I’m using this page to create an index for monogram patterns used for hand embroidery. As I clean up some old monogram patterns I have, I’ll post them and add them to this index. I’ll include a picture of one letter, so you can see what the monogram style looks like, and then links to the individual patterns for the monograms. I hope you find these patterns useful and inspiring for your needlework endeavors!
For each letter of each alphabet, there will be a post with a full sized pattern on it. I’ll also include tips on how it might be hand embroidered. The individual letters are links to each full-sized monogram.
Flowered Monograms

Celtic Knotwork Monograms

Fan Flowers

Delicate Spray Alphabet

Daisy & Rings Alphabet

Tulip Alphabet

Floral Script

Favorite Monograms – PDF Collection
All these alphabets – plus many more! – are available gathered in one easy-to-download PDF in Favorite Monograms, a collection of 16 monogram alphabets perfect for hand embroidery and other crafts.

In the photo above, you can see samples of each alphabet available in Favorite Monograms.
Each letter in each alphabet in Favorite Monograms has been carefully traced into a clean line drawing that can be easily enlarged or reduced on a home printer or a photocopier. If printed straight from the PDF, the letters print at 2.5″ high, when choosing “no scaling” or “100%” in your printer settings.
The 16-alphabet collection is delivered as via a download link to your inbox shortly after purchase, so that you can begin creating right away! Priced at less than $1.00 per complete alphabet, monogram lovers can’t go wrong with this collection!
Favorite Monograms is available in my shop, here.
If I remember correctly,you had posted the letter A (a different pattern) sometime before.May be you could add that too to this index.
Mary, the Swappons blog has a bunch of these embroidery booklets. Most seem to be charts for cross stitch but I don't think I've been through all of them yet. http://swappons.oldiblog.com/?page=articles&rub;=47847&nba;=1 Click each booklet to see the contents.
You can also find some on another French blog: les Passe-Temps de flo. This link is for all the posts with the booklets. http://passe-tempsdeflo.over-blog.com/categorie-996455.html
Handmade Adelaide has some of the cross stitch charts too. http://www.handmade-adelaide-baby.com/free-cross-stitch-patterns.html and http://www.handmade-adelaide-baby.com/baby-cross-stitch-patterns.html
Oh I can’t wait for your Celtic Knot in E. Then I’ll have all the letters I need to make a little book for my daughter. Her name is Emma. 🙂 Lovely work!
I posted the “E” for you today, Jennifer!! Good luck with your project!
Hi Mary
I can’t get into the Sajou website for love or money.
Any ideas?
Hi, Marika –
I need to remove that link. Actually, the site is no longer there. I’m not certain why, but I fear it has just lapsed away!
Thanks for reminding me to remove the link!
Oh, I am so happy I found your blog! Love the letters you have cleaned up and they will definately come handy. THANKYOU! Would love that you cleaned up the letters R and K! 😉
We are expecting our 5th Grandchild in April and as they will be naming her Gwyeneth,I need a Celtic “G” desperately! Any Idea when it will be available? Have a great weekend Marika.
Hi, Kate –
Sure, I’ll try to clean up the celtic G this week!
I posted a link to your pretty and free monograms! Thanks
Thanks you for your blog
une brodeuse française
A couple of years ago, I found your sight. My daughter used the "S" initial for the ring pillow, in her September 2009 wedding. She embroidered onto an antique linen doily she found in a shop. Thank you for such a lovely addition to her wedding.
Diana in Indiana
Thanks for sharing your talents! I'm going use your letters on a leather carving project for my daughter along with a celtic butterfly. I couldn't have asked for a better pattern.
Hi Mary,
Could you please put the K M and S up for the Fan Flower Monograms — in your "spare" time, of course.
This series of monograms is out of the ordinary – very lovely.
Thank you.
Sharon in France
Hello Mary,
Just thought that I would offer my thanks for some inspiration that i gained after looking through your posted alphabets, I used this insight into designing a His and Hers monogramed initials, for both my wife and I, and we had them tattoed on valentines day, to mark 17 years of unity.
