Goldwork & Silk Project Consideration – My Quandary


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It seems that lately, most of the embroidery we’ve been talking about here on Needle ‘n Thread has been fun, kind of casual stuff. The Stitch Fun series – the Hungarian Redwork Runner (yes, I’m still chugging on that) – the embroidered eggshells.

But between all the topics I’ve been writing about lately, I’ve been working out my next goldwork & silk embroidery project.

Among several ideas that have been stewing in the Noggin, there’s one to which I constantly return – it’s this old fragment of silk and goldwork ecclesiastical embroidery.

Goldwork & Silk Tambour Embroidery on Vestment

With a bit of doodling, I’ve come up with a feasible design that incorporates design elements from this piece (and especially the rose) into it, and … I just can’t seem to resist it.

My greatest point of hesitation is that I just did a rose last year, in silk and goldwork. Should I do another rose, or should I do something a little … well… wilder? Out of six working sketches I’m playing with, why is another rose calling me?

Goldwork & Silk Tambour Embroidery on Vestment

The new design is not precisely the same as this, but is based on this rose element primarily. There are some aspects of the old piece that I really like, and would like to incorporate into the new piece. For example, I just love the center pile-up of cut purls pictured above.

Goldwork & Silk Tambour Embroidery on Vestment

I’m not wildly keen on the leaves, though, so I’ve fiddled with them a wee bit, especially in the way they’d be worked.

Goldwork & Silk Tambour Embroidery on Vestment

If you look at the embroidery up close, you can see that it’s a chain stitch filling (actually, tambour work). I like this, but I’m thinking more along the lines of a mix of fillings. I seem to have fillings on my mind lately!

Fillings. Nothing more than fillings….

Goldwork & Silk Tambour Embroidery on Vestment

You might remember when we were talking about this piece last August that I made a charcoal rubbing of the design. I took the rubbing and copied it several times, so that I could mark up the copies a bit. I also made one complete pattern tracing of the whole piece, for safe keeping.

Now, I’m fiddling with the design again, and I think I have something that works.

So. My quandary. And maybe you can help me solve it. Do I, or do I not, do another rose design? Is there really any solid reason you can think of, that I shouldn’t do another rose? Is this design something you would be interested in seeing worked out and re-interpreted? What’s your opinion? As usual, I’m all ears! I will, as always, appreciate your input. If you’ve got any thoughts on the subject, feel free to share them below!


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(114) Comments

  1. Hi,

    I like the idea to see it. An other Gold Work project fascinate me.

    I am also a true fan of the rose design ( I am working, just now, on a project who integrate it)

    In short, please do it 🙂

    Best regards,


  2. Hi Mary,

    I had to smile to myself as I read this post. Funny how we seem to be attracted to the same elements over and over again. I love samplers and find myself buying charts that are different yet similar, ie Quaker motifs. I just love them. Just like you love the rose. While on one hand, I would say, do another motif or element other than the rose, on the other, I would say, if that is what you love, make another rose but change it up.

  3. I would love to see another rose design. I love seeing how you interpret the different designs. This is an area that I struggle with so I think it would be very informative to see another one.

  4. Go for it Mary! All roses are different, we can’t have too many. I’d love to see how you put the design together from beginning to end.

  5. Well, there are many, many flowers in the rose family that would give you an excuse for piled up centres and would let you play with other leaves, buds – or fruit. Bramble bushes with blackberries, raspberries, apples, pears, quince, almond, peaches, cherries,… Strawberries are almost as much of a cliche as roses, but they look good. I have an urge to do a big, shiny buttercup in silky threads one day. While we’re on yellow petals: silverweed has a distinctive grey-green leaf with hairs,there’s cinquefoil, rockrose, the list goes on and on.

    1. So true! I’ve been reading some books about wildflowers lately, and the variety of blooms (especially in the rose family) is astonishing! And I really like the idea of an embroidered buttercup 🙂

  6. Oh, yes, do another rose. one can never do enough roses! I am embroidering roses on my latest project – lots of them.

  7. Mary: If it’s calling you, go with it. Otherwise, it will remain with you as a tiny voice nagging, nagging, nagging inside your head, which will distract you from any other project. Besides, I enjoy reading about your thought processes when you’re designing so much that the actual design is less important. Janet.

