I get back!

To enter, answer the following question in the comments section on the website under this post only:

What feature do you like best on Needle ‘n Thread, and what would you like to see more of? Your answer will help me improve the site and keep it interesting for you!

Thank you for a fun three years!!


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(173) Comments

  1. Congratulations on this very special event! What I like best is the variety you present on the subject with resources, samples, and instructions. You are an excellent teacher and you also spotlight others we can learn from too. My knowledge on needlework (and my skills) has grown immensely through you. Have a wonderful vacation, Mary!

  2. First of all, congratulations on three years! I've only been following for about 6 months or so but it's been wonderful and thank you so much for doing this 🙂

    Okay the feature I like the most are the video tutorials, they're really good and clear and have helped me a lot. So I would also love to see more of those. But I really like the whole blog, I'm really glad to see an unread post from you in my feedreader, always a promise of a good read ahead 🙂

    So congratulations again and hope you have loads of inspiration for years to come!

  3. I love the ecclesiastical embroidery (I totally want to make a pall now 😀 ). Just looking at the pictures of the old pieces that were made for the churches are so stunningly beautiful. It's also nice to have videos of how to do certain stitches, and of course getting ideas from free patterns 😉

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary! My favorite thing here is project pictures: yours, other people's – I love seeing what other stitchers are up to. When I hit a slump in my own motivation it really inspires me to get the work basket out.

  5. Three years? Gosh, time flies. I've been blogging myself since August 2005 and it's completely addicting and has also made sure I stitch more, almost every night, in fact.

    The features I like are the videos (of course) and the book and kit reviews as many things you mention aren't available here in the States until later or at all.

    I'd love to see a way to find things quicker. Keywords don't often work that well in my experience (and that's what I do for a living, creating and implementing taxonomies).

    Thanks for putting up with us for so long!
    Jane, waving from Chilly Hollow

  6. Mary,
    the feature I like best is probably the video library of stitches. I have found it extraordinarily helpful in learning hand embroidery.
    I guess what I would like to see more of is pictures. You post so many pictures, I would like to see even more if possible!
    Nita Carroll

  7. Congrats. I love that you do and cover so many different things. In the short time I've been following daily, I've seen white work, open work, cross stitch, long and short needle painting. I love that you have so much to offer to both new and experienced embroiderers. I've been embroidering for *mumble* years, and am fairly advanced, but I've learned lots.

  8. Congratulations to you. Time flies when we are having fun, doesn't it?

    That is a tough question to answer as it all depends on whether that is something of interest or not. Some things attract our attention and others less, but whether they do or not, there are always plenty there to inspire us one way or another, so thank you for putting the time and efforts to do this on a daily basis.

    Pierrette =^..^=

  9. Hi Mary. Congratulations on 3 years blogging. I love your ecclesiastical embroidery and more of that would be wonderful. I am about to start my first pall. I also think your video tutorials are the best on the web. Please keep them coming. I also look forward to more pulled and drawn thread work.
    Pam in the UK

  10. Dear Mary,

    Congratulations on the third anniversary of your wonderful blog! I must tell you that it is very popular in Russia 🙂
    I have been reading the Needle'nThread for only a few months, but I am always looking forward to reading your entries and articles. Thank for your sharing your thoughts and knowledge and for inspiring us!

    Now, answering your question about my most favourite feature – I think I like your explanations and tutorials best of all. For example, I'd never heard about the whipped back stitch before, but now I am in love with it. I would also like to see more of your online lessons (I am really looking forward to the long and short stitch project), and I hope that one day you will probably launch a SAL for your readers. Please, please do! 🙂

  11. For me it is your blog itself. Nothing is nicer than seeing techniques put into practice and your works are beautiful. It is great fun watching your work blossom from start to finish, with your larger and more complex works my favourites.

    I'd also like to mention that it is extremely rare I skip over one of your entries. Usually they are so thoughtful and well written, bursting with information and tips that I find myself looking forward to the next installment. You are one of my "must read/check" blogs.

  12. Dear Mary,
    I seldom get to comment as I read you blog from work where they block so many things. Your blog inspires me to attempt things I would other wise just sigh and wish I could do. You lead me out of my counted stitch grove and into many other beautiful paths.
    Thanks for opening up so may other opportunities.


  13. Congratulations,Mary.May Needle'n thread live long…
    What I love about the site are –
    a)project updates,
    b)tutorials – both photo and video
    c)book reviews
    d)give aways( though I've never won any)

    What I love most is the way you point out the pluses and minuses in a piece of work.I too am a teacher and I think all teachers think alike ( atleast a little bit)

  14. I do love your blog. It has been such a great resource ever since I discovered it about 8 months? A year? ago?
    I love it when you just show different projects that you're working on. The tutorials are helpful, and the websites and references are spectacular, but I love seeing your projects. They always inspire me to try something new, or branch out a bit.
    Thanks so much!

  15. Congratulation, Mary. Three years of almost daily blogging is quite an accomplishment! I like the variety of topics that you cover.

    What I like best are the work-in-progress pictures of your embroidery projects. What would I like to see more of? Perhaps more reviews of kits, threads, and useful tools. As a beginning embroiderer I appreciate this information.

  16. Congratulations on three years of blogging wonders! I only wish I had discovered you sooner (and have promised myself that one day I will go back through your archives and read all the posts). As for what I like best about your site…do I have to pick just one thing? If I do, then I would have to say that I enjoy seeing the pieces you are working on for yourself. #2 would probably have to be the goldwork (because it fascinates me) and #3 would be your stitch explorations and tutorials.
    Thank you Mary…I look forward to reading your posts every day.

  17. Fantastic!!! I just love your site. It has been very helpful. Antique book links, book reviews, stitch guides. These are all things I use your blog for.

  18. Golly, three years. I just came into the blog world this last January.
    I guess it's all a blessing to me. Even though I'm not a shut-in I stay at home mostly during the week and outside of my sons during the day my people contact is all but deminished. You, I suppose unbeknown to yourself, are like a faithful friend that has a common interest. The fact that you post everyday is like having a friend over for coffee every morning with me so we can talk about anything stitchy. You do what you do all so well and I could never really point out just one thing about your site except maybe doing videos on other things such as how you remedied that slip knot the other day. Your stitching tutorials are so great, I would love to see anything in video that's related to your talents. You are my stitching hero. You have learned and studied this great talent and you have stuck with it and you have mastered it with the graceful heart to share with others. If only I could choose one thing and stick to it and bless others with what I've learned.
    Thank you for being such a blessing and inspiring me to want to use my hands to construct beauty to share. It may not ever be like the elegant embroidery that you produce but even still through your site I am truly blessed and inspired.

