Our embroidery guild worked together to embroidery 24 quilt squares to make into two baby quilts – one for a girl and one for a boy. Then, our talented quilt lady Marlene took the squares and worked them into two darling flannel baby quilts which we will be raffling as a fund-raiser. Here are some photos of the finished products!
I’ve already featured the baby boy’s quilt, which was completed a while ago. Now you can take a look at the baby girl’s quilt!

I took this photo at a bad angle! But don’t you love the border? I love the purple dotted “ribbon” in the corners! Here’s a close up of the corner fabric:

The resolution is pretty poor in that photo, for the fabric is certainly not that “fuzzy” looking! I forgot to take an image of the back of the quilt. It’s backed with a pink and white gingham checked flannel. Both quilts are entirely done in flannel – they’re soft, but not fuzzy, fuzzy, and the quilting gives them a good “stiffness” or body so that they aren’t heavy. They’re just perfect for a baby crib! Here’s a closer view of the bottom half of the quilt:

And here’s the top half:

Isn’t it cute? I love the variety of colors, and the soft sweetness of the whole thing! Just to put them both on the same page, here’s the complete boy’s quilt:

Our next whole group project for the guild is actually a class in silk work. We’ll be working a silk sampler this summer, so I hope to have photos of that as we progress.
Lovely quilts, I will love to have such a great quilt for my daughter! (she just made a comment that we also need one like this:)