Many Thanks
¿porqué no pones todo el abecedadio de Fan Flowers?.
Muchas gracias por tu estupenda pag. es todo maravilloso.+
Saludos desde ESPAÑA (EUROPA)
Thank you for your website… although not it’s intended purpose your beautiful work has become a great resource for beautiful tattoos. I have my daughter’s first initial “R” in the flower monogram on my wrist.
Hi! I LOVE this letter “A”… do you have the rest of the alphabet?
Hi Mary,
I Love your flower momogram letters, they are beautiful.
I was wondering if you have any numbers in the same style? i am planning on using them as my table numbers at my wedding.
Hi Nic,
I am also looking for flower monogram numbers for my son’s wedding in May and wondered if you ever found them for your wedding in 2010??
Thanks so much for your help, Simone
Hello Mary,
I love your website and these alphabets!! So pretty. I am planning to make a handkerchief for my best friend for her wedding, with her initials on it. Any ideas as to how the letters should be placed? Or maybe what a good of information on that would be??
Thank you!!
i want to see your blog.emb patterns are too good.want to learn more.
I just wanted to say thanks for the letters, I am an artist and I love doing projects for my daughters. I have two decorations that I am painting to hang on their wall, but I could not figure a way to personalize them, after I found your first font I knew that this was it. I am going to monogram them. THANKS
Thank you. After a long time I am going back to hand embroidery. Your monograms willbe very useful. thank you again.
Hi Mary:
Thanks for the hand embroidery instructions. Just wanted to see if there was a way to do Satin Stitch without the bulk on the reverse side? What I mean is that when one does satin stitch on front the reverse also shows the same lines. thanks.
This “Thank You” is belated–sorry, just found the comment section at the bottom of the page! In December 2010 I used the floral alphabet from Broderie Blanche to embellish quilted velveteen Christmas stockings that I purchased at Macy’s. No printer, no problem. Using gift tissue, I traced the letters on my laptop screen, basted each to a stocking cuff, then tore away the paper to reveal the pattern. Outline stitch using Kreinik braid & standard perle cotton made really nice letters. Thanks for posting!
Thank you for the alphabets. Do you have the rest of them for the fan flowers? I do like to do embroidery, and these are just beautiful.
Hi, Krankymax – I’m afraid I haven’t finished that alphabet yet…. but one of these days….!
i am going to make my parents name’s tattoo with your flower alphabet
letters are beautiful
Hi mary,
thanks for the alphabets. There seems to be no N in the fanflower alphabets. Mine and my niece’s name starts with n and could you kindly put P asap. Its my daughter’s name piolina.
Thanks again
Hi Mary,
These alphabets are lovely. I’m expecting the birth of my first grandchild in two months and I’m wondering when we might anticipate the availability of the Fan Flowers version of the S? Her name is to be Eden Lily Sollimo, so you can see the reason for my request. There are so many of us who benefit from and love your designs – we do thank you so very much.
Hi, Kay – I’ll see what I can do! I’ve been meaning to finish this alphabet for a long, long time! Thanks for the nudge. If I can finish the letter up this weekend, I’ll post it on the site this week. ~MC
I just found your site as I am looking for monograms for the lstters “S” and “W” and love, Love, LOVE the Fanflower letters. WHen will you be finishing the alphabet.
Thanks for your time to reply.
Hi Mary:
I have viewing you video tutorials and found them very easy to follow, thanks a bunch. But would like to know if you sell a DVD of these tutorials?
There are tons of alphabets here. Many are cross stitch, but some are embroidery. Alexandre for example, and some of the 600 series of Sajou.
Mary, I stitched the flowered N for my sister on an embossed piece of suede and it turned out just gawdjus. Made a stuffed heart with a ribbon for hanging. Thanx so much!
hi mary thank you very much for your wonderfull designs
Hi mary~~~~
Thanks for your beutiful embroidary pattern.
When will you finish the fan Flowers alphabet. I need the “S” and “W”
Wow! I just had my first, a baby girl named Alethea and my little sister is due with a baby girl named Geneveve. I love your work and can’t wait to make a little keepsake pillow for each of them with their initial! Thank you so much!
