Back onto my schedule of supplying you with the whole monogram alphabet for your hand embroidery projects, here’s the letter D…
I just received an e-mail from a reader who sent pictures of her latest embroidery project – she used one of the monograms on a dark guest towel, stitched in white with seed stitching and satin stitch. It’s really beautiful. Once I have permission, I’ll post it for you to see, too!
In the meantime, here’s the letter D:

For more monograms from this alphabet, please visit my Index of Monograms for Hand Embroidery.Enjoy!
Favorite Monograms – PDF Collection
You’ll find this complete alphabet – along with 15 other decorative alphabets – all in one place in Favorite Monograms, a downloadable PDF collection of 16 monogram alphabets perfect for hand embroidery and other crafts.

In the photo above, you can see samples of each alphabet available in Favorite Monograms.
Each letter in each alphabet in Favorite Monograms has been carefully traced into a clean line drawing that can be easily enlarged or reduced on a home printer or a photocopier.
The 16-alphabet collection is delivered as via a download link to your inbox shortly after purchase, so that you can begin creating right away! Priced at less than $1.00 per complete alphabet, monogram lovers can’t go wrong with this collection!
Favorite Monograms is available in my shop, here.
Hello Mary, what type of stiches would you recommend to use on these monograms?
H, TJ – if you check out the letter A in this series, I gave some stitching suggestions. Here’s the link: It really depends on the type of project you’re doing. If you’re looking for a “traditional” style of monogram, satin stitch comes to mind.
Hope that helps!
thanks alot
Amo da sempre il ricamo tradizionale, sopratutto i monogrammi, non posso che apprezzare. Complimenti
thank you for sharing these magnificent finds. I am a beginner so I need to know most importantly, how to download this letter “D” and which stitch you suggest for this. Also, how should I transfer the image on the fabric? thank you so much for your help.
I love your web sight.I’ve been doing embroidery
for many years and just the last few years started painting in acrylics and oil. I dearly love your letters , they are beautiful ! I’m going to paint them on canvas boards. I think they will be so pretty on a black canvas board with bright paints. Thank you so very much!
These are beautiful!!! I was wondering can you get them in a Stencil form for painting I would love to put the letter D on my daughters bed I’m working on