  19. I first visited for the video tutorials, but I think it's the goldwork that I really enjoy seeing the most now.

  20. I love the stitches library as well and have used it many, many times. I would love to see embroidery featured and I would be very interested in your opinion of Cosmo embroidery thread from Japan. Everything I have heard about it has been positive but you are the expert I want to hear from on the subject!

  21. Happy bloggiversary, Mary!

    Favorite feature: the video library of stitches. They have been immensely helpful to this self-taught embroidery beginner. I appreciate the time and effort you take to record and post those videos.

    What I'd like to see more of: Well, the more video stitches in the library, the better! I think it might also be fun to get more ideas of different ways to display/use finished embroidered pieces and creative ways to use embroidery.

  22. Happy Anniversary!
    The best feature is the video tutorials on how to stitch the many different types of stitches. You do such a wonderful job explaining and showing exactly how to do it.
    I would like to see more of the religious embroidery. It's absolutely exquisite. Maybe a small project that we could do along with you. That would be great. Congratulations once again and thank you for providing such a wonderful service.

  23. Wow!! I can't believe 3 years!!I don't post often but read and re-read every day. I guess I would like to see more of your embroidery as well as readers work. I find it very inspiring. I haven't worked anything I feel is ready for public viewing, your blog has helped me improve drastically.

    Christy Sanford

  24. Congratulations on three years!

    I love seeing your projects!

    What about more patterns.

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent!

  25. 3 Years of posts and I have read and enjoyed every one. My favorites are the ongoing details of your own projects.

  26. Congrats Mary on three years. Your blog has given me such inspiration, skills and gotten me "outside my box" many times. Two things come to mind when I think of what I like most: the how-to videos are superb, the stitch instructions are precise and love the patterns you make available.
    I really can't think of a thing you could improve upon. Thank you for the hours of enjoyment you have provided me.

  27. Congratulations on your anniversary!
    I enjoy visiting your blog, as I find many useful informations, tutorials. Thanks to one of your article, I bought some greatful books on embroidery, and I love them.

  28. Congratulations on 3 years. I always enjoy the variety of subjects in your posts. I especially look forward to your posts with links of interest although time seems to go faster when checking them all out.
    My favourite part is the wonderful balance you achieve between words and photos. Wether it's showing a stitch or pointing out parts of interest on a finished piece or presenting a product the photos always enhance it. I"m good at following writtern instructions but it's always a bonus to have a picture to compare to my attempt or for when I have trouble getting my head around something.

  29. Congratulations! Thank you for providing some much useful information and being a wonderful example of what a good blog is. It is really hard to pick just one thing because, I love it all. The inspiration I get from embroidery work you provide pictures of, the recommended books, video tutorials, etc. I think my favorite is seeing your work as it progresses toward completion. Your video tutorial are amazing I would love to continue seeing you build on the library.

  30. Congrats,
    I love the ecclesiatical photos and the comparisons of threads. and of course the photos. Thank you for all your hard work, its a pleasure visiting your site every day.
    Lynn C.

  31. Firstly let's sing:
    Happy birthday to You, happy bithday to You, kappy birthday dear Mary (and, of course, Your blog), happy birthday to You!!!!!
    Thank You for this wonderful blog. Some time ago (maybe half a year) I was saying: noone is reading long text in the blogs. People only look the photos. I was doing the same. But I was wrong. Once I have found this blog and now I am reading and waiting for every new text.
    I love your tutorials and use them wuite often. They are very useful. I also love the ecclesiastical stitching. And other stitching. I cannot imagine if it is possible to want something more. This blog is the most comprehensive I have ever found about stitching. Thank you for this wonderful world of stitching You show for us.

  32. Congrats on the 3 year anniversary!

    What I love about this blog is just the way you write. I love your enthusiasm for embroidery and your dedication to the craft. I appreciate the information you provide, but mostly I just come here to read what you are up to. It`s like visiting a friend for a cuppa and a chat!

  33. Congrats on the 3 year anniversary!

    What I love about this blog is just the way you write. I love your enthusiasm for embroidery and your dedication to the craft. I appreciate the information you provide, but mostly I just come here to read what you are up to. It`s like visiting a friend for a cuppa and a chat!

  34. I really like the structure of the blog — you've really taken the time to create links to other entries so that it's really structured like a real website. Also the stitch guides are awesome.

    (I'll be out of town on Wednesday until Sunday, I hope it doesn't disqualify me!)

  35. First of all congratulations to you, Mary!
    You manage to keep your blog so interesting! You write about so many beautiful and different embroidery things that it's difficult for me tochoose what I like best!
    I do love everything in your blog! Even those thing I think I should never make because I have the right skills.
    As a beginner if you ask what's has been most useful for me I can say the video stitches, of course, and all tips and tricks you talk about, and all recommendations you do. I leanrt so much with you!
    You white work is becoming a beauty.
    I'll be back home when you leave to holidays so have a nice time! Enjoy this break!

  36. Congratulations on your three year anniversary! I really like following your progress on embroidery projects. Your style of writing is so good that it's like being right there with you while you're showing us what you've done. I also like that you blog about a wide range of embroidery styles.


  37. Happy third year anniversary!

    I'm still catching up with all the offerings here, but my favorites are those tips which don't appear in my stitch library: like how to handle loops at the back of your piece!

    I think I love the ecclesiastical embroidery best, though I'm not ready to try any yet (and I'd have to find a church to donate it to.)

  38. Congratulations! I've been reading your blog for about two of those three years, and you've encouraged me to try Goldwork, and silk shading, introduced me to the wonderful world of Therese Dilmont, and given me so much inspiration.

    I love your free patterns, and links to patterns. I'm not much of a drawer, so I use those all the time. I've done several Dillmont patterns, they are very much a favourite.

    Now, because I've learned so much from you over the years, I'm going to celebrate your three year anniversary too, by starting a blog of my own on here.

  39. congrats first!!!!!!

    I love the stitch library, it is so easy to find it on your site, rather than search thru my books. I know it will always be there, and it has helped me many times. By the way, thank you for that!

    What to do in the future, just what you do now, keep us updated with new and interesting things!

    I would love to have a chance to win something!.

    Joanie R.

  40. I truly enjoy all of what you share. If I want to pick one that I enjoy the most it would be the videos. I also enjoyed the celtic alphabet that you worked on through the year.
    Thank you for all the hard work and I am sure enjoyable work to share your knowledge with us.

  41. I haven't been commenting much lately, but I am still reading! I really enjoy the progress pictures of your projects.

