Oh, NO! Needlework Shopping!


Amazon Books

Just a quick line today! For the first time in ages, I have the opportunity to “get out” for a bit – and it just so happens I am going shopping for some needlework supplies! I have to drive into Kansas City (two hours away) to retrieve someone from the airport, so I thought I would take advantage of the trip as an excuse to actually walk in to a Real Live Needlework Shop. It’s been a while! Though I don’t have time to be gone for the Whole Day, it’s pretty exciting. (Doesn’t take much to excite me, does it??)

If you haven’t read this month’s Needlework Stash Give-away post, do read it and sign up! It’s a good book and some nice threads!

Also, coming up tomorrow, I’ve got a book review on a nice book I received yesterday as a gift!

I’m off to shop – I’ll show you what I come up with later!


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(3) Comments

  1. Have fun! I have a local shop that’s fabulous for the basics, but I too have long drives to other shops if I want to see (and touch!) more specialized threads, especially for needlepoint.

  2. It was planned – I have a project I needed certain threads and colors for, so I had to match them up. Plus, I needed a couple sets of frames….

    It didn’t end up being “that” interesting of a trip, and I was kind of disappointed with the selection, but I did get most of what I needed!

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