
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Needlework Books


Amazon Books

Here’s my list of needlework and hand embroidery books that I’ve reviewed on Needle ‘n Thread. Books on surface embroidery, cutwork, white work, needlelace, crewel, needle painting, goldwork, and a variety of other techniques are all included, each with a thorough description and review of content.

These are needlework books that I’ve found inspirational and useful, and I hope the review helps you see whether or not a specific book is suited to your tastes and interests in needlework before you make an investment in it.


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(9) Comments

  1. I had an old book that I found at a garage sale (for 25centes!) and I think it was put out by DMC. It was thick and hard covered, and it had all the stitches in it you could ever want and explained with pictures. I lent it to someone and never got it back. Does anyone have any idea what that book was? If you can help, Thanks! Patty

  2. Hi, Patty. DMC did put out a book (over 100 years ago, but still available in reprints) called The Complete DMC Encyclopedia of Needlework. Reader’s Digest also put out a comprehensive guide to needlework – it’s available used and in reprints. They are both large books, and cover a plethora of techniques. I’ll see if I can find a good price out there somewhere and post the link for you. Sorry you lost yours!

  3. I found a Reader’s Digest “Complete Guide to Embroidery Stitches” a few months ago at Borders. It’s a smallish hardcover about an inch thick. Not sure if this is a totally new book or a new edition of the one you mentioned, but it’s readily available and covers a couple hundred stitches, with clear photos and diagrams for every single one.

  4. thanks for the reviews! I do own more than a dozen books which I bought because of the cover and the title, but were totally not worth buying.
    It was the mistake of being unexperienced, when i was starting to build my own library of needlework books. But now, I learn to read reviews, and your reviews are the best!

  5. hi,
    i found this site very useful, but im unable to work by seeing on pc every time, i need one a-z emb book, im in india, can u recommend me any a-z hand emb book which is available in INDIA pls, thanx

  6. Dear Madam,
    Thank you for publishing a good n useful website for us..Can you please tell me where to buy A-Z embroidery book in India. Am the begineer and I wish to learn embroidery..Can you please tell me..

    Thank you

  7. Hi,
    A-Z Books are available in India through Landmark, Strand Book Stall and also through Variety Book Depot.

    Variety Book Depot is the wholesaler for India. The link

    I have ordered books through all the 3 sources and have received the books within a few days.

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