  42. Hi Mary, I like your eclesiastical embroidery. I have seen very little of that in other places, and so I enjoy reading about it. My main problem is that I don't know what some of the pieces are used for; I don't know if you can get pictures of the pieces in use or not…
    Jane C

  43. Congratutlations! Three years and with such a following is quite a blogging achievement. I like seeing your projects from start to finish and how to's.

  44. Congratulations! I can't tell you how happy I am to have stumbled onto your blog several months ago. I love the video tutorials, the reviews of work and kits and things as well as your explanation of projects and techniques. I'd love to see more projects at various stages of completion.
    This blog is great!
    Rebekah D

  45. Where to begin…
    I love the pictures of your work with explanations of what you are doing as you go along.
    The stitch videos are also an excellent resource, especially for the more complicated stitches that are difficult to illustrate with just line drawings.
    It would be fun to have some more of your unique designs available, particularly the ecclesiastical ones. The key would be to keep the sidebar pages updated as you add new things.
    As things are, it's hard to imagine an improvement on your work. Thanks for such a great resource and inspiration.

  46. Thank you, thank you, Mary, for your wonderful site! I love your projects and seeing how they progress. And I enjoy having insight into your thought processes as you work through a project. Seeing these projects has inspired me to branch out and try several new forms of embroidery. Keep up the great work!

  47. Congratulations on 3 years! My favorite feature has to be the video tutorial library because I've learned and also refer others to them to learn.
    For the future I'd say keep doing what you are doing!

  48. I like everything about your Blog. I have learned so much from you. You are a good teacher if I can understand what you are trying to tell us. Congratulations for so many posts. Sarahe4e

  49. Mary – congratulations on 3 years. I only found you a year ago, but once I did, you became daily reading.

    What I like about your blog is not just the tips, techniques, reviews etc. What I really like about your blog is that it's a blog about needlework and that's what you deal with. There's not a daily tale of trials with your neighbours, endless discussion (with gory details) of your attempts to get pregnant, or full disclosure of your each and every medical issue. You do bring up your family, your job and other outside issues…but it's not an ongoing negative saga about your rotten life with some needlework thrown in. When you do discuss 'other than' needlework, it's in a more positive vein and you make it a secondary part of your blog.
    If you don't care for some of my phrasing, feel free to edit it or even to not put this into the comments. But I did want you to know (since you asked) that I do appreciate your blog and your focus. It's very refreshing.

  50. Happy Blogiversary!! This site has been the main source of my embroidery education and I think it's been mighty fine so far! I love the video tutorials and seeing how you use the different stitches in various projects that you are working on. Thanks again and again for all your hard work. I hope you have a lovely vacation!
    Miss Bliss

  51. Congratulations on your anniversary. I have only been with you for about a year, but have enjoyed every minute. I especially enjoyed seeing the projects you are working on, what you have been doing with the children, and the reviews

  52. Congrats on three years! Glad to hear you enjoy us as much as we enjoy you. 🙂

    My favorite part of your blog is your projects – it's fun to see such pretty embroidery, and watching you make progress inspires me to make progress on my own stuff. Most importantly, I love how you use your projects to teach techniques, whether it's a topic as large as drawn thread work or as simple as fixing a slip knot. Books are great for learning theory, but from reading your blog I can see how it works in practice – mistakes and all!

    – Melissa VT

    P.S. I suspect the people who show up for the give-aways aren't random nobodys who just want free stuff – I'll bet they're almost all regular readers who just don't have a reason to comment very often. For every comment on a typical entry, there are another 20-100 regular readers who didn't comment. There are more of us than you think!

  53. Congratulations, Mary.
    Actually, I appreciate everything about Needle 'n Thread, and I check in every day. But I guess I especially like how you create community among us. And I love it when you discuss embroidery gear such as threads, needles, fabric, and other supplies. The tour through your embroidery box was my all-time favorite.

  54. Congratulations! I read you on a LiveJournal syndicated feed. What I enjoy most is simply seeing photos and a description of what you are currently embroidering. I also like that if I don't understand how a particular stitch is made, when you mention it in the context of what you're working on, I know I can click over and find a video tutorial that shows me exactly what you're talking about.

  55. Wow – three years! I know I've been lurking here for at least a year, maybe longer 🙂 It's hard to say what I like best – the stitch videos (which is what brought me here originally)…the overviews of different types of stitching…the gorgeous work that you do (making me positively green, of course!)…I guess my answer is I like it all best!

  56. Congratulations on three years! You are so dedicated to keeping the blog updated and full of fascinating posts and challenging projects. I love all of the ecclesiastical pieces. I also like the way you take a pattern and then have a series of posts on threads, stitches, etc that follow to completion. I am thinking about trying out the beautiful Christmas ornament you did (just wish you posted the pattern!). Lastly, I love the way that you have the ability to take complex issues and describe them in simple terms that make it easy for newer stitchers to follow along.

  57. Congrats on three years of fun blogging! I really enjoy seeing the photos of your projects as you go through them, but for me the most helpful part of your blog is the video tutorial section. I would love to see more info about where to buy additional supplies, like the fabric to embroider upon.
    Keep up the inspiring blogging!
    leahisspecial (at)

  58. Happy Bloggiversary!! 🙂

    My favorite part is your video library of stitches! So clear and easy to understand! I have learned how to do so many stitches from you alone and reading your blog has inspired me to do more than just the simple "safe" stitches, like backstitch and such and be a bit more adventurous:-)

  59. Congratulations for a 3-year blogiversary!
    I love the library of stitches and the videos!
    I learned so much since I discovered your blog!
    Thank you!

  60. Congratulations on 3 years!!
    More than a few times your video instructions have helped me figure out a stitch I couldn't do from a diagram in a book. I enjoy your "voice" as you write…always a pleasure to read how your projects are going or to explore places you've found for us to visit.
    Safe trip!

    (Blogger said it ate my 1st messages… sorry if it shows up more than once)

  61. Mary Three years – Wow! Congratulations. What do I like the most? Well I find that difficult to decide , so I will give you a little list
    1.I love just getting up in the morning and looking to see what's new on needle'nthread
    2.I love following your progress on whatever you are stitching
    3. I love your clear – clear instructions and the videos
    4. The book reviews
    5. the generous giveaways – I was so lucky then!
    I think I enjoy following your progress most of all . I feel like I am there looking over your shoulder.
    When I come to write this all down I realise just how grateful I am for the time you spend each day on this blog – thankyou, thankyou from the bottom of my heart!

  62. Congratulations on your three year anniversary! I just recently discovered your blog and I read it daily now. I've seen and learned things I've never seen before. I've used your stitch library already. Thanks for all the resources you keep updated. You do beautiful work.