Your letters are lovely. I only just discovered your site via Pintrest but am looking forward to using these lovely letters. Thank you for being willing to share. 🙂
Grazie mille per i meravigliosi disegni proposti.
Adoro l’alfabeto “Flowers fan”, mi dispiace solo che manchino le ultime lettere, spero che in futuro le pubblicherete.
Con affetto
@Carmen: How should I get the patterns to you? I can scan them as jpegs.
How do i orin off just the letters?
I really like your fan letter downloads. I want to use them to make a sampler of my name. I just need the Y. Is there anyway you could post that letter for me? Thanks. Lydia
i love your alphabets. they’re wonderful for embroidery, hand labeling books, engraving on jewelry, even tattoos haha. i was wondering if you were possibly going to be coming out with an old english alphabet? it would be an awesome one to add to your portfolio:)
oiee gostaria de receber todos os monogramas do alfabeto….muito lindo
Que coisas maravilhosas !!!
I love the flower monogram but I am looking for the numbers. I will be using them for table numbers at my son’s wedding. Can you please help?!
Thank you so much, Simone
u r superb
I would love to have the alphbits pattern [all letters, for sure the letter B— THANK YOU.
me encantan todas las manualidades son mi pasion al igual que las orquideas y las bromelias todo esto es muy bello gracias
Dear Mary,
I would like to embroider a monogram for Ann-Louis “A-L” from Flowered Monograms from La Broderie Blanche, 1912.
Please give me some instruction how to create double monogram?
Thank you,
Hello Mary, I want to thank you today for all your lovely posts which I am reading regularly. Thank you also for your wonderful tutorials of stitches. A really helpful tool and so easy to access.
I just copied the letter A – the celtic one – to stitch on a cap to personalize it a bit.
Thank you again.
Have nice Pentecost holidays
Thank you so much!
Muito obrigada, adorei o site. Sucesso para todos da equipe.
Hi Mary
First off thank you for all you do for us out here in stitching land.
I am just about to start stitching on light card a birthday card for my sister who is turning 70 and I thought how wonderful it would be if we had a numerical monogram too, is that expecting too much?
I probably will just go for the letter “J” for her then I though a little 70 in the corner might be nice, I will have a bit of a play myself.
Have a great day, take care.
Wouls like flowered Blanche 1912 Thank you
wow- lovely, and very generous of you, THANK !you
What BEAUTIFUL work….. thank you so very much for sharing your talent with those of us who are ummmmm…. not so talented without a little help from wonderful folks like you. 🙂
Mary, I’m thinking about doing a set of pillowcases with monograms for my Mom for Christmas. I want to do white-on-white. I want to do them with the middle initial larger than the two outer initials. I can take them to Staples and have them reduced or enlarged as needed. My quesion is how to slant the satin stitches when you have different directions. For instance, on the “P”, going across the bottom I’d pretty much go up and down across the bottom, but then what do you do going up the long end forming the long part with the flower in the middle? Do you turn it so you work that up and down, too? I’m not sure I’m being clear but hopefully you can understand what I’m trying to ask.
I found the pretty letter E!
I am new at this so maybe am confused. I want to embroider this on some handerchiefs I bought for a friend.
When I reduce the picture to the size of the monogram, it becomes fuzzy. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for helping this novice.
What stitch do you recommend using? I was thinking of stem stitch.
Yes, I think stem stitch would be great, especially if you are just planning to outline. You can also use stem stitch as a filling – it would be easier than manipulating the satin stitch around the splits in the design.
You’ll need to use the PDF pattern, not the actual image in the blog post. There’s a link to the PDF at the end of the post. When you open it, go to file, print, and then you can reduce the size by changing the percentage in your print settings, under “scale” – you might have to try different percentages to see how it prints. I’d start with 75% and then go up or down from there.
Soy mexicana, me encanta bordar, y estoy intere-
sada en su libro de alfabetos, me encanta las letras de: Flowred Monograms from La Brodiere Blanche l912. Quiero saber si tiene usted un libro
donde existan esas letras, y cuanto es el preccio
Muchas gracias.
