
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Embroidery Stitches: Fern Stitch Video Tutorial


Amazon Books

The Embroidery How-To Video Collection here on Needle ‘n Threadexpands again with a video tutorial on the fern stitch. This is a simple stitch that can be used in a number of hand embroidery applications: as a decorative border, as greenery in embroidered flower arrangements, to make curves and lines interesting, etc.

The basic unit of the fern stitch is three straight stitches that converge at the same point. You can achieve interesting and varied effects with the stitch by widening it as you work down the “fern” (or stem), by taking it narrower, by curving it, by overlapping it – play around with it, and you’ll see how versatile it is!


The video for fern stitch is now defunct – but a brand new replacement is coming soon! Reason: when I first started blogging and uploading videos, online video was rather new, and all my videos were hosted at Google Video. When Google merged with YouTube, Google video became defunct, and eventually, all old videos were migrated to YouTube. This one didn’t quite make the migratory journey.

I’ll be updating it soon, though, so what this space!

Thanks for checking back!


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(39) Comments

  1. Mary: Thank you so much for the video tutorials – I have learned more in a couple hours than I could ever accomplish with just a book.

  2. You have made it possible for me to do decorative embroidery on my renaissance corset in just a few minutes! Thank you so much for your wonderful tutorial videos!

    –Maegan K in TN

  3. I am so glad to find your website. I was searching online for a few days for something like it.
    I want to learn a few stitches to decorate crazy patchwork project. Keep up the good work. God bless.

  4. You are truly gifted as well as generous with your time and talent; thank you for sharing. I have books but could not learn the stitches from reading them alone. Your tutorials are just what I needed and I cannot find the words to adequately thank you enough. Betty

  5. Dear Mary:

    I not speak english, but I like congratulations for your blogs, is beatiful, me han servido mucho los videos, ya que estoy aprendiendo bordado de forma autodidacta.
    Existe alguna forma de obtener los libros de Embroidery Stitches 1 and 2 (A-Z), usados, es que en mi pais (Nicaragua), no se encuentra este tipo de libros.

    Bendiciones para ti y tu familia.

  6. I haven’t embroider in years. My mother started some squares for a quilt long ago and never finished it. She recently passed and I wanted to finish for my Dad. Without you videos, I don’t think I could have done it, Thanks

  7. I can’t seem to pull up the video for the fern stitch. Wondering if it is a glitch or if it is operator error. Love your daily posts and the how-to section. I visit them regularly.

    1. Hi, Kaye – The fern stitch video is a bit outdated. It’s on the website, but if you’re trying to view it with an iPad or a similar “new” device, it probably won’t show up. I’ll be replacing it with a new video in the next week or so, though!


  8. The video for fern stitch will not load for me – I have enjoyed seeing these videos so much that I am motivated to start stitching again. Thank you, I hope you get this one fixed…

    1. Hi, Gemma – Unfortunately, this video is now defunct. It didn’t make the migration from the old Google Video platform to YouTube, and it’s one of the few on the website that I haven’t updated yet. I’ll be updating it soon, though – within the next month or so all the videos on Needle ‘n Thread will be completed. Sorry about that! ~MC

  9. Hi,
    you don,t know how glad I am that i found your website. Now i can repair clothes and embroider them.


  10. Mary, We have enjoyed your tutorials so much… My 11 year old granddaughter has just started and she does better than me!… Hurry, hurry and post the FERN STITCH; {LOL} she’s anxious and truth be told, so am I…
    Gail and Riley

  11. I have learned so much in the past with your videos because I learn by watching over and over again and your videos would be with me as I learned at one, two, and sometime three in the morning.

    My neice wants to learn now and I can’t believe that your videos are not up. I really do pray that they come up soon, because I don’t know what I would do with out you nor how to teach my neice.

    you are a great teacher

    1. Hi, Nana – the videos are working on this end, so it might be a matter of updating your software. Sometimes, if software is out of date, you might encounter playback issues. -MC

  12. Mary, this video does not come up for me either – my computer is completely up to date and I can see other videos. Will it play better in a browser other that Firefox? or on a different player than Windows Media? Thanks, I still haven’t figured this stitch (I know it’s an easy one) and have a quilt that I need to repair that uses this stitch. Hoping to see it soon.

    1. Sorry – it’s just the fern stitch video that isn’t working. The rest are fine. Actually, the fern stitch video disappeared when I transferred the videos from their former host, so once I record a new one, I’ll add it. – MC

    1. Hi, Mary – that video somehow got lost in the transition when I moved video hosts some years ago, so eventually, I’ll replace it with a new one – I just haven’t had a chance to do that yet. Sigh…. Hopefully, soon!

  13. I have just started to learn hand embroidering & now I can’t get the Creton stitch any more. Are you not going to show that one any more? I really liked that one , but I always have to follow the video yet. It takes me a while to learn all these stitches. I really love your videos.

  14. Thank you for all the hopeful aspirations you inspire – Just need to practice a whole heap more, but at least with your videos I know how it SHOULD look. Big thank you. Chloe x

  15. buen dia
    me gustaria acceder a los tutoriales de los videos sobre las puntadas. pues quiero aprender a bordar en esta tecnica. Me encanta la labor del bordado.
    Gracias por la colaboracion.

  16. Fern stitch video NEEDED. three straight lines is not enough information.
    “…I’ll be updating it soon, though, so WHAT this space!”
    When is soon?

    1. As soon as I can, I suppose! It’s not as easy as it looks, doing the video and writing the blog, but it’s on my list and as soon as I can, I will update the video.

  17. I looked through your wonderful list of stitches looking for ideas for stitches for a new project. I love the look of the fern stitch, but your video didn’t transfer in the Google/YouTube merger. You indicated in that post you would re-do the stitch video, but I haven’t found it. Do you have plans to post that in the near future?

    1. I do, Sandy – well, “near future” is relative. I’ve been organizing and “re-learning” the whole video editing process, getting new equipment and the like, and in the new year, my concentration will be focused on video again. That’s when I’ll be replacing old videos and adding new ones here on the website. So at this point, it’s after the first of the year for me. The blog is always a work in progress, and with just one person on my side of the computer screen, I can only do so much at a time. But that’s my plan at this point!

  18. No! I just watched this two days ago. Went back today because I can’t remember how you started. Will it be back soon?

    I’m new at embroidery and was struggling until a friend, BJ Sandusky, recommended your site to me. I Love your site! I am actually learning to embroidery! And enjoying it! Can’t thank you enough!!

    Please give me back this stitch.

    1. Fern stitch is gone! Help!! It was there two days ago!

      Love your site, learning to embroidery because of it.

  19. I’m so excited I find your tutorials, I’m definitely a beginner and you make me confident to continue on this new adventure! Thank you! Keep them coming, cause I’m watching and learning.

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