  63. Congratualtions on three years of an amazing blog! I really think the video stitch library is fantastic – particularly for those of us learning on our own. I've also really enjoyed your links to fabulous embroidery that I would never get to see otherwise – such as the eclesiastical embroidery – that just blew me away!

  64. Amazing! Just think…the time was going to pass anyway…but you gave us all the gift of your blog! Thanks and congrats!
    I am grateful that you are so diligent about blogging. I love the tutorials, the pictures help immensely! The give-aways are so much fun too. I get excited for everyone that wins!
    I really love seeing your work and would love to continue to see it. I would love to continue seeing the examples of other work that you educate us with (the Marian icon work, etc).
    Keep up the great work and have a wonderful vacation! (Hope there is a needle and thread shop on the way!)

  65. Well I have to admit it is my favorite embroidery, I am really enjoying watching you progress with the eccesiatical piece you are working on, I am a loooong time needleart person, but I have learned several new things from watching your blog. Barb in WNC

  66. i just found your site last week, so i haven't seen all there is to see – but i really, REALLY like the videos – and the celtic alphabet has my daughter visiting here, too … thank you for making it easy for us and congratulations on your anniversary!

  67. Ahh, well, Mary, congratulations on three years! I love the fact that you have such a thorough "how-to" site — that is not my strength so I feel no pressure to create on myself, I just refer everyone to you!!

    As for what I personally enjoy the most? Antique embroideries, ecclesiastical embroideries, whitework, goldwork, product reviews — just keep doing what you're doing! It's working! And eat your Wheaties!! We need you to be around for a lot longer…
    warm regards, Susan

  68. I really like your stitch directory, both of them. I would like to see more stitches in the printed list, and lots more video stitch instructions. They are the best learning tool I can find on the internet.


  69. congratulations on three years! I would say i like your sense of humour, the tutorials and seeing your own work the best.and i do like the variety of topics you cover.

  70. Mary I found your blog looking for embroidery stitiches as I am a crazy quilter and also have a love for embroidery, so I would have to say your tutorial library of stitches are the best!!
    I love your works in progress especially your ecclesiastical projects and most of all I love how you point us in the right direction of what to use and also you give us the history behind the projects. You are keeping old arts alive thru your sharing. To be honest, I think in whatever you do, your talent as a teacher, your love of the art, will keep our interest, and as earnest students you have our undivided attention!
    Congratulations on your three years, I am only sorry I have only been here for 6 months, although it feels like I have known you all my life!
    thanks! again and again and again!
    hugs, Kathy K

  71. Happy anniversary! I love the progress reports on your own work…and I especially love the ecclesiastical embroidery!

  72. Hi Mary,
    Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary! It is absolutely the best blog for hand sewing information, bar none. What I enjoy most is seeing your own work. Thanks for sharing.

  73. Congratulations Mary, I thank you for the instructions and the links and knowledge that you share about my favorite subject Needlework. I always look to your blog for inspiration and relief from frustration. Thank you again Gayle in Waco

  74. Congrats on third anniversary.

    I love video tutorials the most and would like to see more of them.

    I also love the updates of projects.


  75. great opportunity Mary!
    I like your posts on the thread painting (something I aspire to do 'one day') I also enjoyed very much your gold work CQ block, and should i happen to win, and that little number is languishing in a draw somewhere, then I could certainly make use of it!

  76. Congrats on three years! I read your blog everyday and credit you for getting me excited about embroidery again! I adore your video tutorials. I had to watch the stem stich video about four times before I got the hang of it, but now I am a stem stich pro.

    I am a college student so seeing more of anything in the 'free' or 'sale' category would thrill me.

    Thank you so much.
    Haley S.

  77. I first stumbled on your site when I was looking for instructions on how to do a french knot. I find your video tutorials immensley useful.

    Although I use those reference videos, what really makes me come back again and again is the updates on what yo're working on. I find the ecclesiastical work inspiring, as well as being introduced to all sorts of types of embroidery I haven't tried before (whitework, drawn thread work, goldwork…)

    I think it is this mix of how-to and eye-candy that really makes your blog

    Keep up the good work 🙂

  78. The best thing i love about this site is that you are very disciplined in writing the blog everyday. And every day, I have wondered how you get topics and taken aback by the varieties of thread works that you discuss on your blogs. I will just pray that you continue doing this work so that i can learn more about needlework from you.
    Also please post some of the new stitches videos. That has helped me a lot.

  79. Hi Mary,
    Many congratulations on 3 years !! Wish many more years to needle n thread. :-))
    I just love everything here – your project pictures, video library of stitches, book & floss reviews, readers embroidery, free patterns that you share & your superb give-aways ! I just like to see all of it. :-))

  80. Congrats on your anniversary! Your blog is really beautiful and there is a lot to learn here. I think I mostly enjoy the video tutorials. Or the patterns. Or the tips and tricks. Oh my, I don't think I can choose!

  81. Happy blogerversary!
    In answer to your question – I found you because of the video library of stitches, I stayed for the blog and the embroidery you post..
    Thank you!

  82. Happy Blog Birthday!

    For myself, I like the video tutorials most, since they are the best way to learn and review stitches. Day-to-day, I like to read progress reports on projects, problem solving, tips, and, well, the stuff you do.

    More? Hmm. Readers' embroidery, links to cool places like Tip.nut's kitchen proverb towel patterns or stitching cards etc. Guest bloggers/interviews – I don't go out looking unless I have a destination…

    That's all I can come up with at the moment. Thanks for a great blog!

  83. Congratulations! I so appreciate your blog. Your video tutorials have helped me more than anything as I'm such a visual learner. You are so good at explaining and detailing each step. Thanks so much.

  84. I truly enjoy the variety of techniues and the nethusiasm with which your teach. I love the references to the books that make you push it one stitch further.

    I would love to see more needle painging and raised work.

    Congratulations on three wonderful years of sharing.

  85. ¡Felicidades! This is what we say in Spanish.
    What I like most is that I always find whatever I am looking for. Your site is a really good encyclopedia for embroidery in general!
    Personally, I think it could be interesting to read posts on South European kinds of embroideries…
    Best regards,
    Catalina Martin (Spain)

  86. Congrats on our three-year aniversary! I like your book reviews. I may be addicted to books, but I like to spend my book money on useful books. Your book reviews have helped me better decisions adding to my library.

  87. Congratulations to 3! 🙂

    I like all the photos of your beautiful work, also the instructions.Your blog is very inspiring and makes me want to sew! Nice to learn new techniques! Thankyou for a nice blog! :)Katarina.

