
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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The Art of the Embroiderer Museum Exhibit


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Broadbent Gallery at the Kent State University Museum in Kent, Ohio, is currently running an exhibit called “The Art of the Embroiderer.” Here’s some information….

The exhibit features embroidered textiles from around the world, from different eras. The embroidery on some of these pieces is really exquisite – if you get a chance, you must see them!

Here’s a description of the exhibit, according to the museum’s press release:

Over 80 dazzling garments and textiles from across the world spanning over 200 years of creativity and innovation are featured in the Kent State University Museum’s exhibition, The Art of the Embroiderer. From haute couture gowns to Japanese kimono and Saudi Arabian caftans, the exhibition captivates through colors, materials and sheer beauty.

All of the pieces are exquisite, but a few really caught my attention and caused me to linger a while.

This early 19th century Regency period evening dress in ivory silk with goldwork and a detachable train is stunning:

Art of the Embroiderer Exhibit at Kent State University Museum in Ohio

This evening dress, with silk shaded embroidery on ivory satin. The embroidery is not abundant, but I think it’s pretty, and I like the beadwork on the back of the dress:

Art of the Embroiderer Exhibit at Kent State University Museum in Ohio

This blue cape, “made in China for western markets” in the late 19th century, which caught my eye because of the color combinations:

Art of the Embroiderer Exhibit at Kent State University Museum in Ohio

This is the first piece displayed in the online exhibit – it’s stunning! The red is beautiful, and the embroidered apron is really exquisite. The apron is apparently from England, early 18th century, but the whole “outfit” comes from a combination of different origins – worth reading about!

Art of the Embroiderer Exhibit at Kent State University Museum in Ohio

If you are interested in historical embroidery or costuming and you have a chance this weekend to browse the Kent State Museum Exhibit, “The Art of the Embroiderer,” do take some time to look at these gorgeous pieces of embroidered clothing. Make sure to enter the exibition to see the individual artifacts in the collection. If you click on them, you’ll be able to see certain parts of each display up close.

Better yet, if you’re passing through Ohio – or if you live close to Kent (northeast of Akron) – it might be worth stopping in to see the exhibit in person. It runs until August, 2009.


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(5) Comments

  1. Oh My!Such inspiration!All that goldwork!
    Thanks to your site, I’ve an order with Eastern Threads for some gold….I had a lovely chat with Valmai as her e-mailing daughter was away,wonderful to have such worldwide links! Huge Thanks Mary,Charlie.

  2. o what a beautiful embroideryexhibit this must be! We have a Dutch challenge quiltclub and guess what the new theme is? Yes, GOLD!

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