  8. Roses are amazing so I say do it. I would love to folllow along with another gold and silk project and I love that design. I haven’t had the courage to try this yet but maybe after you do a couple more. 🙂

  9. If a subject calls to you, why not explore variations on it? It’s beautiful, and there’s no reason NOT to. I look forward to seeing what you do with it. 🙂 count me as one who’s excited to see which filling you use.

  10. A rose by any other name would look as sweet … or in other words, go for it! 😉 The thing is that it may be ‘another rose’ but I’m sure you’re not going to tackle it in just the same way as the last one. It doesn’t matter if it’s a rose, a leaf or a tank engine, if you enjoy doing it and (maybe) explore some new techniques and ideas!

  11. I was agog over last year’s project. I would love to see a new element, but would be just as happy to see more roses too. YOU have to stitch it, I think you better decide! Thanks for all you do.

  12. Dear Mary,
    I loved, loved, LOVED, the rose design from last year it was positively splendid, it was gorgeous and so well done. I would love to see another rose design but obviously done a little differently.
    OR! You could change the rose entirely and replace it with another flower, a passionflower wouldn’t be a bad ecclesiastical design element would it? Whichever you decide I’m be waiting eagerly to see it and watch it all unfold.
    Good luck and as always keep up the great work!

  13. Of course you should work the rose design! What are we, anyway? The Stitch Police? Just like the rest of us, you should stitch whatever tickles your fancy.

    Mary C.

  14. Do it; it will turn out so different than your other one. Besides, you will have a great time working on it, we will be the happy recipients to see your work!

    Happy Spring!

  15. I would say let your wild out Mary and try something new. Plus, I just bought a whole bunch of silk from Mulberry Silks that I am wanting to try out on just the right project. Tudor flowers?….not so much. Since I have your attention-what ever became of the embroidered towel online class?

    Yesterday I stumbled across yours and a guest commentators entry from July 1,2010 about using guaze and wax paper to make a transfer. I thought I might give that a whirl.

    1. ahhhhh…. it’s coming, it’s coming. Well. It’s sort of coming. It’s morphed into a different class, but… it’s coming. It will happen this year!

  16. Hey, if a rose is calling for you, embroider it. Personally I like that piece of old ecclesiastical goldwork. The rose, acanthus leaves, architectural elements and the out shoots off the top of the rose are all appealing. I’d be interested in seeing how you re-imagine it and and what techniques you’d use. So go for it. Remember: if you embroider it, they will read.

  17. Dear Mary, To quote Shakespeare “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” One can never have enough roses and be honest, you really want to do that rose don’t you, so go for it. You can always do another flower later 🙂 Elza Cape Town xxx

  18. Mary, If roses are calling then by all means answer the call. It will be soon enough that another design will call. I was doing a plethora of butterflies until you published the Jacobean piece. Now all I do are filling stitches and am loving it. Must get better at these stitches though.

  19. In my humble opinion, there can never be too many rose designs, and a Tudor rose,which this example illustrates so beautifully, is always welcome.

  20. The project that I am working on now is one that I wanted to do and I am enjoying it but there is another project I would rather be working on. The current one has a deadline so I need to stay focused on it but it is taking ALL of my will power not to start the other project.

    I would say that, unless there is another project that you MUST do, do the rose or it will keep on calling you.

  21. For me, the question would be ‘does this piece stretch my skills and help me learn?’ I think we all have motifs and/ or colors that call our names over and over. And I think that’s a good thing; an indicator of a personal style. So if I were you, I would focus on a rose motif with elements/techniques that challenge your skills in a way that you find interesting.

  22. Mary–

    If the rose is calling you, do it. Our stitching time is too short to spent time on pieces that we’re not 100% enthusiastic about.


