A couple years ago, I wrote about a random sampler that I began on a road trip. Lost in the labyrinthine oblivion of my website, I didn’t even have the post available in my gallery. But you know, I liked this piece.
I remember the pleasure I had working random stitches all over the place, doing whatever occurred to me, using whatever thread. There’s a real pleasure in that. It’s just so… random.

I also remember having specific plans for the piece. Hahhahahaha.

It has nestled, neglected, in a basket of other neglected scraps, trials and errors.

But today, I’m resurrecting my Random Sampler! I’m going to go look at it again. I’m going to see if I can make something of it. I’m going to decide if I like it as well in person as I think I remember. And then… if I do, I’m going to finish it into something.
I have no idea what.
Along with that plan, I’ve got a list of to-dos about half a page long. Six of them are needlework & blog related. Seventeen of them are not. I’m not sure why Saturdays are so short…
Some of the needlework and blog related activities:
I’m planning the long and short stitch “classes” or lessons still. I have decided to take Joey’s advice, and work an individual motif at a time, rather than a whole project. And in fact, I’m arranging individual motifs into a sampler of sorts, so I’ll be showing you that soon.
I’ve got to edit a few videos. I don’t even want to think about it!
I have to clean up the studio and get it ready for a guild meeting Monday evening. In the process, that’s when I’ll pull out the Random Sampler.
I will be planning my Saturday afternoon sessions – I’m going to do some Christmas card sessions with the kids on Saturdays over the next couple months, and I’d like to get that going next weekend. I can’t do that without proper planning. So I plan to properly plan today. Besides using designs I already have from books and online sources, I have several card patterns (embroidered cards, you know!) bouncing around in my head. They need to come out on planning paper, and then they need to be tested. So that’s something I’ll be writing up.
I must, today, finish the goldwork project I’m working on. I’ve got to get it in for framing, since it’s a wedding gift and I want it finished on time. So I will finish that today. And take photos….!
I must clean, organize, line up – all the related activities associated with getting ready for upcoming projects. For example, I have to pick out the stitching on the baby booties and get the supplies put together for those and packed into a bag, so I can work on it when time allows and everything will be at hand. I need to assemble all my threads for the Pelican (and that’s a good thing, because I have them scattered hither and thither)…. oh, bother. This is going to be my “junk drawer” category for the day.
Ok. You’re right. I need to face reality: What can I actually accomplish today? I suppose we’ll have to see!
…. I’m thinking I should skip doing laundry …… and do I really neeeeed to vacuum? Heh heh heh.
Have a great weekend!
Well, I have a “hugenormus” list of things to do today, but so far this is the only one I’ve done! I’m afraid all chores go by the board until I’ve read your post for the day, Mary!
Good luck with your list and I hope your consience is disturbed by the thought that you are preventing others from checking things off theirs!!!! 😉
As far as the housework goes at my place, I take off my glasses. If I can still see the dust/streak/stain I get to work. If not, well it’s just not THAT urgent, LOL.
My kids class SO enjoyed the stitched paper cards I trialled after you last posted about them that I’m doing some Christmas themed ones next meeting too. Great minds think alike, hey?
I thought I’d look at some candlewicking designs to use, or make up a couple inspired by some simple applique designs in a recent patchwork magazine. These will be for the kids to give as gifts to teachers, parents etc.
Thanks for sharing, I really appreciated it.
Aargh!! That’s a long list of to do things,Mary.All the best!!!
The random sampler looks great inspite of so much neglect- why not turn it into a journal cover or a padfolio-atleast that’s what I think whenever I see it.
Lots to do indeed, but hey what a beautiful piece of art you have in your basket of neglected work. Too beautiful to keep it there!!!
How pretty! This would make a lovely tote bag to lug library books back in style, or for shopping at the farmer’s market, or for just carrying around the junk we have to take everywhere with us.
I don’t think it is random at all–it’s paisley!
Congratulations on something really pretty. I know you’ll do great things with it.
As for the laundry, I think that can wait until Tuesday. Isn’t Tuesday laundry day?
Jane, the bad influence of Chilly Hollow
Hi dear Mary
Thank you very much for everything you do for us, your readers.
All that I know I owe people like you, who share your knowledge in: blogs, websites, books, classes, etc..
But, you are special!! for your generosity.
A hug
Maria del Valle
First thank you for all of your interesting and informative information you share with your followers. I can imagine the sampler as a panel on a Bohemian looking vest over a cream colored sweater and paired with flowing skirt, boots and don’t forget the big floppy hat to finish the look.
Not sure why I pictured all of that in my head but that is what comes to mind. Have a great week.
Carol in SW IN
Mary, I hope you liked the random sampler after you pulled it out from your basket. It is a beautiful piece of art, no doubt. I can’t wait to see what you make out of it…
Have a great week!
Hi, All –
Thanks very much for your comments and good ideas! As luck would have it, I didn’t pull the sampler out this weekend. I got swamped with other things, and then, when I finally had time to devote to stitching, I didn’t feel quite like rummaging. I’m hoping to rummage this afternoon!!
Thanks again! I’ll keep you posted on what comes of the whole thing!
Best regards,
Mary, I don’t know how you do it! It’s not like I have a terribly busy schedule but I’ve added going to the gym in the mornings to it and now I’m all discombobulated. I’m playing catch-up just to get to my favorite website, Needle’n Thread now!
I am so in love with this sampler of yours here! It sort of reminds me of some of the wild paisley prints of the sixties. I just love it!
Thanks, Jeannine! I should be following your example and heading to the gym, too… but I suppose I’ll settle for the occasional walk. The weather here is so absolutely perfect right now for outdoor stuff!
But I know what you mean about adding something new to your routine. It takes a while to get everything back into coherent swing, if you know what I mean!
Glad to see you still sticking around!