This lettering is so pretty, but I am wondering if there may be an ampersand available?
Looking for something with Crowns or Tiaras for a baby princess elegant room
I can not figure out how to print the Flowered Monogram Letters. I think that they are so beautiful. Please help, I do not know what I am doing wrong.
Thank you,
Rose Wingo
The links to the Delicate Spray Alphabet
are missing.
Only the first three letters of that one have been published – and the first three were just published today. I’ll update links later this week. Thanks!
may I please have the pdf for the flower alphabet hand embroidery.I love getting your newsletter so many beautigul things you do. thanks so much hope to hear from you. Vonda wise
you are the best site! I am grateful for all your work and suggestions.
I need a full alphabet of pretty letters. Are these truly free like the web site says?
Yes, they are free! You can use them commercially – not my actual pattern itself (you can’t sell my patterns, that is) but you can make things with them and sell those things if you want. Or you can just use them for your own personal pleasure!
Dear Mary
Your website is just brilliant. I come here for every stitch I need to learn as your tutorials are so clear and easy to follow along with. Without a doubt the best on the WWWeb. Could you tell me please how to print the pattern for the Celtic alphabet? It’s listed as a free pattern but I’m stumped as to how I copy it. Many Thanks
Hi, Sharon – Ahhhh – those were added to the site before I started using PDFs for all my patterns. You can right click on the picture and save it to your computer, and then print it from there. That should work. ~MC
One of your delicate spray monograms was sighted “in the wild” today. I don’t know if Alicia Paulson sent you a photo of her pretty work, but it’s currently the “about” icon on her very lovely blog: rosylittlethings dot typepad dot com.
Thank you for these wonderful alphabets.
I also love monograms.
Thank you very much for these patterns…I want to embroidery some pillow case’s…
FYI – Copyrights last 100 years……
“All works published in the United States before 1923 are in the public domain. Works published after 1922, but before 1978 are protected for 95 years from the date of publication. If the work was created, but not published, before 1978, the copyright lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years.” I’m very careful with copyright….
Hi Mary It is me again. I feel this is a stupid question maybe not because I am so inexperience. I real like some of your fee patterns and I thank you for sharing them with us. my question is how do you know what stitch to pick and where to put it and the same with color? I have been in a guild for five year and all they do is cross stitch. There is nothing wrong with cross stitch I just want to learn more.
Thank you! Sandr
Hi, Sandra – Well, when you have just a pattern and no stitching instructions and colors like you’d find in a kit, your best bet is to think about what would look good, experiment a bit, and practice. Over time, once you’re familiar with the various surface embroidery stitches, you’ll get the hang of what kind of stitches would work in certain circumstances, on certain types of designs.
Love reading and looking at your website. I’m taking the plunge and going to do the Daisy & Rings “R” for my mom as a Christmas gift.
Wish me luck (I’m a beginner)!!!!
Hi, Dana! Good luck with the R – I’m sure you’ll do a great job!
Thank you so much for these monograms. The are wonderful.
Mary,I have been unable to download the W X Y Z monogrammes in the Daisy and Rings alphabet. I have been able to do all the other ones!
Hoping you can help me,
Hi, Jill – sorry about that! I just updated those links! Thanks for reminding me!
Hi Mary,
Do you have any idea if there exists a software for printing out hand monograms? I would like to hand monogram my husband’s shirt pockets but am finding it difficult to find a pattern source online where I can manipulate the font and size without having to pay a company a fee of $12 or $13 per monogram. Do you have any thoughts? Thank you!
Hi, Jennifer – no, I’m not aware of a program that does that. Have you thought about using a nice font from your computer, resizing, printing, and tracing it? That would work!
Amilga, que alfaaaaaaaaaaabetosssssss(monogras) lindos.Gostaria muito de voce me enviasse ,deyse rings alfabetos.