  88. Congratulations for these three years!. I can't stop thanking you for being so kind and generous showing all your knowledge just for free.ç
    I found your site about two moths ago, and love the variety of info you offer and the way you explain it, but what I like the most are your video tutorials. For a learner like me, they are just a treasure that makes you want to go straight to your needle!. So I find that more of these would just be a perfect idea!.

  89. I always get my newsletter a day after it is dated and from the comments on the blog most people seem to get theirs a day ahead of me. However, that is probably the fault of my ISP so I live with it.

    I wish I had known about this three years ago. I have missed out on the first two, but have loved the third.

    What do I like best? All the great photos and instructions. I have been doing embroidery for more years than I care to remember, but am still learning. You remind me that there is more to embroidery than satin, chain, stem, and lazy daisy stitches. I have gotten very lazy over the years and need a reminder now and again. And what to I want to see more of? Less common stitches and ways to utilize them. Thanks for a great blog and newsletter. Lalah

  90. Three wonderful years! Very Best Wishes and Hopes for many more years! I really like the video instruction and the great photos. They are so helpful. Most of all, I like your enthusiasm and your energy, it really inspires me!

  91. Congratulations for three years! I haven't been with you for all that time, but for quite awhile.

    I love that you're from Kansas, where I lived all my life until about ten years ago. I know you're a teacher. You write a terrific blog because you know how to teach and because you have a real desire to share your knowledge.

    I've learned a bunch of embroidery stitches over the last few years and I really like your videos of stitches. It's really helped several times when I was having trouble with one.

    I also like it when you demonstrate how certain types of embroidery are done, like the white work sampler. Even if I'm not working on that kind of embroidery right now, I save it for later if it's something I know I'd like to try. Many times I've gone back to consult this information when I am working on something new.

    Thank you.


  92. Oh Mary! What I like best is your humour!
    And the tutorials,product news, links,information,and more, but without your boundless enthusiasm and generosity, it'd be a dry old place to visit!
    All Thanks to You,Charlie.

  93. Contragulations on your anniversary. You have been very faithful and dedicated – to send something new every day – When I open my computer every morning, if there was no post from you, I would be worried.
    What I like best – your cheery, folksy style. It's like "come-on-in-" sit down and visit awhile. Your instructions are always clear as can be, and never intimidating. I have been inspired to resume my hand embroidery when I retired and wondered just what to do for a hobby. Thank you. Thank you.
    Jean – Canada.

  94. Wow! Has it been that long! Congratulations!
    My favorite part of the site are the video tutorials. I love being able to go right to the stitch I need and watching it, over and over…My girls and I use this feature when we're stuck in a project.
    I'd love to see more ways to fix the mistakes and "bumps in the road" we seem to encounter while stitching. Such as when you showed the slip knot last week. I know it's those little things that drive me nuts when stitching.
    You are able to break things down so simply for us. Thanks!
    Abby Ward in PA

  95. Congratulations on your anniversary!

    There are so many things I enjoy.. lets see.. The videos are most enjoyable and definitely help me to "remember" how to do stitches. I hadn't done embroidery for many years until recently so the videos helped to remind me of just how to do the stitches.

    What I would like to see more of are the supplies you use and the resource lists. For instance, recently I have been trying to find a way to mark my CQ without leaving marks.. Yor info on the Bohn mechanical pencils was just perfect! I have them now after following your link and they work great!

    Keep up the great work!

  96. Looks like lots of folks love the videos. Add me to that list. I cannot tell you how many times I have referred to your instructional videos. You had commented that you were considering scripting what you say instead of "yammering on" as you labeled it. Please don't – continue to yammer. That kind of lateral thinking, creative and not planned is what is best for those of us who think the same way. You say what comes into your mind at the moment which often more clearly describes the special stitch than any planned script. Thank you! Deb in Idaho

  97. Congratulations Mary!
    I really like the videos you've posted along with the designs – very well done.
    I do find it difficult to find things I know I've seen on your blog again… sometimes keywords work, sometimes they don't. Perhaps having subject folders would make this easier?
    In any case, keep up the good work!

  98. Hi Mary, here I am trying again for some free supplies since I'm still a novice and really need everything. Regarding items I'd like to see more of….it would be solutions to common problems that everyone runs into like the "slip knot" you helped us address recently. You have to remember that probably a goodly percentage of your readers are beginners and a simple problem to you experts can cause us to tear out our hair. Thanks again,…Judy in Pittsburgh

  99. Happy Blogoversary!

    I like the video library of the stitches, and also the articles about projects (yours or readers' embroidery alike); they contain interesting techniques, tips and tricks I like to learn.

  100. Congratulations! I love the tutorials – this is my go to place if I can't find something, and I even get a lot of ideas here. Flatwork and crewel are my "things", but I've also done a bit of stumpwork (which I didn't know existed til I saw a review of a book here). Embroidery is an artform and I love to see the variations and interpretations, it's so inspiring (and I'm not above stitching plagarism!)

  101. Wow, there are so many things I really like about Needle'N Thread, but I think the enthusiasm for your work (even when you don't particularly favor a project)is one thing that keeps me reading it daily. Your encouragement to your readers to TRY something, your dedication to helping us improve our skills with you fabulous videos, the links you give us to other interesting sites, the give-aways, and reccommendations for different products that you find especially useful or beautiful all help to inspire me to keep at it even if I get discouraged that a particular project isn't going like I would want it to. You keep me going. What can I say except I am so very glad I came across this site last summer and haven't missed a day since. Thanks for you tireless efforts for all your readers.

  102. Congratulations Mary! What a wonderful accomplishment. I read your blog every day. It's like my morning coffee. My favorite part is when you reveal a completed piece of work. I love watching the progress of a piece, and when you reveal it at the end, it never fails to take my breath away. It is truly inspirational. Thank you for your blog. It is my daily dose of inspiration.

  103. Congratulations! I am constantly
    amazed at the dedication you have
    to come up with a terrific blog
    EVERY day including Sunday. I guess the best aspect, for me, is
    the variety of subject matter. I
    would enjoy seeing a bit more on
    vintage embroidery.

  104. The BEST part of this site is the video library. Yea!! I use it often. The thing I'd like to see is printable stitch guides. I'm disabled and can't sit at the 'puter more than a few minutes. It would help loads if I could print out the stitch or combination stitches and take them to where I can get more comfy. But this is the site I go to more often. Eileene

  105. I am so glad I found this web site. I love the videos. I'm a newby so all info is helpful. Congrats on 3 years!!

  106. Happy Anniversary!! Oh my gosh, has it been three years already? I love getting up in the morning with my coffee and sitting down to my computer with you! I love that you show "what NOT to do" on projects cuz those are usually the things that I do!! Correcting mistakes would be something I'd like to see more of..ha Have a great vacation and hurry back to us!

