
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Bookmarks Hand Embroidered on Felt


Amazon Books

One more week of kids’ embroidery classes for this summer! And as they wind down, I’m taking photos of the embroidery projects from this year. Yesterday, I assembled the last of the finished bookmarks that the kids embroidered on felt, so they’re ready for them to take home. I thought I’d share a couple photos – they’re quite colorful!

These bookmarks are embroidered on wool felt, which is great for kids to work on. It’s sturdy stuff – more so than your typical craft felt. Wool felt withstands a lot of abuse, and still looks great!

I get my wool felt from Wooly Thread, usually, although many of these colors I picked up from Twining Thread before it went out of business. I’m glad I did! The variety of colors was half the fun! But you can find good wool felt at Wooly Thread, in heaps of colors, and in pre-cut sheets. You can also buy sample packs from them, which are great for small projects.

I’ve already gone through the basic instructions for making these bookmarks, so you can check those out if you want. I won’t bore you with the repeat information!

To finish the bookmarks, I used Pellon “wonder under” fusible web, cut to the size of the embroidered part of the bookmark and fused to this part first, then peeled and fused to the back of the bookmark. The back of the bookmark, by the way, was cut on my paper cutter, with the scalloped wheel attached. I’m sure there’s a reason I shouldn’t use my paper cutter that way, but it worked fine. I suppose the corners could be set up a bit better…?? How does one align scallops when cutting with a rotary cutter?

Hand Embroidered Bookmarks on Felt

It didn’t take too long to finish these up – about a half an hour all told – but I was relieved once they were done, because I know the kids are eager to take them home!

Hand Embroidered Bookmarks on Felt

Pretty! Most of the designs are the same. When I was setting up the bookmarks, I free-handed the design on it, and pretty much, it was whatever popped into my head. I stuck with the wavy flower design for the majority of them, because it was easy and because it would give them the opportunity to practice the first five stitches: running stitch, backstitch, whipped stitch, daisy stitch, and French knots.

Hand Embroidered Bookmarks on Felt

I just think the kids did a great job on these, don’t you?

More photos of more projects soon!


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(14) Comments

  1. They certainly do look great, they’ve done a really good job. I’m sure they are all very pleased with their achievement, I hope you are equally pleased with yourself, you’ve done a great job, too.

  2. I found your blog recently and have really enjoyed it. I did hand embroidery as a child and learned ecclesiastical embroidery so I could make clergy stoles for my husband. I did 4 of those 30 years agon and when they wore out I got an embroidery machine to make the next set. I have my Mother’s old books with a lot of monogrma outlines like the ones you have been posting. I love those. I might have to go back to handwork. The information bout how you set up your classes is great, too. Someday I’d like to teach sewing, quilting, whatever, and I like how organized you are. Just wanted to say hello and thanks.

  3. Such a good idea will get my 9 year old started on these, thanks for sharing your ideas. A suggestion for the cottage garden trims – embroider and tie round a jar of pickles/ jam/bottle of wine for a present, or make little bracelets for kids.

  4. Wow, these are pretty, great project and functional! Good gift ideas! I may have to get my 9yo daughter on this, but first, I have to learn myself!
    Thanks for sharing!

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