Trish Burr Book Winner Announced!


Amazon Books

Last week, I offered Trish Burr’s newest book, Crewel and Surface Embroidery, in a give-away, and this morning, I drew for a winner…

The purpose of the give-away was two-fold: I’m continuing to reduce my stash and library, and I wanted to post a question on Trish’s behalf concerning her next book.

Now, I know you might think it’s crazy to reduce one’s needlework library – and I agree! But this is actually a duplicate book on my shelf!

Trish was asking what people would rather see, out of two topics, in a new book from her: a book on general needlepainting techniques that could be applied to any needlepainting project, or a book on color selection, and why. Many excellent responses were given – if you’re interested in reading them, they’re at the end of the original article.

And now, on to the drawing. I numbered the entries and mixed them up, then went to a random number generator, and came up with a winner….

FredaB (Freda Butler), who said:

I would buy any book that Trish would write but of the 2 options I would go for option 2. The shading is probably the hardest part for me. I have Trish’s other 2 books and just love to look at them. Plan on working with them this winter in Florida.

Congratulations, Freda!

In order to claim the prize, please contact me before the end of the day on Monday with your address, so I can mail it to you!

Thanks, everyone, so much for participating. Trish e-mailed and said she’s been keeping up with the comments, and she would like to respond, so keep an eye out!


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