Embroidery Designer Spotlight: Alison Cole


Amazon Books

I’ve had Alison Cole listed on my embroidery resources and links page for a long time, but now’s a really good time to bring her to your attention specifically, since she has a new goldwork book on the market AND some new releases on her website.

Alison Cole is an Australian specializing in goldwork and stumpwork, and her embroidery business is located Down Under (a fact you have to take into consideration when ordering!) Her website is Alison Cole Embroidery, and if you do nothing else there, you must at least scroll through ALL the pictures of her work! You will be amazed by her artistry!

Alison has produced two books now on goldwork, one that was released last month (June, 2008). The first one is All That Glitters, and the new one is called The Midas Touch. Right now, All That Glitters is available through Amazon here in the States. I’m hoping The Midas Touch will show up soon! It promises to be an excellent book of stumpwork and goldwork projects.

And speaking of stumpwork and goldwork projects, you must check out her new stuff on her website. She offers kits, by the way, and her newly released kits look beautiful and fun. While I haven’t worked any of her kits, you know by virtue of the quality of her own work that they’re bound to be really nice.

I’ve got my eye on the Illuminated Floral. Some day, some day… when the budget allows it, I suppose! It’s stunning, though, isn’t it? I think it would be a blast to work!

I can’t help thinking, when looking at Alison’s work – her kits, her books, her gallery of projects – that she must really love her job!

If you want to check out her book All That Glitters through Amazon, you’ll find it’s less than $20 right now, new… I’ll let you know when the new one shows up!


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(6) Comments

  1. Everything so exquisite!
    Something unattainable for me!

    And, sorry my ignorance, I couldn’t understand what is “stumpwork” not even looking at her kits…

  2. Hi, Meri –

    Stumpwork is a kind of 3-dimensional embroidery. See how the flower petals stick up off the finished pieces? That’s characteristic of stumpwork…

    Hope that helps!


  3. I’m going to HAVE to do one of her kits one day – and i don’t like kits!

    The brocade box, the wisteria?

  4. Thanks, Mary!I’ve never seen such an embroidery – only in pictures.
    I still don’t know how it is named in Portuguese. I’m looking for.

  5. I’m desperately trying to locate the pattern for goldwork gecko but cannot access the web page for Alison Cole. Can you help?

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