  107. Hi Mary, Congratulations on your thrid year anniversery!!!!!! I love reading your blog!!!! I would like to see more patterns with the stitches to finish them of. It is a little scary to look at a pattern of a bird and have no idea how to fill it in. At least it is for me lol Well keep up the good work!!!! You are well loved out here VBH Debby Long from Michigan

  108. Hi Mary, I've just gotten your e-mail newsletter regarding what I like best on Needle n' Thread and suggestions on what I might to see more of on the site.

    1. I love, love, love the stitches tutorials (videos). They are thorough and in the best detail I've ever encountered. I'm retired and finally getting the opportunity to satisfy my desire to do lots of needlework and your site has really helped broaden my skills. Your's is the first e-mail that I read in the morning!

    2. It's hard to think of what else you might add to the site to improve it, as it's so good, but I would always enjoy lots of discussion on where's the best place to buy crewel yarn and threads online. I live in a town where there are no places to shop for supplies and rely on the internet for my purchases.

    Have a nice vacation and keep bloggin!!!


  109. I like seeing things that are new to me–also fixing those little mistakes such as the slip knot–those are really helpful! I also enjoyed the storage ideas. Thanks for all that you do–and I hope the weather is better in MN when you are here–cold and rainy today!
    Karen in Breezy Point

  110. Wow, has it been three years already?

    My favorite part is really hard to say—I love the vidoes, but the posts on your projects are great as are the new sites and techniques. I found Trish Burr through this blog and am eternally grateful!

  111. Hi, Mary! Congratulations on your Blog Anniversary!

    The feature I like the most are the video tutorials,and your projects.

    I would like to see more of your projects, more of new stitches and your tips and techniques.

    Have a great vacation Mary!

    regards, Radha.

  112. hi martha, needle n'threadclub


    like the video tutorials…….

    honest comments on everything embroidery…….

    looking forward to contests…….

    have a great one…….

    kiran seth

  113. Congratulations on your successful 3 years. I can see why you've done so well. The site is not only informative but all the photos that are shared make it a wonderful place to browse. I admit, I don't do embroidery work. I know the basics but somehow got hooked on cross stitch. A friend recommended this site since she does do embroidery. Now I visit every day just to see what fantastic work everyone is doing. I simply enjoy the beauty. Keep up the good work. irene

  114. I really enjoy your blog because of your enthusiasm and your encouragement to your readers. I like the inspiration I get from it. Thanks so much. Linda C

  115. CONGRATULATIONS !!!! We are all so thankful to have you and your blog !!! It was with your Video Tutorial for Stem Stitch that I finally got it , this was a little over a year ago 😀 .
    So I have to say that your Video Library of Stitches is what I like the most…followed by when you share the step by step process of your needlework progress.

    I will love to see more of how to fill in shapes with simple embroidery stitches (for beginners like me!)

    I know many needle enthusiasts out there that refer to your blog in search for answers and inspiration… my being one of them !!! So thank you sooo much for keeping and sharing your knowledge and wisdom on needlework with all of us through this blog !

  116. Mary,
    Congratulations on 3 years! Where has the time gone. Your instructional videos are what I like the most of Needle n'Thread. I have learned a lot from them; especially when I was in the middle of a project and a new stitch jumped out at me with no warning. Searched through your videos and viola, there you were showing me how to do it. Thanks so much. Sheila from CA

  117. Congratulations. You should be proud and excited by what you've created! Only three years . . . wow!!

    I love reading your daily postings. Friendly, encouraging and informative. It feels like I'm sitting down for coffee and a chat with an intelligent, enjoyable friend who has similar interests.

    The editor's floss is a wonderful resource. It's a wonderful embroidery library at our fingertips.

    Please continue to add to the tips and tricks. Using super glue to protect your finger — that's a neat trick!


  118. Congratulations Mary!
    I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog. I believe your stitch library is the best anywhere on the web. I have only been stitching for about a year and wouldn't be if not for your library. It has helped me improve what I was taught(very little) by my grandmother at age 9, and also learn new technics, such as starting and endings. With your help I have great enthusiasm and pride in my work which has also renewed my mother-in-law's stitching as well. Thank You for all your hard work. Shelly R

  119. Hi Mary,

    Congratulations on your blog's anniversary. I like each and everything on your blog, however, the best part are the video tutorials and the posts with instructions.

    In the future, i would love to see various embroidery techniques from various parts of the world.

    With lots of love,

  120. Happy, happy anniversary to you and your wonderful, informative, cheerful blog. The best part of your blog for me is the stitch videos. It is so wonderful to be able to watch the stitch being done while I do it. The ability to pause and rewind when I need to is invaluable. You have helped me remember stitches I've forgotten and let me attempt stitches I've never done before. Thank you so very, very much.
    Alice McClelland

  121. Congrats on 3 years! I have cruised the web for needlework blogs, and yours is the only one that I have continued to subscribe to and read every day. I like the variety of techniques and your writing style makes it personable and fun to read. I like the links to other info about the various techniques and have learned a lot since reading your blog – thanks!
    Kathy in Kenai

  122. Mary, you are such a generous person to think of US on your anniversary! Many congratulations!

    I LOVE your tutorials. The one featuring drawn thread work was such a help to me, I actually sat and did this!

    I love how you introduce us to new kinds of embroidery and interesting people all over the world! I just HAD to order a few of Trish Burr's kits! I'm very much looking forward to your tutorial on the long and short stitch.

    How a wonderful, fun-filled and relaxing vacation.

    Marilyn R. in NJ

  123. Congratulations on three years of terrific work. I so appreciated your quick response to my question about goldwork design this spring. That's what I appreciate most about your site – your attitude towards needlework and the whole creative process. You've been – and may you continue to be – a wonderful inspiration

  124. Congratulations, Mary. You should be very proud of your blog. It's the only one I read every day.
    What I like best is hard to pin down – I like everything about it, but I guess my favorite would be the tutorials and the library of stitches. I'm anxiously waiting for the long and short stitch adventure to start. You make learning fun. Thanks so much.

  125. The best thing about your blog…is you!! 🙂

    Seriously, it makes my day to come and see what you are enthused about today; the video tutorials are worth their weight in platinum; your photos are generally not only fun but useful…

    I could ramble on, but it comes down to this:

    Happy BlogBirthday! We love you!