  23. As we are about to enter the Easter season here are two thoughts:
    (1) a Hellebore – Lenten Rose (?)
    (2) Easter Lily

  24. You are amazing. I’m sure you will come up with the perfect piece. There’s nothing wrong with making another rose! Maybe you are supposed to play with colors out of your comfort zone on this one!
    Thanks for inspiring!

  25. Hi mary,

    I’d say rose. Because each rose can be different (the filling, the design, etc). Just give it a try.

  26. Hi Mary, this is another Mary (but they call me Gypsy) and I have been fascinated with the goldwork you have been dissecting. I’m fairly new at embroidery and have learned so much here.
    You asked it you should do a rose again. I do know if something keeps “speaking” to me like your rose is, you might as well do it because it will keep nagging you till you do.
    Keep up the good work. I look forward to your posts.
    Gypsy in Illinois

  27. I followed the development of the Marian Medallion and there was so much more to it than the roses. I would love to see a project where the rose was the central theme. I would also love to see the treatment you would propose for leaves as i’m working your simple flower pattern in rayon threads (to test results against silk). Its working up well and i might embellish with some classic goldwork features. I really love goldwork – its a new passion and i took a class last year at RSN, Hampton Court. So bring it on – let your roses bloom with abandon, you’ll have us all agog in no time!

  28. I would like to see what you do with this design. I think several parts of it could be much better. I do not like the rose as it is. The bud at the top needs to be redesigned and I do not like the way the leaves are done.
    From what you have designed in the past, I am sure you can improve upon this whole thing. Go For It.

  29. If another rose is calling out to you to stitch it, why not? You have to do the many hours of stitching, so you can just as well stitch something that you like and want to do. Go for it!

  30. HI Mary,
    One can never have too many roses, whether the real thing, or a rose in embroidery. It will be a treat to have a new gold and silk project to follow along with! There is always so much to learn.

  31. Hi Mary,
    If the rose is calling you, it must be right for your overall design. you could do hundreds of roses and each would be unique in it’s design, techniques, colours and “feeling”. Each time you create an element we learn something new too! It is fun and fascinating to watch your thought process; stops and starts are always full of information which I would never have considered, so although they are frustrating to you I learn SO much!
    If the rose is calling you I say go for it! 🙂 Now I can’t wait to see your start!
    Thank you!

  32. It depends why you’re doing it and who for. If you’re doing it to earn your living you’ll have to do something that meets that criterion. If you’re doing it because that’s what you like doing – best do something you like. I’m sure you’ll find new teaching points from it if you need some.

  33. Witaj Mary, Jeśli myśl o róży jest w Twojej głowie,to posłuchaj tej myśli.
    Popieram – różę.

  34. I love your roses and if you are drawn to them by all means do another. I would enjoy you doing another flower only to see what you would do. I was going through my photos & books of churchs in Europe to give you an idea or two. What did I find…in Rouen, France a church named Saint-Ouen there is a beautiful rose window in the south arm of the transept. It is quite beautiful and I would love to see it embroidered.

  35. Hi Mary,
    I think that a rose is calling, go for it. You can “mix” it up a bit by using different colors or stitching. The shear fact that you keep going back to the design tells you that you should go for it. You won’t be happy until it is out of you.

  36. I think repeating a rose would be fine. I love what you do. I live vicariously thru your fine work. You do things I would likely never attempt to do however something you may say or a stitch or technique or observation you may have or a fiber you mention might just stick in my brain and help me on my needlework journey. You rock Mary ! carry on – Melody

  37. The rose you did before has always been a favorite of mine. But you’ve done many other things like the pomegranate thingy. Someone mentioned blackberries and brambles. I’d love to see how you make those. Me – I would tend to just use beads and call it good. LOL

    I noticed on this piece the petals of the rose were stitching in a whorl. Kind of odd and I suspect you’ll do it differently.

    See how many different biblical elements you can put into one piece. 🙂 You have the fish. LOL

  38. Of course you’ll do another rose! Did anyone ever tell Degas, “enough already with the dancers”? Or say to Keats, “this ode thing, it’s getting old”?