Estou encantada com tamanho carinho.Obrigada por compartilhar, Voce é uma artist,
Mary, We are planning to make an alphabet baby quilt using the delicate spray alphabet. Can I purchase the Monograms? I have never made transfers before and am a little afraid it is going to take ALOT of time! Thanks, Jaye Pryor
Hi, Jaye – they are all available here on the website, and can printed and used for personal use. -MC
hi mary ,
i just wanted to give my friend a gift i thought of presenting a handkerchief stiched s in it so i was searching images in google for the partten i saw the flowered stich of s i saw that partten was posted from http://www.needlenthread.com and i saw the designs and parttens it was lovely i just wanted to thank u for it
Thank you
sowmithra from India
sorry to be a bother love, but you umm….forgot to update the links to the tulip monograms.
Mary, Do you think you could eventually put all the tulip Monograms in a e-book to later purchase. It so much easier to purchase and down it the the pdf to your computer.Than have tons of papers laying around that probably is valuable to me like one of your sets of the tulip monograms. I speak only for myself I am messy with paper and books I want to learn from.
Thank you,
What an amazing collection of artwork! I am pregnant with my first child, and am going to embroider the letters of her name, Eleanor, and hang them in hoops. These letters are gorgeous and I wanted to thank you for creating them. When the project is done, I would be happy to send you a picture if you wanted one.
Would love to see it, Kelly! Congratulations – I think Eleanor is a beautiful name!
I love to look at alphabets! I know you have reviewed many sets of alphabets. I recently ran across “One Hundred Thirty Antique French Embroidery Alphabets” from BookSurge Publishing. The authors, J.F. & F.A. Shepard state “It is our intent that any of the alphabet components may be freely used in either personal or commercial embroidery projects.” Isn’t that wonderful!
I would like to know how I could get the monogram patterns? I am interested in the Daisy & Rings pattern. How much for the pattern?
Thank You,
Sheryl Hysell
Hi, Sheryl – just click on the letters you want. Each letter is linked to, under the A for that letter, and there’s a free downloadable PDF on each page for that letter, with stitching ideas. Hope that helps!
Merci beaucoup pour le partage de vos alphabets, c’est un travail magnifique
Have you ever thought of making a book with all your patterns? I surely would buy it. It sure saves me printing.
Was looking for M-Z of the Floral Script Monograms, but it only goes to the Letter “I”. Please advise. Gloria
Hi, Gloria – I haven’t published those yet, but they’ll eventually trickle out onto the website. If you’re eager to get them quickly, you can find the whole alphabet (plus 15 other monogram alphabets) in this e-book: https://needlenthread.wpengine.com/2016/07/16-favorite-monogram-alphabets-all-in-one-place.html
But yes, eventually, I’ll be publishing the rest of those letters on the website over time.
Thank you Mary!
Mary, há algum tempo não passava por aqui. Que prazer rever o seu site. Tomar conhecimento que está tudo bem e que o trabalho continua a fluir. Desejamos expressar a nossa Gratidão por tudo que você tem disponibilizado para todos.
Votos de saúde, paz e sucesso.
Mary, I am so excited. I just finished my Experimental (actually, I watched your videos and learned new stitches) tried them out on my quilt. The result is I was pushed to a higher quality of stitching and a much better finished product.
I encourprated some script into the title of my quilt. I wanted to practice some of the monograms before I used them in another project. There are sooo many more stitches I want to learn I will never run out of projects!
I want to use monograms to make a Christmas tree shape where a vertical word or name is reflected
beside itself to make the complete shape. A designer, Helga Mandl in Europe designs them, but I want an original name. Do you have any suggestions on how to do this? Trial and error?
I would love to place an order but I see no instructions please inform how I may receive your monogram patterns..thank you..ms Lammers
Hi, Judy – The monograms pattern e-book is available in my shop, here: https://shop.needlenthread.com/product/favorite-monograms Hope that helps!
For the Favorite monograms collection , do you have lower cases alphabet for them?
Hi, Tumai – No, they are simply monograms. Thanks for asking!
Thank you so much for these monograms. I have lots of projects mind for my daughter, daughters-in-law and four granddaughters.