  126. I love the video stitches section. I don't always use all of the stitches when I make an embroidery piece and it is nice to have something to refer to when I try a different stitch that I am not used to. I would like to see more of other peoples embroidery projects. I love looking at others works. Thanks for your website. Keep up the good work! Mary

  127. Hi Mary,

    Congratulations on your Blog anniversary. You have inspired me to try a lot of new stitches and have even given your readers an opportunity to show our work. Love your video tutorials. Thanks so much.

    What I would like maybe a section that would showcase the embroidery styles of different parts of the world that would highlight the similarities and differences of regional embroidery techniques.

  128. Congratulations on the milestone! I really enjoy your blog for the instructions, the looks at techniques that are new to me, the product reviews and the opportunity to see such lovely works. Plus you write well, so it's a pleasure to read. Thanks for sharing.

  129. I love your blog! I especially appreciate the videos, and I would love to see more patterns. Before I found your blog, it was so difficult to get help with embroidery. You are the best resource around.
    Wendy M

  130. 3 years – every day – that is devotion. I look forward to seeing what you have posted each day. Hearing your 'voice' as I read. You inspire.
    The close ups of the stitching – larger than actual for detail and step by step. Your tutorial videos are very easy to follow.
    I appreciate the stitching items that you tell us about – we may not otherwise know some of these wonderful things exist.
    OK – what would I have you add to your blog.. maybe other types of needlework – there are so many. I know that is hard, when they are not your 'thing' but just an introduction or show what others may have done. Such as, Huck, Hardanger, Brazilian, Stump work
    The last give-a-way… I think it wonderful that a 17 year old won. What inspiration for an upcoming stitcher to win a Trish Burr kit.
    Thank you for your devotion, you inspire so many who look forwarad to hearing from you each day
    Sharon – Modesto

  131. I've been reading for awhile and I think I just like to see what you are doing. I also like the in depth reviews and the video library, of course!

  132. Congratulations on 3 years!

    My favorite thing about your blog are the video library of stitches. I have used them over and over. Thank you for taking the time to make them and share them.

  133. Congratulations on your Blog Anniversary! Have only been reading for several months, but have enjoyed reading your blog immensely and learned so much. I especially enjoy following your works in progress because you are specific about details such as which threads, stitches used.
    Have a great vacation. Barb L

  134. Thank YOU for being here! Your stitch videos are THE best and have really helped since I'm fairly new to this. You cover so many techniques that reading your blog gets the creative juices flowing. Your book reviews are also very informative and take me to places I'd never have dreamed of checking out! Thank you so much for your time and work in providing all this to us, and hope there are many more years to come!
    Karen S. in Milford, OH

  135. Congratulations from England on your 3rd birthday. I love your blog and agree with Dragonfly that receiving a post in my inbox is very like a friend with the same interests coming over for coffee and having a good natter.
    I really like the links on your newsletter to websites I would never have known about otherwise. I find myself surfing the net instead of houseworking – sounds good doesn't it.
    Anyway thanks for the newsletter and I look forward to the next 3 years and onward.

  136. Hello and Congratulations, Mary. You do have a beautiful site and generously share it with others.
    My favorite bits are the old embroidery books that you find and post for us. I also love that you connect with very skilled needleworkers who excel at their given area of stitching, and again, share it with us.
    I'm sure most of us also enjoy the little dialect you have with us about your time management and frustrations while working on a project. You seem to bring us right to your work table to watch and learn from you. And it is very sweet to see how you whip up simple gifts that look perfectly hand-wrought.
    Mostly, I love that you DAILY write to us. It is spiritually soothing to connect to a common soul.

  137. I love your blog because you give some historical context to stitchery by including pictures and discussions of stitching and tapestries I will likely never see otherwise. I like that you are very selective of your materials and share your knowledge of their features. I love that you give suggestions for projects for all levels of expertise, and challenge your readers to try new things.

  138. Congratulations, and many happy returns! What I like best are the new ideas you offer for simple/portable/unusual projects. My life is in no shape for long-term commitments to complex techniques. Seeing your ideas energizes me to keep doing small things, trying new things, and not letting the lack of big chunks of time keep me from embroidering at all. I'd like more step-by-step instructions, for stitch mechanics, for project set-up, for finishing, for anything. Thanks again!

  139. Congrats!!! I have never done needlework and you have taught me so much by giving us instructions and I have also enjoyed the videos as well. Thank you so much for sharing and I look forward to reading each and every day. I have learned so much and look forward to learning more. Enjoy your vacation!!!

  140. Congratulations on your 3 years, Mary! 3 years is a long time in cyberspace 🙂

    It is hard for me to pick only one thing that I like best about your blog. From the information you provide, it would be the video library…a wonderful resource.

    From the "blog" perspective, I really appreciate your honest, friendly and informative approach. I love reading your blog because it is excellent.

    I love seeing your works in progress as they help me see what excellent work should look like. They also show me how to fix things. There are lot's of people showing off their work on the web, but not many at all show you how to deal with the unexpected. Thanks

  141. I just recently started following your blog. I just love it. The photos you post are truly inspiring. And your explanations are so clear and detailed. Thanks! I haven't gotten to look at everything yet but so far I love everything. Keep up the good work and have a wonderful vacation!

  142. Congrats on the anniversary!!
    I found you this year and really enjoy seeing your work. My favorite part is the links you provide for shopping. Some things are very hard to find in this small town of mine, so online shopping is my only alternative to some products.
    Thanks so much for all you do.

  143. Happy Birthday!!! I just found out about your website a few months ago and I love it all! I have never seen so much information on embroidery and I look forward to your e-mails daily. Thank you so much and I am so glad a friend pointed me to your site.

  144. Hi
    I have only been a member for the past few months and look forward to the various articles and information that comes in your daily newsletter. My favorite one was the “Framing of your mini embroidery” I loved the content, and how well you explained both in word and photo each step. You made it look so easy that I will take the plunge and try to frame a small piece that I have completed.
    Thanks for such a wonderful and informative newsletter. As for your site what I enjoy the most are the stitching videos.

  145. Congrats! I know this has been a huge undertaking for you, and it's satisfying to see so many good comments.

    My favorite thing – you choose designs and techniques that show the richness and breadth of embroidery techniques, which I really enjoy.

    Just an FYI – I'm pretty sure Wednesday is the 17th. Don't know if that impacts your deadline.

  146. Mary:

    Congratulations on three wonderful years!!!!!!

    What I like best about your blog is YOU!!!

    Whenever I've gotten myself all bumfuzzled and frustrated about any sort of embroidery stitch, etc, I come to you, because you always guide me in the right direction!!

    I can't count how many times I've recommended your videos to others as bumfuzzeled as I!

    My second most favorite thing would have to be the wonderful little chats we all have together when you send out the always informative newsletters. I feel like we are all members of a very special club! LOL!!!