    You are creating another piece of art in your medium, with expertise and passion. And we can’t wait to see and hear all about it!

  39. I always enjoy working with embroidered roses. They are beautiful. I think your interpretation of the piece (including the rose) would be a great idea and something I would enjoy working on in the future. I think you should do what ever you feel drawn to do, and I am sure it will be beautiful.

    1. If you are attracted to roses then become a rose expert! I love trees so I’ve dome many projects of trees and will probably do more!
      Don’t feel you have to do any specific thing to entertain us, whatever you do is valuable for learning, even if I still keep specializing in trees 🙂 Pat in SNJ

  40. Hi Mary,

    Something I’ve always wanted to do, but never had the confidence to design, was a series of ecclesiastical works based on the “O” Antiphons. This particular fragment reminds me of the Dec. 19 antiphon O Radix Jesse…. beginning at the bottom with an old, dead tree stump, with a live branch growing from it, ending at the top with the blooming Messianic Rose… this would incorporate the rose element, with the leaves and branches, but would be entirely different from the roses you’ve shown us recently.

    BTW, as a fairly recent subscriber to your blog, I love the work you do, and the resources you’ve provided, particularly the old ecclesiastical works you’ve found. Thanks for sharing all of your work with us!

  41. I love the very arte noveau frame, but why do such a mirrored (quadrilateral?) centre. Choose another flower – lily or passion flower – but make it more natural, which would give you new scope for gold and silk work! Another idea, why not do an or nue flower within the frame??
    Thank you for allowing me to think outside the box for you!!

  42. I love this piece. Mary, if you feel called to do another Tudor rose, you should do it. I promise, I won’t be bored watching you do another, lol. Especially if you do some other filling work. I love to see your WIPs.

    Maybe you could substitute something for the grapes and keep the rose? I know the grapes have symbolic meaning to the original work, so maybe you can’t.

  43. Mary- I am siding with Janet. Unless you followup on those very loud gut feelings to do another rose, that little voice will continue to chant– do the rose, do the rose!!!
    Cannot wait to see what you decide!!

  44. I am excited about this piece to stitch, however, roses & hearts have been somewhat overdone this year in stitching projects at my end also. Perhaps a Peony, or Daffodil, Hybiscus, or Iris would be appropriate in this piece. On the other hand, if your spirit is embracing the rose, don’t fight it.

  45. Hi Mary!

    I say if the rose based design is ‘floating to the top’ and calling to you then just “go for it”! Sometimes when inspiration hits we just need to follow our muse. 😉

    Besides, I think that a different approach to the same basic foundation element would be a great learning experience for those of us out here watching. Good reinforcement of the idea that there are many ways to approach the same subject. 😉

    Can’t wait to see what you do!


  46. It’s not just a rose you’re thinking of doing again though, is it? It’s a *tudor* rose. So while a continuing theme of general rosiness wouldn’t necessarily enthrall me, I think it would be very interesting to see a specific comparison of different techniques on the same motif, whether it’s a rose or not.

    The Marian rose project was a tour de force both in execution and explanation. If you treat us to a similar journey with this next rosy project, I will be more than content!

  47. Mary,
    Maybe the rose is just your signature design element and you should embrace it and go with it. Having said that, I don’t enjoy stitching anything that is too repetitive of a prior project but you could probably do variations on roses for years with all the different stitches and thread combinations.

    This old piece of needlework is very appealing to me . . . something about the muted colors and the flow and balance in the design.

    I’m interested that the stitching is tambour work. I purchased a tambour hook hoping to try it but haven’t been able to get the knack of it. Do you know of any videos or good texts that demonstrate it? I’ve read that once you’re proficient with it, the work goes very fast.

  48. Hi Mary,
    What is appealing about this rose is the setting. The ovals, straight lines, and leaves on the side bars all in shades of gold/brown let the rose stand out. It looks like a peaceful setting somehow. Color but subdued. Stitch it and let us look in wonder at how you approach it.
    All the best,
    Jacque I

  49. Roses and flowers always seem to be popular subject, but once in awhile something out of the ordinary is more interesting. Doves, Lions, or asymmetical designs also have appeal to a broader audience, especially those of other theoretic / spiritual backgrounds. As well these designs might have opportunities to learn different techniques, utilize and incorporate various materials.

