In an effort to save my bookshelves from bowing under the weight of the books that I’ve accumulated over the years, I’m going to start giving away needlework and craft books that I don’t use. Many of these books relate to hobbies or needlework crafts different from the ones I normally focus on – and a lot of the books were given to me, so … I figure I’ll just pass them on to someone who wants them! So here’s the first of what will certainly be many give-aways, if people like the idea!
The book featured this week is called Blue Ribbon Quilts by Linda Causee and Rita Weiss. If you like quilting, methinks you might like the book! They’re both brand-spanking new.

As you can see, I have two copies! So, I’m giving both away, to two winners.

The book features full-sized quilts and wall hangings. The projects include a photo of the finished piece, patterns for cutting, and information on assembly techniques.

There are some really neat projects in the book. I kind of like the oceanic one. This might have something to do with the fact that it’s 102 degrees here and I haven’t seen a large body of water in over a year!
So – the details –
Leave a comment below, on this post, answering the question “Why do you want this book?” To leave a comment, you need to be on the Needle ‘n Thread website (not in the feedreader or daily newsletter). Click on the link below this post, where it says “Click to Comment.”
The give-away ends Thursday morning at 4:00 am US Central Time. If you haven’t commented by then, I won’t be able to draw your name!
I’ll announce the winners on Thursday, at which point the winners must contact me with a mailing address. If I don’t hear from the winners within two days, I’ll pick other names.
The books will be mailed the least-expensive rate. For overseas readers, I will mail them air mail, if possible – it depends on the weight of the book. In most cases, they should go airmail, but if not, I’ll notify you.
I plan to run these give-away posts as secondary articles on Needle ‘n Thread, until I’ve dispersed all the books I don’t want. The give-aways won’t replace regular content, I hope! It’ll be a bit challenging to keep up the pace, but – who doesn’t like a challenge now and then? If I fold under the pressure, I suppose you’ll know right away!
Have a great weekend!
I would love love love one of the copies of this book! I am a needlecrafter (redwork and crazy quilting are my bread and butter) but I am just stepping into the world of quilting. I am a voracious reader and learn best from and am inspired most by books and magazines! Any new reading fodder is alway welcome!
Thanks for all the great work and give-a-ways!
My sister entered her first quilt at the fair and took second place. She asked me what she needed to do to win first place…I would love to give her this book to inspire her to go for first place again next year.
What a nifty idea, Mary! It warms my greedy heart. But as much as I lust after free books, I know I’d never put this one to use (good or otherwise) so count me out of the drawing.
I’d just love to have this quilt book. Although I’m primarily doing Brazilian embroidery right now I also love to quilt. (Just not in the summer when it gets so hot here.) I’ve got a lovely quilt on the frame right now and am waiting for cooler weather so that I can get back to it without every fan in the house pointed at me. I find that quilt books are an excellent source of inspiration for many different forms of needlework and most quilts can be enhance by hand embroidery in an almost unlimited way. Thank you for considering my submission.
M-E Crichton
but i don’t want the book for me (yes i would like it but) i would like it to add to a dear friend’s birthday present
she quilts for others and has given hundreds of quilts away
i search for sewing and quilting things that i hope she doesn’t have to say thank you for her giving heart what a treat that book would be and a sure bet she didn’t all ready have
Eileen Morgan
I want one of those books because I have a sewing machine, a load of fat quarters I bought because I couldn’t resist and did want to start quilting, and then I discovered knitting. My poor fat quarters feel very neglected, this book would mean that some of them might get to see daylight again!
For the sake of my poor fat quarters….
Quilting books are a great source of inspiration and encouragement to quilters of all levels. Quilting books also give give hints, tips, and instruction to help improve your quilting and sewing skills. I would love to have this book for the inspiration and the knowledge. Plus all the colorful quilt pictures will lift the spirits on a rainy day. Miss Nancy
Hmm, why do I want this book??
Why DO I want this book?? I ask myself this in the hopes that I can get some inspiration – and to try to forget that I do have a few quilt books on my book shelves, but then, with all those books, I dont have a quilt book that tells me how to make a picture quilt.
Aha!! So, I would like this book because it would tell me how to make a picture quilt as opposed to making a pieced or a whole cloth embroidered quilt.
Good morning, I love books! We hve always lived way out in the country so a good library has never been close by.
So I buy alot of books. I am doing alot of quilting now-have since retirement about 5 years now. I do not hve this book. so yes please add me to the give away drawing Kathy
I would like to have this book because I’m familiar with quilting. This book would help me to enhance my knowliedge of quilting. I enjoy doing creative work and I feel quilting is a good way of bringing out your best in creativity.
Yea! What a rockin giveaway! You KNOW I had to post this one on my blog. 🙂
Inspiration. I have a big case of creative block! I could use the escape since the kids don’t start back to school for another month!
I would enjoy one of the quilt books.Being a mom of many children quilting is my little get-away!I enjoy quilting very much.
tina frye
I love to quilt and don’t own a lot of quilting books, plus the projects in this book look amazing. I could so use this book! Please enter me. Thanks!
I want to win this book because it looks beautiful and I am just getting interested in quilting. Thanks!
I am always on the lookout for new quilting books and this one looks great! I’m not really a beginner quilter but I do have a long way to go. Thanks for offering the books!
Now that I’m retired, I’ve been wanting to take up a relaxing hobby and this seems to fit the bill! The books like a great tool to start my new hobby, I’d love to win them.
I would love this book to share with my Wednesday afternoon quilting group…we are always looking for new ideas. I’ve been quilting since 1976 and can always learn something new…like embroidery! Thanks for doing this.
What lovely books! I love quilting, actually all things fabric. My twin 10 yr. old daughters started sewing with me recently and are working on their first quilted pieces. They would LOVE this. Thanks for the great blog,I really enjoy it.