
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Hand Embroidered Baby Pillowcase – A Kid Did This!


Amazon Books

One of the kids from this summer’s embroidery classes showed me her finished final project, and … golly! I was really impressed. I took some pictures, and I thought I’d show them to you…

This is a baby pillow case hand embroidered by a 13-year-old. I have to admit, I think she did a really nice job.

The last project for the 12-14 year old class was a “pick your own,” and among the blanks I had (some of which were meant more for the adult class!) were some very nice linen baby pillowcases, which I got from All About Blanks. They have a little drawnthread (hem stitched) edge.

So, this student picked her own blank (the pillowcase, for a new baby sister), her own design (which she transferred by tracing it with a light box, using a pencil), and her own colors of thread. When she was finished, she wanted an “A” in the middle of the design and asked me to draw it in for her. That’s the only thing I did on this whole piece – everything else was left up to the student!

Here’s the pillowcase:

Hand Embroidered Baby Pillow Case, Children's Embroidery Classes, Summer, 2008

And here’s a bit of detail:

Hand Embroidered Baby Pillow Case, Children's Embroidery Classes, Summer, 2008

The stitches she used are French knots, daisy stitch, satin stitch, bullion knots, and stem stitch.

Hand Embroidered Baby Pillow Case, Children's Embroidery Classes, Summer, 2008

I think she did a good job on everything, but I was particularly impressed with the bullions (and there are lots of them!) – bullion knots don’t generally fall in the “easy” category.

Hand Embroidered Baby Pillow Case, Children's Embroidery Classes, Summer, 2008

There’s the center motif with the initial. Her satin stitching looks good, too – she worked some French knots on top of the satin stitch on the side flourishes (blue satin stitch, yellow French knots).

The whole design was embroidered with two strands of DMC stranded cotton.

Nice job, Anna!


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(15) Comments

  1. This is absolutely amazing! Anna’s work looks professional! There is no way I could get my bullions to look that good. Are you going to take her as your apprentice, Mary?

  2. I hope that her parents are really really proud – and they have another baby so he/she can use it too (of course, they’ll have to name it beginning with an “A” as well….*grin*)

  3. Congratulations, Anna! Many people much older would find it hard to accomplish this level of work. Just beautiful!

  4. You go, Anna! What a beautiful piece! I love the design and I think the colors are perfect together. I think you were brave too! I’ve been too chicken to even try bullions yet! I’m quite sure my first attempt will not produce something as fine as what I’m seeing on your pillowcase. Thanks so much for sharing your work here, Anna. It’s inspirational!
    – Jeannine

  5. Anna should be very proud of her beautiful piece of work. Of course she had a most excellent teacher! I’m sure Anna’s baby sister will treasure this when she is older. Thanks for sharing it!


  6. Hi Mary, what an inspiration Anna’s work is. My bullion knots are naver that good, but with some practise, I am sure they will be.

    Thank you, and thanks to Anna.

  7. I love this piece…I truly mean that. The colors flow together beautifully and the design is inspiring. Anna has great talent encouraged by an excellent teacher. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Dear Anna,

    Let this be the begining of your journey with the needle and thread.

    It will take you along many roads to a new shop for just that special thread. Then through many wallets that hold the money that you will scrimp on other day to day expenses so you can buy just the right linen or beads for your new project. It will keep you happy when there is not always lots of reasons to smile and give you a good reason to keep the daily grind going, and Anna I pray that you will only ever lay awake at night thinking through how you can improve that section of your design or how the twist of your thread will make that stitch lay just so.

    Such a lovely habit to nurture and cherish. Bless you Mary for starting this adventure.


  9. Hi Mary, would you please pass on to Anna my hearty congratulations on her excellent work. Every part is an inspiration from her original design to her exquisit stitching. Already an natural needlewoman, I think Anna is going to be a very tallented embroiderer.

    Thank you for sharing this with us.


  10. Beautiful Anna…I love this pillowcase…where did you find the pattern? I’m sure your baby sister will appreciate all your hard work when she gets older… You’re very talented!

    1. I think I found that design in a book or something, somewhere. She transferred it by tracing, and I added the A. I don’t recall exactly what book I found it in. That project was done in 2008.

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