  50. Mary, you should do whatever your beady little heart desires. It’s all good as far as we’re concerned. Whatever makes you happy makes us happy.

    : )


  51. I would LOVE to see what you can do with this rose ! Learning tambour work, I would also LOVE to try it by myself !
    But I am surprised to see the lines worked back and forth, because it’s not the traditionnal way it is done.
    I would like an advice : if you were to do such tambour work, what type of silk would you use ? Even with heavy sewing thread, the thread tangles and the hook (which seems to have his own life not so easy to master !)gets caught in it…

  52. I agree with Patty “Did anyone ever tell Degas, “enough already with the dancers” “,funny but true. Frankly, I don’t care what you embroider I just want to see your work and I’ll interpret and apply it in my own way.
    The audience shouldn’t drive the art, I find those websites boring. I want to be inspired by passion whatever it is.

  53. Hi,

    I think the rose design is a great idea especially for ecclesiastical embroidery. The rose has many symbols from the five petals representing the five wounds of Christ to the red rose being the symbol of the blood of Christian Martyrs. It is also one of the symbols of the Virgin Mary.


  54. I think you should follow your heart on this one and do another rose. It won’t be the same rose so it will involve a different process that I know I will learn from as you do it. It’s been fascinating to watch you dissect the religious emblems. I see my priest’s robes in a new way now!

  55. I think the design is lovely and would love to see it re-interpreted. I can’t think of a single reason not to do another rose. Roses are great! That’s why there are so many of them! Everyone loves roses, they are a classic.

    I’m part of an Elizabethan Stitching Study Group and one of the things we plan to work on eventually is a contemporary use, as opposed to historically accurate use, of traditional techniques, so I’m always interested in re-interpretation of historical designs.

  56. I am still waiting for the patterns for the little projects you teased us with a while back. The bee hive, the sheep in the meadow, etc. Did I somehow miss those patterns? If they are on your site I would appreciate knowing where to look. I do mostly small, quick to finish projects not long drawn out designs that I would never use.

    1. Hi,Karen – they’re being released as an ebook, and hopefully, soon. I’ve been working on it in the background. I have a few more tutorials to photograph for it, and then the final formatting and proofing.-MC

  57. I must admit that I was a bit surprised to read that readers had been saying goldwork is ‘beyond their level’ etc when you posted such entries on your blog as you mentioned in a recent post. People with different interests read your blog for different reasons – those that like Egg embroidery, and those that like to know the finer points of filament silk. So, please do keep posting on such topics. There are so few serious embroidery blogs. Certainly not as educational and thorough as your’s, making it unique.
    That said, your Tudor Rose was so very successful and popular. And shouldn’t you follow your heart? Also, I want to know about the piled purl centre… looks like a really interesting rose to put together – a lot of points of difference to the last one.

  58. Dear Mary – One thing I keep getting from your wonderful writings time and again is to go ahead and try something, and if you love a design enough all the other elements will work their way out eventually (and likely teach you something in the process) 😉 Whatever you decide to work on next, I’m looking forward to reading about it!

  59. i really think you should do what every make you happy.even if its another rose.if you switch you might still be thinking about it.

  60. I would say go with your heart. If you don’t and do something different you will be wishing you had stuck with the rose. Go for it!

  61. By all means, go for the rose. Roses of any
    shape or color cannot be wrong. Once the work is
    finished, you wonder why all the hype over such a
    beautiful flower.

    Best regards,

    LaRue Heflin

  62. Anything you do is super interesting for me!! I love looking at your pictures, especially the Eclesiastical type. 🙂

  63. Have you considered a lily? Would work with ecclesiastical design, have religious overtones, and think of all those lovely velvety petals in a laid silk…

  64. How about a Lily–like a star gazer lily. I think that it would be pretty. I love your emails and all of your tips and hints.