    Carolyn in California

  147. Mary:

    Congratulations on three wonderful years!!!!!!

    What I like best about your blog is YOU!!!

    Whenever I've gotten myself all bumfuzzled and frustrated about any sort of embroidery stitch, etc, I come to you, because you always guide me in the right direction!!

    I can't count how many times I've recommended your videos to others as bumfuzzeled as I!

    My second most favorite thing would have to be the wonderful little chats we all have together when you send out the always informative newsletters. I feel like we are all members of a very special club! LOL!!!

    Carolyn in California

  148. Oh Mary, first let me thank you…If it were not for you I would not still be stitching because when I first started some of the stitches were a little hard for me to do. And since I am a hands on person having the videos has been wonderful, so thank you so much for all your hard work. Now that leads me to the question you asked…I must say the best for me is the videos, the reason why is because you go into every detail of the stitch from threading the needle to complete ting the stitch and that is what I needed when I first started and believe me when I say that I still need. So that would be the most important for me….thanks again and cheers to the next 3 years…

  149. I think your blog is just great and it has really inspired me to start embroidering again. My favorite thing about your sight is the different types of embroidery that you have brought to our attention. I haven't been following you for very long and am surprised you have only been doing it for 3 years. You seem like such an old pro. Keep up the great work!

  150. Your site is a Godsend for those of us that do not have teachers nearby. Bar none, it is your excellent video library of stitches that I like the most. I am a teacher too and am impressed with the quality of the videos. Secondly, I love seeing your work in progress. You are an inspiration. Have a great vacation!

  151. Happy Anniversary. The thing I like best is your discribtions of all the different types of threads and their different uses and also how you encourage us to use them. You are a very good teacher. and mentor.

  152. I'm very much a beginning/dabbling embroiderer who found your site only recently, and what I like so much is the high quality of the photography, and the way it's so easy to clikc around & find valuable information from the past.

  153. Congratulations on your Three Year Anniversary. You give so much of yourself to do this task. I enjoy following the progress of your work, it varies so much and you keep it interesting. I enjoy the reviews of books and products. I look to you as an expert and respect your opinions. Keep on doing what you're doing , its great.

  154. Hi Mary, I am not sure if my comment will make it into the giveaway, as I dont have time to work out the time difference; but I would like to say that I have loved reading your daily blogs.

    My favorite part of the website is the video tutorials.

    I know you have completed the one I asked for, but as yet I have not had time to watch and do any embroidery. My exam is tomorrow (16th June) and after that – well I will be stitching every day.

  155. Congratulations on three years of dedication! I can't believe you could keep up this pace for so long and stitch so much!
    I started stitching years ago, first some stamped patterns for crossstitch and embroidery, then on to crewel embroidery. When I found counted thread work, the rest was left behind. You have piqued my interest once more in embroidery and while I'm still hanging on the fringe and just watching your work, I have ambitions to start again. I love your instruction videos; they are very good! Your photos are also very instructive, so keep up the good work.
    Liz in Tennessee

  156. 3 years! What a milestone, Congratulations to you and to us your readers, we are the ones who receive a gift from you everyday. You are one of two blogs I read on a daily basis. Things I like best and would like to see more of?
    1. Tutorials – they are the best
    2. Progress on your own work – I love reading your descriptions, what you liked, didn't like, what worked and what didn't, what you changed and why.
    3. Reviews of products and books for embroidery.

    Lynn D

  157. Mary,
    Congratulations!I want to say thank you to you. I am a beginner myself, but I have learned so much from your tutorials, photos and videos. I even finished my first monograme and whitework drawn thread embroidery all because of your blog. Thank you so so much and Happy Anniversary!!!

  158. congrats on the three years! I think the part I love the most of your site is the book reviews…nowhere else have I been able to find better reviews (and because of you i discovered Trish Burr!) I really love those posts.

    Here is hoping for many, many more years of web happiness!

  159. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I LOVE your stitch tutorials. I can't tell you how often I refer to them. I must say I am going to revisit seed stitch after seeing your latest piece. So keep the stitch lessons coming.

  160. Hi, Mary,
    Congratulation!! I start reading your blog one year ago, and most thing I love from your blog is Monogram pattern and see the finish Monogram work from you and other readers, hoping can see more of this in the future, well, actually, everything you post on your blog are all very interesting to me , I also love your humor , feel like reading your blog is just like talking to you in person.

    Wishing you have wonderful vacation. Take care.
    Judy H.

  161. Many congrats! You've got a great site, and it's an extremely useful and easy-to-use resource for embroidering techniques and ideas. Thanks for sharing it all with us!

    The feature I love the most on Needle 'n Tread, though, is the frequency of updates. I personally prefer posts with updates on your work, especially in samplers, for it is inspiring to see the different techniques in a finished job. Maybe I'd like to see some projects with more implications from us, like a embroidery-along project, or something of the sort, in which we can all participate, maybe share photos, and so on.

    Another feature I find really really nice is the embroidery for/with kids projects, useful to get ideas to do with the less-big ones!

    But really, this is one of my favorite blogs, so many thanks for the work you put into it!

  162. I am new to this website, but I think it is WONDERFUL! You are SOOOO gifted at this embroidery. You are so helpful and the blogging is so informative. You are a natural teacher and I can't wait to see my email to see what is next!

    Faye Bennett

  163. Happy Anniversary, Mary. I just wish I had discovered your blog much, much sooner. I have always loved to embroider but never had any instruction, so my favorite part is all the video tutorials. Its almost like sitting with you in person and learning the "right", or best way to do each stitch. And then you add all the wonderful examples of how you use these stitches to create beautiful art pieces. I am still totally mystified about all the choices of threads available so always enjoy your descriptions of different threads and their uses. Thank you for such a lovely site, which I look forward to reading each morning.

  164. I read it about the seed stich,it was wonderfull and I love your side.
    I do a lot of needlework,and learn every day.I'm a man of 63 years and you're never to old to learn.
    all regards
    Gaston USA

  165. Congratulations on three successful
    years. I would like to learn more about what
    You are doing. The photos of the white work
    Are spectacular. However I have only done
    Simple embroidery, lots of sewing, & weaving.
    So i don’t even know the terminology. Where
    Could I learn the foundation so I can follow
    Your blog & learn from it? Thank u.

    1. Hi, Lucy – wow! That was four years ago! Time flies! I’d start in the Tips and techniques section, with the beginner embroidery tips. You might check out the how-to videos for simple stitch instructions, too. Maybe pick a simple pattern from the patterns page, just to try out some line stitches and so forth, until you get an idea of what you’d like to try. Hope that helps! -MC

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