July Embroidery Stash Winner!


Amazon Books

It’s always hard to do the drawing for these embroidery stash give-aways, because after I’ve drawn, it’s over, just like that! Each month, I think it would be nice to be able to give every entry a little ‘something,’ but alas, my post office budget alone could never stand the strain! So I went through the normal motions this morning, like this…

The first thing I do when the embroidery stash giveaway is over is type a list of entry names – for the “anonymous” commentors, I put “annon” plus a key word from their post (it’s much easier if you leave a name!) – and then I print and cut the names into small scraps and stick them in a box or bag. This morning, it was a box.

I shake them up…

And I pick one piece of paper from the box…

And the name I picked this morning was….

Chrissy, who likes French knots. Chrissy, please contact me with your shipping information, and that package will go in the mail tomorrow!

Thanks, all, for participating! I think I’ll have to calculate the total number of French knot and chain stitch fans – they seemed to be the dominant favorites!

In August, I hope to do something special for a stash give-away – well, something “special-er” in a Specialty type way. I’m waiting for some information from a couple retailers that I keep in touch with, about a product that I believe is no longer available. But I have extra… so I might it give it to you! We shall see.

I’m still plugging away on my current project, and will post some pictures when I finish the final bits of the part I’m working on now. I’ve also got another whitework project set up that I have to make fast progress on this week. (Looks like I’ll be a slave to the needle for many hours this weekend. Gee. Isn’t that tough?) AND – my mind is jumping ahead about two weeks, when these two projects will be done and delivered, and I can start something COLORFUL and … well, with goldwork on it. At least a sampler of sorts, because….

JoWynn very kindly sent me some Sadi threads to try, and I am going to try them! I’ll show you those a bit later, lined up next to the typical “English” metal threads (2% gold from Benton and Johnson), in a goldwork supplies comparison, with some information on different suppliers around the traps – all in anticipation of receiving my copy of the new A-Z of Goldwork, which I hope to review for you soon (whenever it shows up).

Oh, gosh. And I’ll also finish the monogram alphabet – only a Z left – and start cleaning up the next round of patterns and monograms.

Lots to do over the next couple weeks! Anybody have any particular embroider subject or question you’d like to see discussed as well? Leave a comment and let me know!


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(6) Comments

  1. Congratulations to Chrissy…you lucky girl! I have an interest right now for folk art especially in embroidery and wonder if there is a difference embroidering folk art pieces as opposed to others and is there a history around embroidery that is not commonly known. I love your blog Mary.

  2. Hi Mary, It has been a wet and soggy week in my home town – Dunedin – (South Island of New Zealand) but it could be worse, at least my home is not slipping off it’s foundtions because the ground underneath is becoming a soggy, muddy mess, and it’s not flooded out either. However, it is great weather for soup and embroidery.

    I promised to bring my guide book from Hastin Castle and the duplicate Bayeaux Tapestry, but the scanner is not working today. I will leave the book in my bag and try next week.

  3. Congrats Chrissy!

    Thanks for the contest!! It’s given me inspiration to try a few new stitches! It seems I was pretty plain jane with my stitch repertoire!

  4. Thanks, Marian – sorry to hear about your “wet and soggy” week!! I hope things dry up soon! No worries about the book!

    Kim, I’m glad you’re finding stitches to fill up your repertoire!

    Susan – I don’t know if there are other techniques for “folk art” embroidery. I would imagine the stitches are the same, but the color choices and thread choices might be the difference.

    Thanks for your comments!


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