  65. The gold work facinates me. I haven’t tried it yet as I’ve much to learn before I attempt a project. I would love to watch the process and daily progress of your design. That it includes a rose makes it that much better!

  66. Hi Mary, I havn’t studied a lot of reigious pieces ( if this is one) but I don’t know if the rose has any religious connotation, therefore, I can’t see why something else would not be just as beautiful.

  67. Ahahahaha…..fillings, nothing more than fillings……Mary, you always crack me up! A rose is a rose is a rose…..yes, certainly do another rose. I really love the tulips as well. Oh and the Blackwork Fish was really groovy. I love it all!

  68. And what is wrong with roses, pray tell. Good old Wills thought enough of them to write about them. They are a classic and besides, you really wouldn’t make the same rose again, now would you? I didn’t think so. I say, “Go for the gold… Um, rose.”

  69. Dear Mary,
    being a user of liturgical vestments I am interested in your design for a reworking of the old liturgical embroidery. May i suggest a couple of alternatives to the rose as a centrepiece. One is the use of the sunflower – it is an ancient Christian Symbol and to be found on vestments. It would also be great for a combination of silk and goldwork and the central seedbed would be ideal from some raised goldwork. Another example would be a rosette of lily blooms with the stamen/pollen heads in coiled goldwork.
    I look forward to seeing the final design and following your progress on the blog.
    Youyrs in Carmel,


  70. Hi Mary,
    I´m so happy you´re going to be doing another gold and silk project. One thing I´d love to see is a project that includes the embroidery of a figure, especially a face… a Madonna and child, for example. THAT would be AMAZING to see!!!

  71. I am an absolute novice but I am really enjoying your articles. I just wanted to say that the design and the embroidery are absolutely stunning!



  72. Do the rose. I can think of no reason to not do the rose. Yours will not be an exact copy of the one seen here so just go for it. I love each of your emails as I am learning so much. Things I didn’t even know I wanted to learn so–just go for it.

  73. Mary,

    Yes please, I love the outline of the design and would be fascinated to see your stitch interpretation of the whole design including the Tudor rose. The most important reason for doing it is that it is calling you. I couldn’t wait for each email on last year’s project and I believe this new design will have many more interesting elements to follow.

    Best wishes,

  74. Mary,
    You should stitch the subject matter which makes you happy. I know that no matter what you choose, I will first learn a great deal (even if it is another rose). Secondly, techniques used to stitch a rose can be applied to so many other subjects. Whatever you choose, I am looking forward to the next stitching journey you take us on!

  75. It sounds like you are not “Done” with working with rose motifs and images. Quite often, one idea sparks another, and then another, and each one in turn may use the same theme, but is still not static, but follows a creative path that you are exploring. I think ideas evolve and you’re just at some point in an uncharted path along the way. You will know when you are “Done” when you have explored several variations of the same theme and the ideas stop evolving and become boring and unsatisfying and you must choose another theme or motif. In My Humble Opinion. This design is quite beautiful.

  76. I love the idea of another rose. It sounds like the designs you have come up with are centered around the rose. Go for it.
    My personal favorite is the passion flower. This flower has a great ecclesiastical story to it. I would love to see one stitched.
    Great blog. I just found you and I am working my way through the archives.

  77. The rose is OK, I can’t think of anything better right off the bat; in any case, I’m sure all your design choices will improve it immensely. However, I really don’t like the tulip/rosebud (or whatever it is supposed to be) above the rose. It looks like it has lips. Perhaps a cluster of 3 roses instead of the large rose, with an actual rosebud instead of the tulip. I’m not much help. I really like what is outside the lozenge, but I don’t care too much for what’s currently inside.

    I’m sure whatever you decide to do will be amazing. I watched the Medallion project come to life and was overwhelmed by the amount of time and care you put into each decision You’re my hero! 🙂

  78. I agree with most of your commenters – if it calls to you do it! But do it in a way that challenges you – change up the design, new stitches, new threads, new combinations of old stitches and threads. Whatever keeps it interesting, thought provoking and engaging.

