
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Simple Rose Embroidery Design


Amazon Books

Simple hand embroidery designs can be elegant and beautiful, quick to work up, and a pleasure to give as gifts, and this rose design is no exception. It’s pretty, very simple, and would look great on any hand embroidered project – from clothing to household linens, guest towels to curtains, this little design makes an elegant statement. Its simplicity is part of the appeal.

This is a corner pattern. To lengthen the lines, you’ll have to trace and manipulate the repeats.

While colors are perfectly suitable for the design (in fact, I think variegated floss might look pretty nice, with the right color selections), the design would serve well in a single color, too. On guest towels or other household linens, you can add a personal touch with an initial. This would make a great wedding or anniversary gift! (Hint: an easy way to acquire initials for embroidery designs is to check out your computer fonts…)

Click on the pattern for a larger version, then right click to save it to your computer. You can mirror the image for the opposite corner by flipping it horizontally in your photo editing program, or you could turn it over and trace it after printing. Enlarge or decrease the design on your computer or on a photocopier.

What do you think of it, and how would you suggest using it? Feel free to share your ideas with the rest of us!!!



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(21) Comments

  1. I’m hand-embroidering handkerchiefs as thank-yous to the people helping in my wedding, and I’m going to do this little border with a lower-case K for my maid of honor. I’m excited–it looks lovely. I’ve enjoyed your monogram patterns as well! (I have another K bridesmaid, and I’ve already stitched up the K monogram). Thanks!

  2. i love this pattern too. here’s my idea on how to do it I would alternate the roses in shades of red and pink. the bud part of the roses would be one color and the open bud peteals a different color and all in satin stich. I have a thing about incorporating as much color into something as possible. originally i thought it would look cool if a ll colors blended in long and short stich put for some reason i cant do that stich and have it come out looking good… so back to the design…. the vines would be in a dark green with the backstich (thats the one that looks like little ants right?)and the leaves in a lighter green in stemstich. i know it sounds weird mary but in my head i can see it perfect…. i may just make this my next project.

  3. This is a great design, i mixed it with some other patterns of roses and am making a table cloth with it and am doing it in long and short stick with three shades of pink for the roses, its turning out lovely. thanks a lot

  4. dear mary this design is good .can you suggest how do i use this with red and white for the rose petals and golden for the rest of the design on a dark green border.

  5. Mary, I had saved design for using and had not made a note of where I found it. Now that I have, let me tell you how much it is loved: I designed a BOM using the roses for a quilt I have named “Words To Live By”. The quilt design is a “puzzle” to worked out as the blocks are pieced each month. I can send you some pics if you wish 🙂
    Carmen in AK

    1. Hi, Carmen! I’d love to see it! Sounds fascinating! Drop me an e-mail at mary (at) needlenthread (dot) com, if you’d like! Looking forward to it!

  6. Hi!

    I love this design. It almost matches my wedding dress perfectly, and I would like to use it for the edging of my veil… Do you have any suggestions to make it endless?

    Thank you!
    Annie Rose

    1. Hi, Annie – Take the two that are not in the corner (on either side of the corner) and use those for the repeat. That should work! You might try flipping them or turning them here and there, if you wanted a more “random” look in the design. ~MC

  7. Hi Mary,
    Loved the design. Great site. I will be visiting this a lot as a beginner embroidery learner. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I would like to get back into doing more embroidery so I am looking for something that can be done “Block of the Month” style with the theme each month being the seasonal holiday. I don’t want it too complicated, but I cannot yet find anything like this. Do you know of any? I’m sure others would be interested as well.

    1. Hi, Meghann – I think a line stitch would work best, rather than any kind of filling. So, stem stitch, split stitch, backstitch, chain stitch – whatever you’re comfortable with! ~MC

  9. I used this on the corner of a full sized bed quilt that I made for my sweet sister. I had embroidered flowers on 10 inch squares and this was perfect for the corners. The roses looked amazing! Thank you, Mary for sharing.

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