
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Access Commodities: They Import Needlework Stuff


Amazon Books

This is a very short post for this morning – I’ve got a longer update of the whitework sampler in the works for this afternoon. In the meantime, I’ve just had one of those “hit yourself in the forehead” moments. It’s like this:

Since long before I started Needle ‘n Thread, I’ve been a fan of certain embroidery materials and accoutrements. If you’ve been following along with me for a while, you probably know that I like Legacy Linen, Au Ver a Soie silk, Hardwick Manor hoops, Gilt Sylke Twist, and real metal threads. In fact, I think that’s a fair assessment of my Favorite Things.

Several years ago – in the days before Needle ‘n Thread – I sought information on these favorites and found out that they are all imported by the same company: Access Commodities. I tried to find out stuff about the company, to contact them, to get information on where to buy, regular suppliers, etc. At the time, I was actually considering a small needlework shop… ha ha.

Anyway, I did happen on their website, which was just the bare bones of a website, and hard to find – it didn’t come up with any ranking on the search engines. I had to dig. But I was only able to contact them by post, and I let the matter lag.

Oh, guess what? They’re now visible online, and I’m so glad to see them! On top of it, they have… (wait for it!) … they have…. a BLOG! Funny how things change….

So, check out the Access Commodities product list, if you want to see what they import. You’ll find pictures of goldwork threads there!

If you want to read a bit of very useful information and see some interesting how-to’s and so forth (with a promise of more information coming) do check out the Access Commodities Blog. There’s a really neat article on there about using a silver melore, among other things.

I’d like to see more of an interactive blog, but I realize that they are probably pretty busy importing things and distributing them to all our favorite shops around the traps. I suppose I’ll just be happy that I found them online. It’s not as if I can order anything from them. But it’s just nice to know they’re there!


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(4) Comments

  1. How great that is to have photos (with standard measure visible) to really compare the different sizes of metal thread. Thanks for sharing the information.

    BTW: as a humorous aside, claiming my mellore from the Royal School of Needlework last summer netted me a conversation with a U.S. Customs agent at Kennedy who had no idea what the word meant. I guess I should have just claimed “asst embroidery equipment!” I’d have saved at least 45 minutes getting out of the airport.

  2. Hi Mary, I love giving anything a ‘really’ good clean. I have been turning out cupboards and boxes since Christmas. The best thing is the Charity shops are so eager to take my unwanted stuff that they send out a van to pick it all up for me. A bonus when I dont have a drivers license. 🙂

    Also, I have been attending a short at university on Jane Austen, mainly looking at theatricality in Pride and Prejudice and mansfield Park. Last Monday, one of the other participants bought in 2 pieces of needlework that are JA inspired. One completed – a triptych of Elizabeth Bennet to the left and Mr Darcy to the right, I can’t remember the centre panel, but it was a minitature piece. The other was an 18thC party scene. The lady was stitching in cross stitch on laguna cloth (even the background) – and it was so fine, I could not see the stitches without my glasses.

    She said she has never worked on aida, and after looking at her work, I am thinking of switching as sometimes aida looks too ‘clunky’.

  3. Hi, Lauren – I was really happy to find the Access Commodities site and blog. I just had to share it with everyone! The gold thread pictures are great – I really hope they continue to post more photos and information on gold threads! I had a good laugh over the airport situation. I'm surprised they let you on the plane with it!

    Hi, Marian! I bet the Jane Austen piece is beautiful! I'd love to see it! Lucky you! Well, admittedly, I'm a JA fan… her books, anyway. There are only a few movies that I really think are exceptional, though today, most of them are at least gloriously costumed! My favorite as far as films are concerned is the 6-hour adaptation of P&P; with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. I thought it was really well done, and the costuming was terrific! Thanks for telling me about that! Yes, I find aida cloth "chunky," too. That's the perfect word for it!

  4. I have a good friend who knows the owner of Access Commodities well. She has always referred to her as a “you never quite know when you’re order will come in”, kind of place. Thanks for the link to the blog. I love it…we have some of the same favorite things *wink

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