  79. When I am drawn to the same motif repeatedly,
    I TRY to do something different. But if I get stuck then I go back to the tried and true. Whatever you do will be awesome. When a historian looks back on your work, he/she will say that this was your rose period.

  80. well, if another rose is calling to you, you might as well do it. You’ll just end up doing it later, so you might as well get to it!

  81. Yes please to another Tudor rose!! It is a favorite motif and if anything could make me venture into goldwork (i`m a sampler nut) it would be the Tudor rose. Your instructions actually have me thinking I might be able to do it!!


  82. Hi, I just had to let you know my feelings on you doing another rose. You should do it. You should always do what inspires you, especially in art. In my crafting I always do what I like, it is my relaxation time so I do what I want. I love to see all your projects no matter what the subject.
    Thanks for your wonderful Blog.

  83. HI Mary!
    I’d love to see another rose! and I like seeing a combination of fun and serious pieces worked at the same time. Why not? Life isn’t one thing or another.
    The piece you show seems to be lifelike and curvy in the central area of the rose and swirls and leaves to it’s side. Nice and compliments the rose. But looking up and down from the rose, the design is stiff and almost pulled straight. If I were approaching this project, I would continue the swirling nature of the center and loosen up the below leaves and above rose bud. My two cents.
    Thanks for the blog, Mary. I enjoy reading it each morning.

  84. Yes, please, if you want to, do another rose. This one won’t be exactly like the other one, and I’m being inspired by all your work.


  86. It would seem to me that you have already committed to reinterpreting this lovely rose design. It is already speaking to you – in fact, it is almost shouting to be done! So, it doesn’t matter that it’s “another rose” – it’s still a challenge wanting to be met. Go for it!

  87. hola Mary bella esta rosa,y tiene opcion a cambiar puntadas,en sus hojas,,,ya veremos uvas ,espigas,en bordado eclesiastico..seguire tu trayectoria,,confio en usted

  88. Dear Mary,

    Every rose is beautiful in it own right and no two roses will be the same….so does it matter if it is another rose. There is no jury here we all enjoy the process as well as the finished object.

    Mary, in another article you mentioned the programmes that you use to draw up your design. What version of Photoshop do you use -the full version CS6 or Elements or is it Adobe Illustrator as I would like to purchase a programme knowning that it will do what I want as you have certainly test driven it.

    I enjoy reading about your passion with embroidery each day. Thank you

    1. Hi, Glenda – I use an older version of Adobe creative suite (I think it’s C4 – I just haven’t updated yet). Unless you’re really familiar with how to use the Adobe products – or really keen to learn – you might want to try first using Inkscape for drawing the vector files, which is free “shareware” offered online for download. The Adobe products are really expensive! Anyway, I use a combination of Adobe Photoshop (well, I mostly use that for photo editing for the website), Illustrator, and InDesign for the work I do, but for the patterns specifically, Illustrator is what I use for the line drawings (though I switch off and on with Inkscape, which is an excellent little program, and free). Hope that helps! ~MC

  89. bonsoir et bonne année
    je reconnais que vous faites des vraies merveille
    j’eprouve un grand plaisir a regarder
    j’adore ce que vous faites est ce qu’on peu commander pour acheter

  90. The ‘only’ solid reason for NOT doing another rose would be if your gut says NO. Having done some work, in my former life, with personality traits, the gut answer as one’side guide is a ‘sensing’ function’ of the personality and is a great guide in making decisions. Hope this helps after-the-fact.
    Jo in Port Royal, SC

  91. I love roses, especially in needlework. I also love that you are doing this historical interpretation and study of ecclesiastical designs. I designed and cross stitched a stole for the 25th Anniversary for my pastor and thoroughly enjoyed working the project. It took many hours to chart the designs and then stitch it then handsew it together so I really appreciate the value of needlework in ecclesiastical vestments and church linens. In short, please do the rose! – kas


    J. WATERS.

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